Bopomofo, właściwie zhuyin fuhao (chiń. trad. 注音符號, chiń. upr. 注音符号, pinyin: zhùyīn fúhào), czyli „znaki do zapisywania dźwięków” lub zhuyin zimu (chiń. trad. i chiń. upr. 注音字母, pinyin: zhùyīn zìmǔ), czyli „litery opisujące dźwięki” – oparte na piśmie chińskim pismo fonetyczne służące do zapisywania wymowy znaków języka chińskiego, stosowane zwłaszcza do zapisu wymowy tzw. dialektów chińskich (faktycznie: języków chińskich, różnych od urzędowego, standardowego języka mandaryńskiego) oraz niechińskich języków Chin. Alternatywna nazwa bopomofo pochodzi od nazw pierwszych czterech znaków tego systemu pisma (ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ, pinyin: bōpōmōfō).
System został opracowany w latach 1912–1913 przez komisję ds. reform językowych, w której zasiadał Wu Zhihui[1]. Oficjalnie wprowadzony w Republice Chińskiej w 1930. Po utworzeniu Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej system bopomofo został zarzucony na rzecz nowego pinyin. Bopomofo jest jednak do dziś używane na Tajwanie, gdzie jest nauczane w szkołach[2].
Nie jest to system ani w pełni alfabetyczny, ani w pełni sylabiczny, trudno go też jednoznacznie zaliczyć do systemów alfabetyczno-sylabicznych, klasyfikuje się go więc czasem jako system półalfabetyczny. Dzieli on sylabę chińską (podstawową jednostkę morfologiczną języka chińskiego) na spółgłoskę inicjalną (inicjal) I (np. b, zh), półsamogłoskę medialną (medial) M (i, u lub ü) oraz tzw. final F, czyli resztę sylaby (samogłoskę, dwugłoskę, samogłoskę ze spółgłoską itp. np. a, ou, eng). Dla dopełnienia sylaby obowiązkowy jest zapis tonu.
Sylaba może mieć postać F, M, MF, I, IF, IM, IMF. Niektórych dźwięków finalnych nie zapisuje się wcale – np. nie zapisuje się dźwięku zapisywanego w pinyin literą „i” po z, c, s, zh, ch, sh lub r, stąd możliwy zapis sylaby jako samego inicjalu.
W systemie rozszerzonym istnieją jeszcze znaki specjalne do zapisu większej liczby tonów oraz znaki do zapisu dźwięków obcych językowi chińskiemu mandaryńskiemu, lecz występujące w innych językach chińskich oraz w językach mniejszości narodowych, np. inicjale 万 (v), 兀 (ng), 广 (gn = ń), final -Em, końcowe spółgłoski -p, -t, -k itp.
zhǔyīn | pīnyīn | IPA | zhǔyīn | pīnyīn | IPA | zhǔyīn | pīnyīn | IPA | zhǔyīn | pīnyīn | IPA | |||
Nagłosy (聲母 shēngmǔ) | ||||||||||||||
ㄅ | b | b̥ | ㄆ | p | pʰ | ㄇ | m | m | ㄈ | f | f | |||
ㄉ | d | d̥ | ㄊ | t | tʰ | ㄋ | n | n | ㄌ | l | l | |||
ㄍ | g | g̊ | ㄎ | k | kʰ | ㄏ | h | x | ||||||
ㄐ | j | ʥ̥ | ㄑ | q | ʨʰ | ㄒ | x | ɕ | ㄧ | y | j | |||
ㄓ | zh | ɖʐ̥ | ㄔ | ch | ʈʂʰ | ㄕ | sh | ʂ | ㄖ | r | ʐ | |||
ㄗ | z | ʣ̥ | ㄘ | c | ʦʰ | ㄙ | s | s | ㄨ | w | w | |||
Końcówki (韻母 yùnmǔ) | ||||||||||||||
ㄚ | a | a | ㄛ | o | o | ㄜ | e | ɤ | ㄝ | ê | ɛ | |||
ㄞ | ai | ai | ㄟ | ei | ei | ㄠ | ao | aʊ | ㄡ | ou | ou | |||
ㄢ | an | an | ㄣ | en | ǝn | ㄤ | ang | ɑŋ | ㄥ | eng | ǝŋ | |||
ㄩ | ü | y | ㄧ | i | i | ㄨ | u | u | ㄦ | er | ɚ |
- Tony (聲調 shēngdiào)
- 1: nic (pinyin: ˉ)
- 2: ˊ (pinyin: ˊ)
- 3: ˇ (pinyin: ˇ)
- 4: ˋ (pinyin: ˋ)
- 5: ・ (pinyin: nic)
Pochodzenie znaków
Znaki zhuyin fuhao zaprojektował Zhang Binglin i pochodzą głównie z dawnych form lub form odręcznych znaków chińskich bądź z części niektórych współczesnych znaków, które zawierają dany dla znaku bopomofo dźwięk.
