Chińskie Tajpej na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 1992

Chińskie Tajpej na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 1992
Kod MKOl


Letnie Igrzyska Olimpijskie 1992
Liczba zawodników

31 w 15 konkurencjach w 7 dyscyplinach

Pozycja: 49.

Chińskie Tajpej na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 1992 reprezentowało 31 zawodników: 23 mężczyzn i 8 kobiety. Był to 8 start reprezentacji Tajpej na letnich igrzyskach olimpijskich.

Zdobyte medale

Silver medal.svg SrebroChang Cheng-hsien, Chang Wen-chung, Chang Yaw-teing, Chen Chi-hsin, Chen Wei-chen, Chiang Tai-chuan, Huang Chung-yi, Huang Wen-po, Jong Yeu-jeng, Ku Kuo-chian, Kuo Lee Chien-fu, Liao Ming-hsiung, Lin Chao-huang, Lin Kun-han, Lo Chen-jung, Lo Kuo-chung, Pai Kun-hong, Tsai Ming-hung, Wang Kuang-shih, Wu Shih-hsinBaseball pictogram.svg Baseballturniej mężczyznw finale ulegli zespołowi Kuby 1:11[1]

Skład kadry

Baseball pictogram.svg Baseball


  • Chang Cheng-hsien, Chang Wen-chung, Chang Yaw-teing, Chen Chi-hsin, Chen Wei-chen, Chiang Tai-chuan, Huang Chung-yi, Huang Wen-po, Jong Yeu-jeng, Ku Kuo-chian, Kuo Lee Chien-fu, Liao Ming-hsiung, Lin Chao-huang, Lin Kun-han, Lo Chen-jung, Lo Kuo-chung, Pai Kun-hong, Tsai Ming-hung, Wang Kuang-shih, Wu Shih-hsin2. miejsce

Judo pictogram.svg Judo


  • Huang Yu-shin waga do 48 kg – 20. miejsce,
  • Wu Mei-ling waga do 66 kg – 13. miejsce,

Cycling pictogram.svg Kolarstwo


  • Weng Yu-yi
kolarstwo szosowe – wyścig ze startu wspólnego – nie ukończył wyścigu,
kolarstwo torowe – wyścig na 4000 m na dochodzenie – 23. miejsce,
kolarstwo torowe – wyścig punktowy – odpadł w eliminacjach,

Athletics pictogram.svg Lekkoatletyka


  • Wang Huei-chen
bieg na 100 m – odpadła w ćwierćfinale,
bieg na 200 m – odpadła w ćwierćfinale,
  • Ma Chun-pingsiedmiobój – nie ukończyła konkurencji,

Archery pictogram.svg Łucznictwo


  • Lai Fang-mei – indywidualnie – 7. miejsce,
  • Lin Yi-yin – indywidualnie – 12. miejsce,
  • Liu Pi-yu – indywidualnie – 51. miejsce,
  • Lai Fang-mei, Lin Yi-yin, Liu Pi-yu – drużynowo – 11. miejsce,

Weightlifting pictogram.svg Podnoszenie ciężarów


  • Lin Tzu-yao – waga do 56 kg – 16. miejsce,

Shooting pictogram.svg Strzelectwo


  • Chen Sheu-shya – pistolet pneumatyczny 10 m – 35. miejsce,


  • Tu Tsai-hsing
pistolet pneumatyczny 10 m – 39. miejsce,
pistolet dowolny 50 m – 11. miejsce,


  1. Baseball – Men's Olympic Games – Final 1992 results, [dostęp 2012-07-23] (ang.).


Media użyte na tej stronie

Flag of Chinese Taipei (Olympics; 1986–2010).svg
Official flag used by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) to represent Chinese Taipei in association football matches. Also used at the Olympics from 1986 to 2010.
Silver medal.svg
Autor: B1mbo, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
Draw of a silver medal, based in Olympic rings.svg.
The joining of the rings is not correct drawn.
Baseball pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Baseball. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Judo pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Judo. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for the 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cycling (road). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Athletics pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports – . This is an unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Archery pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Archery. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Weightlifting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Weightlifting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Shooting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Shooting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here pertains to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here pertains to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg
Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag. According to the official website of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Blue Sky(circle) & White Sun(triangles) above the Olympic rings is neither the National Emblem of the Republic of China, nor the Party Emblem of Kuomintang (KMT), but a design in between, where the triangles do not extend to the edge of the blue circle, as registered at International Olympic Committee in 1981 and digitally rendered in 2013. Besides, the blue outline of the five-petaled plum blossom is broader than the red one. Moreover, the CMYK code of the blue one and the Blue Sky & White Sun is "C100-M100-Y0-K0", and different from the Olympic rings (C100-M25-Y0-K0). Note that it's the only version recognized by IOC.
Cycling pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cycling (road). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.