1701 w literaturze

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Wydarzenia literackie w 1701 roku.


Nowe książki

  • Daniel Defoe - The Original Power of the Collective Body of the People of England
  • John Dennis - The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry
  • Lady Mary Chudleigh - The Ladies Defiance: Or, the Bride-woman's Counsellor Answer'd
  • Jeremy Collier - The Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary (tłum.)
  • John Norris - An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World
  • John Philips - The Sylvan Dream, The Splendid Shilling
  • Edward Sherburne - The Tragedies of L. Annaeus Seneca (tłum.)
  • Richard Steele - The Christian Hero, The Funeral. (dramaty)
  • Jonathan Swift - A Discourse of the Contests and Dissensions Between the Nobles and the Commons in Athens and Rome
  • William Temple - Miscellanea: the Third Part (pośm.)
  • John Toland - The Art of Governing by Partys
  • Benjamin Whichcote - Several Discourses (pośm.)

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