Zhuyin | Pochodzenie | |
ㄅ | b | Ze znaku 勹, górnej części 包 bāo |
ㄆ | p | Ze znaku 攵, części składowej 攴 pū |
ㄇ | m | Ze znaku 冂, dawnej formy 冖 mì |
ㄈ | f | Ze znaku 匚 fāng |
ㄉ | d | Z dawnej formy znaku 刀 dāo |
ㄊ | t | Ze znaku 𠫓 widzianego na górze znaku 充 |
ㄋ | n | Ze znaku 𠄎, dawnej formy 乃 nǎi |
ㄌ | l | Forma kaligraficzna znaku 力 lì |
ㄍ | g | Z zarzuconego znaku 巜 guài 'rzeka' |
ㄎ | k | Ze znaku 丂 kǎo |
ㄏ | h | Ze znaku 厂 hàn |
ㄐ | j | Z dawnego znaku 丩 jiū |
ㄑ | q | Z dawnego znaku ㄑ quǎn, podstawy znaku 巛 chuān (dzisiaj 川) |
ㄒ | x | Ze znaku 丅, formy pieczęciowej 下 xià. |
ㄓ | zh | Ze znaku 㞢, dawnej formy 之 zhī. |
ㄔ | ch | Z 彳 chì |
ㄕ | sh | Ze znaku 尸 shī |
ㄖ | r | Semikursywna forma znaku 日 rì |
ㄗ | z | Z wariantu znaku 卩 jié, dialektowo zié |
ㄘ | c | Wariant znaku 七 qī, dialektowo ciī |
ㄙ | s | Ze starszego znaku 厶 sī, który został zastąpiony przez 私 sī. |
ㄧ | i, y | Ze znaku 一 yī |
ㄨ | u, w | Ze znaku 㐅, dawnej formy 五 wǔ |
ㄩ | ü, yu, iu | Z dawnego znaku 凵 qū, który stał się elementem niektórych znaków |
ㄚ | a | Ze znaku 丫 yā |
ㄛ | o | Z nieużywanego obecnie znaku 𠀀 hē, odwróconego 丂 kǎo, który jest teraz częścią fonetyczną znaku 可 kě[3]. |
ㄜ | e | Zapożyczony z allofonu w standardowym mandaryńskim, ㄛ o |
ㄝ | e, eh | Ze znaku 也 yě. |
ㄞ | ai | hài, dawna forma 亥. |
ㄟ | ei | Ze znaku 乁 yí, nieistniejącego obecnie, który ma obecnie znaczenie 移 yí "poruszać się". |
ㄠ | ao | Ze znaku 幺 yāo |
ㄡ | ou | Ze znaku 又 yòu |
ㄢ | an | Z zarzuconego znaku ㄢ hàn "kwitnąć", zachowanego jako element fonetyczny 犯 fàn |
ㄣ | en | Ze znaku 乚 yǐn |
ㄤ | ang | Ze znaku 尢 wāng |
ㄥ | eng | Ze znaku 厶, obecnie będącego częścią znaku 厷 gōng |
ㄦ | er | Ze znaku 儿, dolnej części znaku 兒 ér używanego jako forma pisma odręcznego |
ㄭ | ih | (![]() |
Kolejność stawiania kresek
Kolejność stawiania kresek jest podobna do tej w piśmie chińskim, ale znaki ㄓ czy ㄖ pisane są trzema kreskami.
Przykład użycia
王之渙 《登鸛雀樓》(Wáng Zhīhuàn, Dēng Guànquè Lóu)
Znaki chińskie | Zhuyin fuhao | Hanyu pinyin |
白日依山盡 黃河入海流 欲窮千里目 更上一層樓 | ㄅㄞˊ ㄖˋ 一 ㄕㄢ ㄐ一ㄣˋ ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄏㄜˊ ㄖㄨˋ ㄏㄞˇ ㄌ一ㄡˊ ㄩˋ ㄑㄩㄥˊ ㄑ一ㄢ ㄌ一ˇ ㄇㄨˋ ㄍㄥˋ ㄕㄤˋ 一ˋ ㄘㄥˊ ㄌㄡˊ | bái rì yī shān jìn huáng hé rù hǎi liú yù qióng qiān lǐ mù gèng shàng yì céng lóu |
Użycie bopomofo jako transkrypcji fonetycznej
Znaki bopomofo pisze się po prawej stronie znaków chińskich w piśmie pionowym
瓶 | ㄆ ㄧ ㄥˊ |
子 | ㄗ |
albo nad znakami chińskimi w piśmie poziomym.
ㄆㄧㄥˊ | ㄗ˙ |
瓶 | 子 |
- ↑ Peter Gue Zarrow , Anarchism and Chinese Political Culture, New York: Columbia University Press, 1990, ISBN 0-231-07138-8 .
- ↑ Minglang Zhou, Hongkai Sun: Language policy in the People's Republic of China: theory and practice since 1949. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, s. 22, seria: Language policy. ISBN 978-1-4020-8038-8.
- ↑ Dane Unihan dla U+ 20000
Media użyte na tej stronie
Autor: Sakurambo, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Keyboard layout for Zhuyin input method utilizing Bopomofo characters displayed on the keys.
Autor: made by me, M4RC0, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.0
Stroke order of the Bopomofos. using Photoshop. We are making this kind of picture following the protocole of the section : Commons:CJK stroke order:Tutorials
contains only 37 characters U+3105 to U+3129 (U+312A to U+312D are not drawn)
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄆ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄆ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄔ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄔ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄋ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄋ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄛ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄛ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄟ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄟ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄨ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄨ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄎ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄎ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄗ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄗ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄢ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄢ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
This image can't have copyright.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄡ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄡ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄠ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄠ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄤ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄤ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄌ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄌ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄑ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄑ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄒ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄒ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄘ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄘ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄉ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄉ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄍ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄍ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄦ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄦ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄓ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄓ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄣ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄣ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄚ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄚ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
The Chinese character 書, in semi-cursive script. The meaning in English: "book", "writing", "calligraphy".
This file is used as the logo of WikiProject Writing systems on the English Wikipedia.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄕ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄕ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄏ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄏ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: Voidvector, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄙ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄙ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄝ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄝ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄅ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄅ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄧ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄧ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄇ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄇ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄖ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄖ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄈ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄈ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄥ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄥ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄐ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄐ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄊ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄊ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄞ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄞ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄜ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄜ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor: See user in the "File history" section., Licencja: CC BY 3.0
This ㄩ-bw.png image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄩ in bw.png style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.