Dorat Road

Długość65 km
Stany i terytoriaTerytorium Północne
Strona internetowa drogi

Dorat Road - droga stanowa nr 23 o długości 65 km w Australii, na obszarze Terytorium Północnego. Łączy drogę Stuart Highway w miejscowości Adelaide River, z miejscowością Hayes Creek, położonej również na Stuart Highway. Przebiega na zachodnim obrzeżu parku narodowego Litchfield[1].

Zobacz też

  • Lista dróg w Terytorium Północnym
  • Park Narodowy Litchfield


Media użyte na tej stronie

Sign no. 392 - Customs, darker version
AS-prom rzeka-icon.svg
prom rzeka-icon.
(Motorway) tunnel Icon. Drawing similar to Swiss road signs.
Gas station symbol
20 airtransportation inv.svg
AIGA Air Transportation sign (inverted)
Flag of the Northern Territory.svg
The flag of the Northern Territory (adopted on July 1, 1978 on the first day of self-government) was designed by the Australian artist Robert Ingpen, of Drysdale Victoria, after consultation with members of the community at the invitation of the Northern Territory Government. The flag incorporates the three official Territorian colours of black, white and ochre and is divided into two panels, black at the hoist side taking up one third the length of the flag while the remainder is equal to two third the length of the flag in ochre. The black panel display the five white stars that form the constellation of the Southern Cross, using the Victorian configuration of the Southern Cross with stars having between five to eight points. The flag also features the official Northern Territory floral emblem on the red ochre panel, a stylisation of the Sturt's Desert Rose, which uses seven petals encircling a seven-pointed black star of the federation in the centre. The seven petals symbolises the six Australian states plus the Northern Territory. The Northern Territory Flag was the first official flag that did not contain the Union Jack.