Brenda Fassie

(c) Axel Bührmann, CC BY-SA 2.0
Brenda Fassie

Brenda Fassie (ur. 3 listopada 1964, zm. 9 maja 2004 w Kapsztadzie), piosenkarka południowoafrykańska.

Wykonywała w dobie apartheidu piosenki o życiu ubogich warstw na przedmieściach, zyskałą dużą popularność także licznymi występami w dzielnicach slumsowych Johannesburga. Magazyn "Time" nadał jej w 2001 przydomek "Madonny przedmieść".

Jej najbardziej znane piosenki to Weekend Special i Too Late for Mama.

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(c) Axel Bührmann, CC BY-SA 2.0
MINA NGOHLALA NGINJE (I WILL ALWAYS BE THIS WAY) Interesting blog about the thinking behind the art here by Mr Baggins. The Brenda Fassie sculpture, created by artist Angus Taylor, is a 1570-metre (I guess they mean 1,570m - it's not that big! ) life-size bronze that stands outside the Bassline music venue. It was installed in March 2006 and was the first of 40 sculptures commissioned by the Sunday Times newspaper in celebration of its 100th birthday. The sculpture features Brenda sitting on a stool behind a microphone standing on the ground. The text superimposed on Fassie’s body is made up of quotes by the artist on her relationship with the media. The empty stool by her side invites passers-by to take their seat next to this music legend.