Autostrady w Irlandii

Drogi krajowe w Irlandii (stan na 2018 rok)
Irlandzki znak autostradowy

Autostrady w Irlandii – sieć dróg szybkiego ruchu na terenie Republiki Irlandii. Drogi te rozchodzą się głównie promieniście od stolicy kraju, Dublina. Oznakowane są numerem drogi krajowej z przedrostkiem M od irlandzkiego słowa mótarbhealach (w liczbie mnogiej mótarbhealaí) oznaczającego autostradę.

Przepisy na autostradzie

Autostrady w Irlandii posiadają szereg przepisów, które zabraniają przemieszczenia się na nich określonemu rodzaju ruchu[1]. Są to

  • pojazdy do nauki jazdy
  • pojazdy nie osiągające prędkości 50 km/h
  • piesi
  • rowery
  • pojazdy z silnikami poniżej 50 cm³ pojemności
  • pojazdy bez opon pneumatycznych
  • zwierzęta

Spis autostrad

Tabela przedstawia zestawienie istniejących na 2021 rok autostrad[2]

M1 motorway IE.pngM1 motorway (Ireland).pngDublinDundalk87 km
M2 motorway IE.pngM2 motorway (Ireland).pngDublin – Ashbourne13 km
M3 motorway IE.pngM3 motorway (Ireland).pngDublin – Kells53 km
M4 motorway IE.pngM4 motorway (Ireland).pngDublin – Mullingar62 km
M6 motorway IE.png(Dublin) KinnegadGalway148 km
M7 motorway IE.png(Dublin) NaasLimerick166,5 km
M8 motorway IE.png(Dublin) AbbeyleixCork147 km
M9 motorway IE.png(Dublin) Newbrigde – Waterford119 km
M11 motorway IE.pngDublin – Wexford90 km
M17 motorway IE.pngGalway – Tuam25,5 km
M18 motorway IE.png(Limerick) Shannon – Galway70,8 km
M20 motorway IE.pngLimerick – N20/N218 km
M50 motorway IE.pngObwodnica Dublina45,5 km


  1. Rules for driving on Irish motorways [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2008-12-21].
  2. Our National Road Network -, [dostęp 2021-02-05].

Media użyte na tej stronie

Norwegian road sign 502.0.
Sweden road sign E1.svg
Sweden road sign: Information signs - Motorväg / Autostrada
UK motorway symbol.svg
Symbol used for motorways in the United Kingdom.
M18 motorway IE.png
"M18 Motorway Shield"
M7 motorway IE.png
This is a symbol for the M7 Irish Motorway (Dublin to Limerick, under construction as of June 2009)
M50 motorway IE.png
M50 Ireland Symbol
M2 motorway (Ireland).png
Autor: Sswonk (talk), Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M2 motorway (Ireland) and Dublin area roads with M2 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M1 motorway IE.png
M1 Motorway Symbol Ireland
M50 motorway (Ireland).png
(c) Sswonk z angielskiej Wikipedii, CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M50 motorway (Ireland) and Dublin area roads with M50 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M3 motorway IE.png
This is a symbol for the M3 Irish Motorway (under construction as of June 2009)
M9 motorway IE.png
This is a symbol for the M9 Irish Motorway (Naas to Waterford, under construction as of June 2009)
M20 motorway (Ireland).png
(c) Sswonk z angielskiej Wikipedii, CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M20 motorway (Ireland) with M20 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M6 motorway (Ireland).png
(c) Sswonk z angielskiej Wikipedii, CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M6 motorway (Ireland) with M6 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M1 motorway (Ireland).png
Autor: Sswonk (talk), Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M1 motorway (Ireland) with M1 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M7 motorway (Ireland).png
(c) Sswonk z angielskiej Wikipedii, CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M7 motorway (Ireland) with M7 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M4 motorway (Ireland).png
Autor: Sswonk (talk), Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M4 motorway (Ireland) with M4 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M9 motorway (Ireland).png
(c) Sswonk z angielskiej Wikipedii, CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M9 motorway (Ireland) with M9 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M3 motorway (Ireland).png
Autor: Sswonk (talk), Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M3 motorway (Ireland) with M3 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
M11 motorway IE.png
"M11 Motorway Shield Ireland"
M8 motorway IE.png
This is a symbol for the M8 Irish Motorway (Cork to Portlaoise)
M20 motorway IE.png
M20 Route Confitmation Sign Ireland
M6 motorway IE.png
This is a symbol for the M6 Irish Motorway (Kinnegad to Galway)
M4 motorway IE.png
This is a symbol for the M4 Irish Motorway (from Kinnegad to Dublin)
M8 motorway (Ireland).png
(c) Sswonk z angielskiej Wikipedii, CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of M8 motorway (Ireland) with M8 blue bolded, Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue
Major roads in Ireland (update of 2018).png
Autor: Ww2censor based on work by Sswonk, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Updated map of national roads and motorways in Ireland, with Nxx routes in green and Mxx routes in blue as of 2018
M17 motorway IE.png
M17 Route Marker Ireland