Australian Army

Australian Army


Siły zbrojne

Australian Defence Force

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Roundel of Australia – Army Aviation.svg


Flag of Australia.svg

Najwyższe dowództwa

Minister for Defence


Chief of the Defence Force Chief of Army

Australijski żołnierz

Australian Armywojska lądowe Australii, będące częścią Australijskich Sił Obrony (ang. Australian Defence Force), powstałe w 1901 roku. W 2008 roku liczba żołnierzy pełniących służbę zawodową w Australian Army wynosiła 26 611, a liczba rezerwistów 15 892[1].

Australijscy żołnierze brali udział w wielu konfliktach, w I i II wojnie światowej, wojnie koreańskiej, wojnie wietnamskiej, wojnie w Afganistanie oraz Iraku.


Podstawowe uzbrojenie piechoty w Australian Army stanowią karabiny szturmowe F88 Austeyr, pistolety Browning HP oraz karabiny maszynowe FN Minimi i FN MAG-58.


ZdjęcieSprzętProducentTypWersjaW służbieUwagi
Australian Army Abrams tank July 2011.jpgM1 Abrams Stany Zjednoczoneczołg podstawowyM1A1SA59Wyprodukowane w 2006 roku. Ok. 2025 roku Australia ma zmodernizować swoją flotę M1 w ramach LAND 907 Phase 2 do poziomu M1A2C[2]. Zamówiono 160 kadłubów M1A1 w celu produkcji i modernizacji 75 czołgów do wersji M1A2 SEPv3 oraz do budowy sprzętu towarzyszącego, w tym wozów M1150 ABV oraz mostów M1074[3].
ASLAV in Afghanistan 2011.jpgASLAV Kanada
bojowy wóz piechotyASLAV-25


