Abraham Abraham
Abraham Abraham (ur. 9 marca 1843, zm. 28 czerwca 1911 w Nowym Jorku) – amerykański businessman, założyciel powstałego w 1865 nowojorskiego centrum komercyjnego Abraham & Straus, dzisiejszego Macy's.
Ojciec Abrahama – Judah Abraham – urodzony w Bawarii, którą opuścił w 1837, ożenił się z Sarah Sussman i wyjechał do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Zaraz po przyjeżdzie do Ameryki niemiecki emigrant otworzył sklep na Murray Street w Nowym Jorku.
Młody Abraham Abraham był wątłego zdrowia, pragnął być skrzypkiem. W czasie Wojny Secesyjnej wyjechał do Chicago, by zaciągnąć się do armii. Od tego zamiaru odwiódł go jego ojciec. W wieku czternastu lat pracował w firmie handlowej Hart & Dettlebach obok Simona Bloomingdale'a i Benjamina Altmana, zarabiając 1 dolara tygodniowo.
W 1865 Abraham otworzył własną firmę w Brooklynie – Wechsler & Abraham – na Fulton Street 285. Firma ta następnie przekształciła się w Abraham & Straus. Od tego czasu zajął się działalnością dobroczynną. Wybudował Brooklyn Jewish Hospital. W 1890 powstał na St. Mark's Avenue 800 w Brooklynie jego dom; obecnie już nie istnieje.
Filantrop zmarł w Cherry Island, obok Alexandria Bay, w Nowym Jorku. Potomkami Abrahama Abrahama byli Donald B. Straus – wychowawca, pisarz i myśliciel; redaktorka i wydawca Nina Rothschild Utne oraz pisarz i reżyser Arthur Bradford.
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Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licencja: No restrictions
Identifier: volumecommemorat00durs (find matches)
Title: A volume commemorating the creation of the second city of the world : by the consolidation of the communities adjacent to New York harbor under the new charter of the City of New York
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Durst, Seymour B., 1913-, former owner. NNC
Subjects: Lawyers Accountants Physicians
Publisher: New York : Republic Press
Contributing Library: Columbia University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: The Durst Organization
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a housefulof children with whom he spends nearly all his spare time. He has con-tributed numerous articles to the Albany Law Journal, among them TheArrest and Trial of Jesus from a Legal Standpoint, The ConstitutionalLimitations of the Taxing Power, and The Construction of Wills as to theCharging of Debts and Legacies on Kealty. The only office he has ever heldother than that of Supreme Court Judge, was that of Judge Advocate on theStaff of Gen. McLeer of the Second Brigade, to which he was appointedin 1890. A biographical sketch of Edward M. Grout, who was an active factor in theLeague, and the efficient coadjutor of Judge Gaynor, is given in the group ofBorough Presidents in Chapter IV. James Matthews, one of the founders, and the first and only President ofthe League, was born in Brooklyn, March 25, 1839. He is the son of AzelD. Matthews, one of the old dry goods merchants of that city, who started inbusiness in 1837, and is still the head of the firm of A. D. Matthews & Sons.
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r Tlie Consolidation League of Brooklyn. 83 James was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the ageof fifteen entered his fathers store. Under his fathers direction, he receiveda rigid training in sound mercantile methods, and in the course of time de-veloped such a marked capacity for business that he was admitted to the firm,of which he is still an active member, and to the success of which he haslargely contributed. From the earliest inception of the Consolidation move-ment he has earnestly supported Messrs. Stranahan, Dutcher and other lead-ing advocates in Brooklyn, and upon the formation of the ConsolidationLeague in 1892, was chosen its President, which position he held until thework of the League was finished. With this exception he has never heldpublic office, but has always been interested in public affairs. From 1860to 1867 he was a member of the old volunteer fire department, and was one ofthe most enthusiastic and efficient fire laddies of the time. Am
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