A Word with the Wind

A Word with the Windpoemat angielskiego poety Algernona Charlesa Swinburne’a[1][2][3][4], opublikowany w tomiku Poems and Ballads. Third Series, wydanym w Londynie w 1889 roku przez spółkę wydawniczą Chatto & Windus.

Lord of days and nights that hear thy word of wintry warning,
Wind, whose feet are set on ways that none may tread,
Change the nest wherein thy wings are fledged for flight by morning,
Change the harbour whence at dawn thy sails are spread.
Not the dawn, ere yet the imprisoning night has half released her,
More desires the sun's full face of cheer, than we,
Well as yet we love the strength of the iron-tongued north-easter,
Yearn for wind to meet us as we front the sea.
All thy ways are good, O wind, and all the world should fester,
Were thy fourfold godhead quenched, or stilled thy strife :
Yet the waves and we desire too long the deep south-wester,
Whence the waters quicken shoreward, clothed with life.

Utwór obfituje w typowe dla Swinburne’a: Sting and soothe and sway them, bowed as aspens bend or willows; Soft and listless as the slumber-stricken air; Thee they look for, blind and baffled, wan with wrath and weary; Bids the shelving shoals keep tune with storm's imperious metre,/Bids the rocks and reefs respond in rapturous chime.

W swojej recenzji tomiku Poems and Ballads. Third Series, wydrukowanej w Pall Mall, Oscar Wilde krytycznie odniósł się do omawianego poematu, zauważając wprawdzie formalną wirtuozerię Swinburne’a, ale zarzucając mu nadmierną retoryczność i brak wdzięku. Wilde napisał: Verse of this kind may be justly praised for the sustained strength and vigour of its metrical scheme. Its purely technical excellence is extraordinary. But is it more than an oratorical tour de force? Does it really convey much? Does it charm? Could we return to it again and again with renewed pleasure? We think not. It seems to us empty[5]. Omawiany poemat wspomina w swoim studium o Swinburne’ie również Edward Thomas[6].


  1. Algernon Charles Swinburne, [w:] Encyclopædia Britannica [online] [dostęp 2017-03-16] (ang.).
  2. Algernon Charles Swinburne, Poet (1837–1909). PoetryFoundation.org. [dostęp 2017-03-16]. (ang.).
  3. Glenn Everett: A. C. Swinburne: Biography. victorianweb.org. [dostęp 2017-03-16]. (ang.).
  4. Swinburne Algernon Charles, [w:] Encyklopedia PWN [online] [dostęp 2017-03-16].
  5. Mr. Swinburne's Poems and Ballads (Third Series) (Pall Mall Gazette, June 27, 1889.). online-literature.com. [dostęp 2017-03-18]. (ang.).
  6. Edward Thomas: Algernon Charles Swinburne: a Critical Study. Archive.org, 1912. s. 192. [dostęp 2017-03-18]. (ang.).


Linki zewnętrzne

  • Algernon Charles Swinburne: A Word with the Wind. public-domain-poetry.com. [dostęp 2017-03-18]. (ang.).