
Akershus fylke






Kod ISO 3166-2



4918 km²

Populacja (2019)
• liczba ludności

624 055

• gęstość

126,89 os./km²

Położenie na mapie Norwegii
Położenie na mapie
Portal Norwegia

Akershus – dawny okręg, jednostka podziału administracyjnego Norwegii. Przestał istnieć 1 stycznia 2020, gdy na podstawie reformy z 2017 został włączony, wraz z okręgami Østfold oraz Buskerud, do nowo utworzonego okręgu Viken[1].

Położony był na południu kraju; graniczył z norweskimi okręgami Buskerud, Hedmark, Oppland, Oslo oraz Østfold, a jego południowo-wschodnia granica stanowiła zewnętrzną granicę Norwegii ze Szwecją (Värmland). Zajmował powierzchnię 4918 km², która zamieszkiwana była przez 624 055 osób (2019). Ośrodkiem administracyjnym okręgu było miasto Oslo[2].

Nazwa okręgu nawiązuje do twierdzy Akershus[2].


Gminy okręgu Akershus

Okręg podzielony był na 22 gminy[2].

Gminy okręgu Akershus
(2017 )
1.Norway Akershus - Asker.svgAsker komm.svgAsker100,760 926605,02
2.Norway Akershus - Aurskog-Høland.svgAurskog-Høland komm.svgAurskog-Høland961,216 39017,05
3.Norway Akershus - Bærum.svgBærum komm.svgBærum192,2125 454652,73
4.Norway Akershus - Eidsvoll.svgEidsvoll komm.svgEidsvoll455,824 64754,07
5.Norway Akershus - Enebakk.svgEnebakk komm.svgEnebakk232,510 94547,08
6.Norway Akershus - Fet.svgFet komm.svgFet176,111 66366,23
7.Norway Akershus - Frogn.svgFrogn komm.svgFrogn87,415 735180,03
8.Norway Akershus - Gjerdrum.svgGjerdrum komm.svgGjerdrum82,5670481,26
9.Norway Akershus - Hurdal.svgHurdal komm.svgHurdal285,0290310,19
10.Norway Akershus - Lørenskog.svgLørenskog komm.svgLørenskog70,738 670546,96
11.Norway Akershus - Nes.svgNes Akershus komm.svgNes638,621 68133,95
12.Norway Akershus - Nannestad.svgNannestad komm.svgNannestad340,913 24038,84
13.Norway Akershus - Nesodden.svgNesodden komm.svgNesodden60,319 287319,85
14.Norway Akershus - Nittedal.svgNittedal komm.svgNittedal186,723 545126,11
15.Norway Akershus - Oppegård.svgOppegård komm.svgOppegård37,027 178734,54
16.Norway Akershus - Rælingen.svgRælingen komm.svgRælingen71,417 874250,34
17.Norway Akershus - Skedsmo.svgSkedsmo komm.svgSkedsmo77,254 178701,79
18.Norway Akershus - Ski.svgSki komm.svgSki165,730 880186,36
19.Norway Akershus - Sørum.svgSørum komm.svgSørum206,817 98086,94
20.Norway Akershus - Ullensaker.svgUllensaker komm.svgUllensaker251,636 576145,37
21.Norway Akershus - Vestby.svgVestby komm.svgVestby133,517 486130,98
22.Norway Akershus - Ås.svgÅs komm.svgÅs102,820 084195,37
Akershus 4918614 026124,85


  1. Ole T. Berg i inni, Fylke, [w:] Store Norske leksikon [online] [dostęp 2022-03-20] (norw. bokmål).
  2. a b c Svein Askheim, Geir Thorsnæs, Akershus (tidligere fylke), [w:] Store Norske leksikon [online] [dostęp 2022-03-20] (norw. bokmål).

Linki zewnętrzne

Media użyte na tej stronie

Lørenskog komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Lørenskog, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Asker.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Asker in Akershus County in Norway
Oppegård komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Oppegård, Akershus.
Sørum komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Sørum, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Vestby.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Vestby in Akershus County in Norway
Norway Akershus - Ås.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Ås in Akershus County in Norway
Norway Akershus - Ullensaker.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Ullensaker in Akershus County in Norway
Norway Akershus - Skedsmo.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Skedsmo in Akershus County in Norway
Norway Akershus - Nannestad.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Nannestad in Akershus County in Norway
Nittedal komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Nittedal, Akershus.
Ullensaker komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Ullensaker, Norway.
Asker komm.svg
Coat of arms for the municipality of Asker, Norway.
Skedsmo komm.svg
Coat of arms for the municipality of Skedsmo (kommune), Norway.
Norway Akershus - Nes.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Nes in Akershus County in Norway
Ås komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Ås, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Enebakk.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Enebakk in Akershus County in Norway
Norway Akershus - Hurdal.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Hurdal in Akershus County in Norway
Hurdal komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Hurdal, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Sørum.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Sørum in Akershus County in Norway
Rælingen komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Rælingen, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Nesodden.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Nesodden in Akershus County in Norway
Fet komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Fet, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Lørenskog.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Lørenskog in Akershus County in Norway
Enebakk komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Enebakk, Akershus.
Frogn komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Frogn, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Nittedal.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Nittedal in Akershus County in Norway
Ski komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Ski, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Eidsvoll.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Eidsvoll in Akershus County in Norway
Eidsvoll komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Eidsvoll, Akershus.
Vestby komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Vestby, Akershus.
Oslo from east IMG 7642 aerial.JPG
Autor: Bjoertvedt, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Aerial view of Central Oslo, from the northeast towards the southwest.
Akershus municipalities.svg
Autor: Rarelibra, Licencja: CC0
Vector version of File:Akershus municipalities.png

Map of the municipalities of Akershus county in Norway. Created by Rarelibra 16:22, 20 March 2007 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.

Vector version by Asav using Vector Magic and Inkscape.
Norway Akershus - Rælingen.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Rælingen in Akershus County in Norway
Aurskog-Høland komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Aurskog-Høland, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Aurskog-Høland.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Aurskog-Høland in Akershus County in Norway
Norway Akershus - Frogn.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Frogn in Akershus County in Norway
Bærum komm.svg
Coat of arms for the municipality of Bærum, Norway. Created by from a description of the official graphical profile of Bærum municipality.
Nes Akershus komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Nes, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Bærum.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Bærum in Akershus County in Norway
Nannestad komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Nannestad, Akershus.
Flag of Akershus.svg
Autor: Finn Fagerli, vectorization by Gunnar Offel, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
The flag of the former county of Akershus, Norway. Its design is shared with the county arms, and shows a stepped gable, suggestive of the silhouette of Akershus Castle. It is from this fortress that the county as a geographical area (as well as several historical administrative entities in Norway) gets its name. By extension, the motif alludes to the centuries‐old connection between the castle and its environing districts. The flag was decided upon by the county executive board 1987‐05‐05, and approved by royal resolution 1987‐12‐11.
Nesodden komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Nesodden, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Fet.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Fet in Akershus County in Norway
Akershus våpen.svg
Coat of arms for the norwegian county of Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Gjerdrum.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Gjerdrum in Akershus County in Norway
Gjerdrum komm.svg
Coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Gjerdrum, Akershus.
Norway Akershus - Oppegård.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of en:Oppegård in Akershus County in Norway
Norway Akershus - Ski.svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Ski in Akershus County in Norway