21 października

21 października jest 294. (w latach przestępnych 295.) dniem w kalendarzu gregoriańskim. Do końca roku pozostaje 71 dni.

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<<październik 2022>>


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Bitwa pod Trafalgarem na obrazie Auguste’a Mayera

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W filmie Powrót do przyszłości II, Marty McFly, dr Emmett Brown i Jennifer Parker przenieśli się wehikułem czasu z roku 1985 do 21 października 2015 roku.


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Trafalgar-Auguste Mayer.jpg
The actual title of the image is unknown, painted in 1836 by Auguste Mayer, it is suggested that the information about the painting was lost during WWII and it was given incorrect background and title when recovered. The picture is one of six that Mayer painted in 1836 about the struggle and fights of ship of the line Bucentaure during the Battle of Trafalgar (cf. musée national de la Marine website).

The ship in the foreground on right (firing to the Bucentaure) is the British 2nd-rate Sandwich, not present at Trafalgar, actually being hulked for harbour duty at the time. It is therefore generally held that the Sandwich is actually the British 2nd-rate Temeraire, incorrectly titled by the artist, and the dismasted ship in foreground left is the French 74-gun 3rd-rate Redoutable.

Research shows that the French ship in the foreground is actually Bucentaure, as the figurehead is that of Bucentaure, the ship is a two-decker fitting the description and design of Bucentaure and the men clustered around the mainmast fit with the events aboard the Bucentaure during the battle.