
Blekinge län
region administracyjny
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5




Data powstania


Kod ISO 3166-2

SE-K (SE-10)


Sten Nordin


2941 km²

Populacja (2016)
• liczba ludności

157 717[1]

• gęstość

53,6 os./km²

Adres urzędu:
Skeppsbrokajen 4
Położenie na mapie Szwecji
Położenie na mapie
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
56°17′N 15°07′E/56,283333 15,116667
Strona internetowa
Portal Szwecja
Rezydencja landshövdinga regionu administracyjnego Blekinge w Karlskronie

Blekinge (szw. Blekinge län) – szwedzki region administracyjny (län). Siedzibą władz regionu (residensstad) jest Karlskrona.


Region administracyjny Blekinge jest położony w południowo-wschodniej części Götalandu i obejmuje całą prowincję historyczną (landskap) Blekinge.

Graniczy z regionami administracyjnymi Skania, Kronoberg i Kalmarem oraz Morzem Bałtyckim.

Gminy i miejscowości


Region administracyjny Blekinge podzielony jest na 5 gmin:

Blekinge Municipalities.png

Uwagi: W nawiasie liczba mieszkańców; stan na 30 września 2016 roku[1].


10 największych miejscowości (tätort -er) regionu administracyjnego Blekinge (2010)[2]:

#MiejscowośćGminaLiczba mieszkańców
1KarlskronaKarlskrona35 212
2KarlshamnKarlshamn19 075
3RonnebyRonneby12 029
4SölvesborgSölvesborg8 401
5OlofströmOlofström7 327
6KallingeRonneby4 561
7MörrumKarlshamn3 695
8RödebyKarlskrona3 402
9NätträbyKarlskrona3 109
10JämjöKarlskrona2 578


  1. a b Statistiska centralbyrån: Folkmängd i riket, län och kommuner 30 september 2016 och befolkningsförändringar 1 juli – 30 september 2016. [dostęp 2017-01-21]. (szw.).
  2. Statistiska centralbyrån: Befolkning och arealer. [dostęp 2015-02-14]. (szw.).

Linki zewnętrzne

Media użyte na tej stronie

Blekinge vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Ronneby vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Länsresidenset i Karlskrona.jpg
(c) Henrik Sendelbach, CC BY-SA 3.0
Länsresidenset (County governor's residence), Karlskrona.
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Map Swedish Counties, Blekinge.
Karlskrona vapen.svg
Autor: Marmelad
, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Sölvesborg vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Karlshamns kastell.JPG
Autor: Boatbuilder, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Karlshamn fort outside the harbour, view from south west from the place the old fort on Boön - Karlshamns Kastell, sett från platsen för det äldre kastellet på Boön
Karlshamn vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Olofström vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Blekinge län vapenflagga.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.