♀ (symbol Wenus):
- ♀ – w biologii symbol płci żeńskiej
- ♀ – w chemii symbol pierwiastka miedzi
- ♀ – w mitologii rzymskiej symbol bogini Wenus
- ♀ – w mitologii greckiej symbol bogini Afrodyty
- ♀ – symbol astronomiczny planety Wenus
- ♀ – symbol damskiej toalety
Symbol Wenus w Unikodzie odpowiada sekwencji U+2640.
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Venus symbol.svg
Astronomical and astrological symbol of the planet Venus, alchemical symbol of copper, gender symbol for female, and symbol of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus. Also found at Unicode U+2640 (♀).
Astronomical and astrological symbol of the planet Venus, alchemical symbol of copper, gender symbol for female, and symbol of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus. Also found at Unicode U+2640 (♀).