American Economic Association
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Państwo | |
Data założenia | 1885 |
Prezes | |
Adres | Nashville, Stany Zjednoczone |
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Strona internetowa |
Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne (ang. American Economic Association, AEA) – towarzystwo naukowe skupiające ekonomistów celem propagowania badań naukowych w dziedzinie ekonomii, publikacji na tematy ekonomiczne i propagowania wolnej debaty ekonomicznej.
Organizacja powstała w 1885 z inicjatywy grupy młodych akademików pod kierownictwem Richarda Ely’ego – profesora Uniwersytetu Johnsa Hopkinsa[2] i kształconych w nurcie niemieckiej szkoły historycznej. Pierwszym przewodniczącym stowarzyszenia był Francis Amasa Walker, a pozycję tę piastowali Joseph Schumpeter, Paul Samuelson, Wassily Leontief, James Tobin, John Kenneth Galbraith, Kenneth Arrow, Robert Solow i Amartya Sen. Formalnie inkorporowana została w 1923 w Waszyngtonie[3].
Obecnie stowarzyszenie liczy około 18 tysięcy członków, z których połowa to akademicy[1].
Stowarzyszenie wydaje wysoko cenione czasopisma naukowe[4]:
- American Economic Review od 1911
- Journal of Economic Literature od 1963
- Journal of Economic Perspectives od 1987
- od 2009 cztery czasopisma jako American Economic Journal (AEJ): Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Applied Economics i Economic Policy[5].
Od 1947 towarzystwo przyznaje najzdolniejszym młodym naukowcom, którzy nie przekroczyli 40. roku życia, Medal Johna Batesa Clarka[6]. Odznaczenie to zostało ufundowane w celu uczczenia pamięci amerykańskiego ekonomisty Johna Batesa Clarka (1847–1938), współzałożyciela Amerykańskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego[7]. Dotychczas 12 ekonomistów odznaczonych Medalem Clarka zostało w późniejszym okresie nagrodzonych Nagrodą im. Alfreda Nobla w dziedzinie ekonomii, dlatego wyróżnienie to jest uznawane często za zapowiedź przyszłych noblistów[7].
Lista przewodniczących
Lista przewodniczących za stroną AEA[8]:
Rok | Przewodnicząca/Przewodniczący | Instytucja | Nagroda Nobla |
1886–92 | Francis Amasa Walker | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
1894 | John Bates Clark | Columbia University | |
1900 | Richard Ely | Johns Hopkins University | |
1902 | Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman | Columbia University | |
1904 | Frank William Taussig | Harvard University | |
1908 | Simon Patten | Wharton School | |
1909 | Davis Rich Dewey | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
1912 | Frank Fetter | Princeton University | |
1915 | Walter Francis Willcox | Cornell University | |
1916 | Thomas Nixon Carver | Harvard University | |
1917 | John R. Common | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
1918 | Irving Fisher | Yale University | |
1920 | Herbert J. Davenport | Cornell University | |
1921 | Jacob Hollander | Johns Hopkins University | |
1924 | Wesley Clair Mitchell | University of Chicago | |
1925 | Allyn Abbott Young | London School of Economics | |
1926 | Edwin Walter Kemmerer | Princeton University | |
1928 | Fred M. Taylor | University of Michigan | |
1935 | John Maurice Clark | Columbia University | |
1936 | Alvin Saunders Johnson | The New School | |
1938 | Alvin Hansen | Harvard University | |
1939 | Jacob Viner | University of Chicago | |
1940 | Frederick C. Mills | Columbia University | |
1941 | Sumner Slichter | Harvard University | |
1942 | Edwin Griswold Nourse | University of Chicago | |
1947 | Paul Douglas | University of Chicago | |
1948 | Joseph Schumpeter | Harvard University | |
1950 | Frank Knight | University of Chicago | |
1951 | John H. Williams | Harvard University | |
1952 | Harold Innis | University of Toronto | |
1953 | Calvin B. Hoover | University of Minnesota | |
1954 | Simon Kuznets | University of Pennsylvania | 1971 |
1955 | John D. Black | Harvard University | |
1956 | Edwin E. Witte | Harvard University | |
1957 | Morris A. Copeland | University of Chicago | |
1958 | George W. Stocking | Vanderbilt University | |
1959 | Arthur Burns | Columbia University | |
1960 | Theodore Schultz | University of Chicago | |
1961 | Paul Samuelson | University of Chicago | 1970 |
1962 | Edward S. Mason | ||
1963 | Gottfried Haberler | Harvard University | |
1964 | George Stigler | Columbia University | 1982 |
1965 | Joseph J. Spengler | Duke University | |
1966 | Fritz Machlup | Princeton University | |
1967 | Milton Friedman | University of Chicago | 1976 |
