Cancer smoking lung cancer correlation from NIH

Vectorized version of Image:Cancer smoking lung cancer correlation from NIH.png, originally published on the website. The source page has been deleted, but an archived copy is still accessible.
Own work, created in Adobe Illustrator
326 x 318 Pixel (5733 Bytes)

Correlation between smoking and lung cancer in US males, showing a 20-year time lag between increased smoking rates and increased incidence of lung cancer.

Note - The archived source does not give further info regarding the data this graph was made from. For instance, there is no reason given as to why the graph specifies "(men)", and why women are not included. It also does not specify if the left-hand scale refers to the number of cigarettes smoked on average by the general population studied, or just among the population of habitual smokers. 4,000 per year is more than half a pack every day.
Public domain
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