257Produkowane w latach 1995-2007. Do zastąpienia przez 211 bojowych wozów rozpoznawczych Boxer.
Boxer Land 400.jpgBoxer Niemcy
bojowy wóz piechoty26[4] (211)Produkowane od 2019 roku. Do zastąpienia bojowych wozów piechoty ASLAV.
M113AS4 front.JPGM113 Stany Zjednoczonetransporter opancerzonyM113AS3
431340 M113AS4 (zmodernizowanych w latach 2007–2012) i 91 M113AS3 obecnie jest na wyposażeniu armii (czyt. więcej: transportery opancerzone M113 w służbie australijskiej(ang.)). Po 2025 roku mają być stopniowo zastępowane przez 450 bojowych wozów piechoty (w tym 17 opancerzonych pojazdów wsparcia manewru). Rozważane jest zastąpienie ich pojazdami K21(ang.) lub Lynx(ang.)[5]. W 2021 roku przeprowadzone były testy terenowe tych dwóch marek pojazdów, w 2022 roku ma nastąpić decyzja, który pojazd będzie produkowany dla australijskiej armii[6].
Australian M88 Hercules during Talisman Sabre 2011.jpgM88A2 Hercules Stany Zjednoczonewóz zabezpieczenia technicznego13W 2007 roku zakupiono siedem pojazdów M88A2 do obsługi czołgów M1 Abrams[7]. Kolejnych sześć zostało zakupionych i wprowadzonych do służby w 2017 roku[8]. Stany Zjednoczone zatwierdziły zagraniczną sprzedaż wojskową (FMS) nowych M88A2 do Australii[9].
K-9thunder.jpgK9 Thunder Korea Południowadziało samobieżneAS9
(45)Australia ma zbudować na koreańskiej licencji u siebie w kraju łącznie 45 pojazdów[10]
Bushmaster ADFA open day.JPGBushmaster IMV Australiakołowy transporter opancerzony typu MRAP1000[11][12]
Hawkei DSC02320.JPGHawkei Australiawojskowy lekki pojazd terenowy(ang.)11005 października 2015 roku premier Australii, Malcolm Turnbull potwierdził decyzję o kupnie 1100 pojazdów terenowych z rodziny Hawkei 4x4 w ramach programu LAND 121[13]. Produkowane od 2016 roku.
Australian SOTG patrol Oct 2009.jpgLand Rover Perentie(ang.) Wielka Brytania/ Australiapojazd użytkowy<1500Mają być zastąpione przez Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon.
Australian Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment dismark from HMAS Canberra and come ashore at Kawaihae Pier, Hawaii during RIMPAC 2016 (Cropped).jpgG-Wagon Niemcypojazd użytkowy2268Do zastąpienia pojazdów Land Rover Perentie.
45M 28 Camo.jpgMAN RMMV HX(ang.) Niemcytaktyczny pojazd militarny2536Produkowane od 2015 roku.
Extenda.jpgHMT Extenda(ang.) Wielka Brytaniatransporter o wysokiej mobilności31 (89)Armia zakupiła 31 pojazdów patrolowych HMT Extenda MK1 do użytku przez Special Air Service Regiment. Ponadto zamówiono 89 HMT Extenda w wersji MK2 dla 2nd Commando Regiment(ang.).
Australian Army LARC-V in 2013.jpgLARC-V Stany Zjednoczoneamfibia transportowa15
Aust. Army LCM-8.jpgLCM-8(ang.) Stany Zjednoczonełodzie rzeczne12
Australian Army Tiger ARH Helicopters (IMG7106).jpgEurocopter Tiger Niemcy
śmigłowiec szturmowyTiger ARH22Zastąpiły Bell OH-58 Kiowa. Produkowane w latach 2004-2010.
US Navy 050623-N-2468S-007 An Australian Army S70A-9 Black Hawk helicopter lands on the flight deck aboard USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19).jpgSikorsky S-70 Black Hawk Stany Zjednoczoneśmigłowiec wielozadaniowyS-70A-920Zakupione 1987-91. Do zastąpienia przez MRH90.
MRH90.jpgNHI MRH90 Francja
śmigłowiec wielozadaniowyMRH 90 TTH41plus dodatkowe 6 wspólne wspólnie z Royal Australian Navy. Zastąpił Bell UH-1 Iroquois oraz ma zastąpić śmigłowce Black Hawk.
Australian Army Boeing CH-47D Chinook CBR Gilbert.jpgBoeing CH-47 Chinook Stany Zjednoczoneciężki śmigłowiec transportowyCH-47F10
Eurocopter EC135 Francja
śmigłowiec treningowyT2+15wspólne wspólnie z Royal Australian Navy
USMC-01522.jpgRQ-7 Shadow Stany Zjednoczonetaktyczny, bezzałogowy aparat latający UAV10Do zastąpienia Boeing Insitu ScanEagle
AeroVironment Wasp III(ang.) Stany Zjednoczoneminiaturowy bezzałogowy aparat latający UAV
ARMY WARFIGHTING EXPERIMENT 2017 - TESTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF TECHNOLOGY MOD 45162646.jpgBlack Hornet Nano Norwegiaminiaturowy bezzałogowy śmigłowiec rozpoznawczy UAV(160)
DJI Phantom 4Pro 04-2017 img3 in flight.jpgPhantom (UAV)(ang.) Chinybezzałogowy aparat latający UAV4


  1. Defence Annual Report 2007-2008. [dostęp 2009-02-04]. (ang.).
  2. Australian Armoured Vehicle Programs to 2030 [dostęp 2020-04-01] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2016-12-29].
  3. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Australia – Heavy Armored Combat Systems.
  4. Australia otrzymała rozpoznawcze Boxery - Defence24, [dostęp 2021-06-05].
  5. Rheinmetall and Hanwha shortlisted for Land 400 Phase 3, Australian Defence Magazine, 2019-09-16
  6. Koniec pierwszej fazy testów w australijskim programie LAND 400 Phase 3 -
  7. Defence Technology Review, Australian Armoured Vehicle Programs to 2030 [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2016-12-29].
  8. Department of Defence Ministers, HERCULES armoured recovery vehicles delivered.
  9. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Australia – Heavy Armored Combat Systems.
  10. MBC NEWS, K-9 자주포 호주 수출 계약‥9천억 원 규모 (kor.).

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Media użyte na tej stronie

Flag of the United States.svg
The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Naval Ensign of Australia.svg
Naval ensign of Australia.