1968 | Kenneth E. Boulding | University of Colorado Boulder | |
1969 | William J. Fellner | Yale University | |
1970 | Wassily Leontief | Harvard University | 1973 |
1971 | James Tobin | Harvard University | 1981 |
1972 | John Kenneth Galbraith | Harvard University | |
1973 | Kenneth Arrow | Stanford University | 1972 |
1974 | Walter Heller | University of Minnesota | |
1975 | Robert Aaron Gordon | ||
1976 | Franco Modigliani | Carnegie Mellon University | 1985 |
1977 | Lawrence Klein | University of Pennsylvania | 1980 |
1978 | Tjalling Koopmans | Yale University | 1975 |
1979 | Robert Solow | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 1987 |
1980 | Moses Abramovitz | Stanford University | |
1981 | William Baumol | Princeton University | |
1982 | Gardner Ackley | University of Michigan | |
1983 | Arthur Lewis | Princeton University | 1979 |
1984 | Charles Schultze | Georgetown University | |
1985 | Charles P. Kindleberger | Columbia University | |
1986 | Alice Rivlin | Brookings Institution | |
1987 | Gary Becker | University of Chicago | 1992 |
1988 | Robert Eisner | Northwestern University | |
1989 | Joseph A. Pechman | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
1990 | Gérard Debreu | University of California, Berkeley | 1983 |
1991 | Thomas Schelling | Yale University | 2005 |
1992 | William Vickrey | Columbia University | 1996 |
1993 | Zvi Griliches | University of Chicago | |
1994 | Amartya Sen | Harvard University | 1998 |
1995 | Victor Fuchs | Stanford University | |
1996 | Anne Osborn Krueger | Johns Hopkins University | |
1997 | Arnold Harberger | University of Chicago | |
1998 | Robert Fogel | University of Chicago | 1993 |
1999 | D. Gale Johnson | University of Chicago | |
2000 | Dale W. Jorgenson | Harvard University | |
2001 | Sherwin Rosen | University of Chicago | |
2002 | Robert Lucas Jr. | Carnegie Mellon University | 1995 |
2003 | Peter Diamond | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2010 |
2004 | Martin Feldstein | Harvard University | |
2005 | Daniel McFadden | University of California, Berkeley | 2000 |
2006 | George A. Akerlof | Georgetown University | 2001 |
2007 | Thomas Sargent | University of Chicago | 2011 |
2008 | Avinash Dixit | Princeton University | |
2009 | Angus Deaton | Princeton University | 2015 |
2010 | Robert Hall | Stanford University | |
2011 | Orley Ashenfelter | Princeton University | |
2012 | Christopher Sims | Princeton University | 2011 |
2013 | Claudia Goldin | Harvard University | |
2014 | William Nordhaus | Yale University | |
2015 | Richard Thaler | University of Chicago |
- ↑ a b American Economic Association (AEA): Officers of the American Economic Association 2015. [dostęp 2015-07-27]. (ang.).
- ↑ Cynthia Clark Northrup: The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO, 2011, s. 15. ISBN 978-1-59884-461-0. [dostęp 2015-07-27].
- ↑ AEA: AEA: General Information. [dostęp 2015-08-04]. (ang.).
- ↑ IDEAS Research Papers in Economics: IDEAS/RePEc Simple Impact Factors for Journals. [dostęp 2015-07-27]. (ang.).
- ↑ AEA: AEA Journals. [dostęp 2015-07-27]. (ang.).
- ↑ John Bates Clark Medal. The American Economic Association. [dostęp 2012-07-14]. (ang.).
- ↑ a b Howard R. Vane, Chris Mulhearn: The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics: An Introduction to Their Careers and Main Published Works. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009, s. 8–9. ISBN 978-1-84542-689-7. [dostęp 2015-07-24]. (ang.).
- ↑ AEA: Past and Present Officers. [dostęp 2015-07-27]. (ang.).
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Autor: Uwe Dedering, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of the USA (without Hawaii and Alaska).
Central parallel:
* N: 37.0° N
Central meridian:
* E: 96.0° W
Standard parallels:
* 1: 32.0° N * 2: 42.0° N
Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @
Formulas for x and y:
x = 50.0 + 124.03149777329222 * ((1.9694462586094064-({{{2}}}* pi / 180)) * sin(0.6010514667026994 * ({{{3}}} + 96) * pi / 180)) y = 50.0 + 1.6155950752393982 * 124.03149777329222 * 0.02613325650382181 - 1.6155950752393982 * 124.03149777329222 * (1.3236744353715044 - (1.9694462586094064-({{{2}}}* pi / 180)) * cos(0.6010514667026994 * ({{{3}}} + 96) * pi / 180))
The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
Autor: Alexrk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ta mapa została stworzona za pomocą GeoTools.
Members of the 1923 American Economic Association at the White House in Washington D.C. after being received by President Calvin Coolidge.