FIAV 000001.svg
Bushmaster ADFA open day.JPG
Autor: Nick-D, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
An Australian Army Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle at the 2009 Australian Defence Force Academy open day.
M113AS4 front.JPG
Autor: Nick Dowling, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Front view of an Australian Army M113AS4 armoured personnel carrier
Autor: 권순삼, 국방시민연대 (Defense Citizen Network), Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.0 kr
K-9 Thunder self-propelled artillery of the ROK Armed Forces
Australian Army Tiger ARH Helicopters (IMG7106).jpg
Autor: Andrew Mercer (, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Australian Army Eurocopter Tiger ARH (armed reconaissance helicopter) in display at Brisbane's Riverfire festival 2012. UH-60 Black Hawks in the background.
DJI Phantom 4Pro 04-2017 img3 in flight.jpg
Autor: A.Savin, Licencja: FAL
DJI Phantom 4 Pro/Pro+ quadcopter with camera
Boxer Land 400.jpg
Autor: Graham Robson-Parker, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Boxer configured for Australian Land 400 Phase 2
Australian Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment dismark from HMAS Canberra and come ashore at Kawaihae Pier, Hawaii during RIMPAC 2016 (Cropped).jpg
160712-M-UK649-034 KAWAIHAE PIER, Hawaii (July 12, 2016) – An Australian 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment soldier disembarks from a Royal Australian Navy LHD Landing Craft in a Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon at Kawaihae Pier, Hawaii, July 12, 2016, to participate in Rim of the Pacific 2016, a multinational military exercise. Twenty-six nations, 49 ships, six submarines, about 200 aircraft, and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC 16 from June 29 to Aug. 4 in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California.
Joint Helicopter Aircrew Training School (N52-014) Airbus Helicopter EC135T2+ at Wagga Wagga Airport.jpg
(c) Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 au
Joint Helicopter Aircrew Training School (N52-014) Airbus Helicopters EC135T2+ at Wagga Wagga Airport.
Autor: Corporal Daniel Wiepen, Licencja: OGL v1.0
Pictured is a Royal Marine controlling a Black Hornet 2 Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS).

The pocket sized and hand launched UAV, or RPAS uses micro thermal cameras, visible spectrum cameras and proprietary software for flight control, stabilization, and communications.

Weighing 18 grams, the Black Hornet helicopter can fly for up to 25 minutes at line-of-sight distances of up to one mile at speeds of 18 km/h. It uses GPS navigation or visual navigation via video and can fly pre-planned routes via its autopilot. 

The Black Hornet was developed in 2007 and been used by NATO forces in Afghanistan from 2011, with the United Kingdom the first to acquire the type and use it operationally.

It has also been evaluated by the US military and Australian army. Its small size and electric motors make it a stealthy reconnaissance tool for militaries and law enforcement agencies.

The complete UAV system comprises two helicopters, a base station, controller, display unit and pouch weighting a total of 1.3 kg. 

Over 200 personnel from 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment, 51 Squadron RAF Regiment and 45 Commando, have been putting new and innovative kit and capabilities through their paces on Salisbury Plain Training Area in Wiltshire, as they took part in the third phase of the Army Warfighting Experiment (AWE) 17.

AWE 17 has been at the forefront of the drive for world-class innovation at Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) in which businesses and organisations, both large and small, were invited to submit solutions to a range of ‘problems’ set by the AWE team and were able to compete on a level playing field. From the 275 initial submissions, 72 products, from a self-sterilizing water bottle and a 56 foot ‘EasiBridge’ were selected for the project.

  • Organization: Army
  • Object Name: APOSW-2017-022-AWE 2017-035
  • Category: MOD
  • Supplemental Categories: Future, Equipment, Royal Marines, People
  • Keywords: Controlling, Flying, Action, Hover, Urban, Landscape, Terrain, AWE 2017, Military Testing, Technology, Future, Innovative , Kit, R&D, Development, Equipment, Protective Equipment, Gloves, Combats, Camouflage, Multi Terrain Pattern, MTP, Personal Load Carrying Equipment, PLCE, Webbing, Belt, Pouch, Headwear, Helmet, Mk7, Body Armour, Weapons, Gun, Firearm, Small Arms, Assault Rifle, SA80, SA80 A2, L85A2, 5.56mm, Training, Science, Industry Partners, Automation, Robotics, Systems, Electronics, Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Personnel, Non-Identifiable, UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, RPAS, Remotely Piloted Aircraft System, BLACK HORNET, PD-100 Black Hornet Nano-UAV
  • Country: United Kingdom
US Navy 050623-N-2468S-007 An Australian Army S70A-9 Black Hawk helicopter lands on the flight deck aboard USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19).jpg
Coral Sea (June 23, 2005) - An Australian Army S70A-9 Black Hawk helicopter lands on the flight deck aboard USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) to drop off several local officials, environmental experts, and defense attaches for a tour aboard the U.S. Seventh Fleet command ship as part of combined exercise Talisman Sabre. Talisman Sabre is an exercise jointly sponsored by the U.S. Pacific Command and Australian Defence Force Joint Operations Command, and designed to train the U.S. Seventh Fleet commander's staff and Australian Joint Operations staff as a designated Combined Task Force (CTF) headquarters. The exercise focuses on crisis action planning and execution of contingency response operations. U.S. Pacific Command units and Australian forces will conduct land, sea and air training throughout the training area. More than 11,000 U.S. and 6,000 Australian personnel will participate. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Terry Spain (RELEASED)
Aust. Army LCM-8.jpg
Autor: Angra (talk), Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Australian Army w:LCM-8 showing the extended wheelhouse of the Australian vessels, off Palm Island, Queensland in 2005
Australian M88 Hercules during Talisman Sabre 2011.jpg
Australian Defence Force service members, with 1st Armored Regiment, recover a bogged M1A1 Abrams tank during Talisman Sabre 2011. TS11 is an exercise designed to train U.S. and Australian forces to plan and conduct Combined Task Force operations to improve combat readiness and interoperability on a variety of missions from conventional conflict to peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance efforts.
Hawkei DSC02320.JPG
Autor: Michał Derela, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Hawkei at MSPO 2014, Poland
Australian F88 Austeyr.jpg
SHOALWATER BAY TRAINING AREA, QUEENSLAND, Australia – Australian Army Pvt. Tim Griffiths, a rifleman with 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, provides security for the Amphibian Assault Vehicles of the 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade's 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, at Fresh Water Bay here, June 18, during an amphibious assault rehearsal in support of Talisman Saber 2007. Talisman Saber is conducted to train Australian and U.S. joint task force and operations staff in crisis action planning for execution of contingency operations. The exercise also supports increased interoperability, flexibility and readiness in winning the Global War on Terror.
Roundel of Australia – Army Aviation.svg
Autor: Fry1989 eh?, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Roundel of the Australian Army Aviation. A red version is more commonly used on armoured vehicles, though a black or white or grey version may also be used on such vehicles.
Australian Army LARC-V in 2013.jpg
A communications detachment from 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, conducts an amphibious landing using a LARV-V at Upstart Bay, Queensland, prior to the start of Exercise Talisman Saber 2013.
Australian SOTG patrol Oct 2009.jpg
Autor: NATO International Security Assistance Force Public Affairs Photo Courtesy Leading Seaman Paul Berry 1st Joint Public Affairs Unit Australian Defence Force, Licencja: CC BY 2.0
Special Operations Task Groups Long Range Patrol Vehicles drive in convoy across one of Afghanistan's desert, or 'dasht' regions.
45M 28 Camo.jpg
Autor: Rheinmetall Defence, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Configured as a recovery vehicle for Australia, one of the first production HX45M.
ASLAV in Afghanistan 2011.jpg
An Australian Service Light Armoured Vehicle drives through Tangi Valley, Afghanistan, March 29. The ASLAV is called The Red Rat Vehicle by the Taliban because of the red kangaroo painted on the side of the vehicle, said Australian Army Lt. McLeod Wood, a troop leader for 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Mentoring Task Force 2, Combined Team Uruzgan.
Australian Army Emblem.svg
To jest logo: Australian Army – land warfare branch of Australia's defence forces
Australian Army Abrams tank July 2011.jpg
SHOALWATER BAY TRAINING AREA, Queensland, Australia - M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks prepare to advance on enemy positions during Talisman Sabre 2011 19 July 2011. Talisman Sabre 2011 is an exercise designed to train U.S. and Australian forces to plan and conduct Combined Task Force operations to improve combat readiness and interoperability on a variety of missions from conventional conflict to peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance efforts.
Autor: Descon7, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Australian MRH90 on board HMAS Manoora
Australian Army Boeing CH-47D Chinook CBR Gilbert.jpg
Autor: Jeff Gilbert, Licencja: GFDL 1.2
Australian Army Boeing CH-47D Chinook at Canberra Airport
The RQ-7B, or the Shadow 200, is the type of unmanned aerial vehicle flown by VMU-3. The squadron will be activated at the Combat Center in September.