Flaga Fidżi

Flaga Fidżi
Flaga Fidżi
Flaga Fidżi
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Flaga narodowa Flaga narodowa




10 października 1970


Tessa Mackenzie

Flaga Fidżi
W użyciu

Bandera cywilna Bandera cywilna

Flaga Fidżi
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Bandera państwowa Bandera rządowa

Flaga Fidżi
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Bandera wojenna Bandera wojskowa

Flaga Fidżi – prostokątna, błękitna z flagą Wielkiej Brytanii w kantonie oraz godłem po prawej stronie. Została wprowadzona 10 października 1970[1]. Autorką flagi jest Tessa Mackenzie[2].


Kolor błękitny symbolizuje Pacyfik Centralny. Po prawej stronie od flagi Wielkiej Brytanii, która symbolizuje dawną przynależność wysp do tego państwa, znajduje się herb Fidżi.

Flagi rządowe

Historyczne warianty flagi

Flagi osób rządzących


Flagi narodowe

Propozycje flag

Propozycje z 2005

Propozycje z 2015

W lutym 2015 premier Fidżi Voreqe Bainimarama ogłosił konkurs na nową flagę, która miała zostać oficjalnie przyjęta w dniu Święta Niepodległości Fidżi, 10 października 2015[3]. W wyniku konkursu zostało wyłonione 23 propozycje flag[4]. Termin wyboru został później przesunięty na 1 lipca 2016, a flaga miała zostać przyjęta w Dniu Konstytucji, 7 września[4]; ostatecznie jednak w sierpniu 2016 całkowicie zrezygnowano z planów zmiany dotychczasowej flagi[5].

Zobacz też


  1. flag of Fiji, [w:] Encyclopædia Britannica [online] [dostęp 2018-12-31] (ang.).
  2. Losalini Vuki: Tessa the woman that designed Fiji's flag. [dostęp 2022-08-14]. (ang.).
  3. Voreqe Bainimarama: PRIME MINISTER’S STATEMENT: National Flag Competition. 2015-02-27. [dostęp 2018-12-31]. (ang.).
  4. a b More flag delays in Fiji. Radio New Zealand International, 2015-12-24. [dostęp 2018-12-31]. (ang.).
  5. Fiji PM says flag won't be changed. Radio New Zealand International, 2016-08-18. [dostęp 2018-12-31]. (ang.).

Media użyte na tej stronie

Flag of Fiji.svg
Autor: unknown, Licencja: CC0
Autor: Scroch, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Contours of Australia
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 50).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 39).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Flag of Fiji (1883–1908).svg
Autor: Sodacan, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of Fiji (1883-1908)
Flag of the Kingdom of Lau 1869-1871.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Lau (1869-1871)
Flag of the Governor of Fiji (1877–1883).svg
Autor: FOX 52, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of the Governor of Fiji (1877–1883).
Flag of the Kingdom of Fiji (1871-1874).svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Fiji (1871-1874)
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 38).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Red Ensign of Fiji (1908-1970).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
Red Ensign of Fiji from 1908 to 1970.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 41).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 49).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 55).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 37).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 56).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 45).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
FIAV 111000.svg
Vexillological Symbol according to FIAV / W. Smith: National flag on land
  • FIAV 001000.svg military land use
  • FIAV 010000.svg public land use
  • FIAV 100000.svg private land use
Royal Standard of Fiji (1871-1874).svg
Royal Standard flag of Fiji
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 46).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Personal Flag of the King of Lau 1869-1871.svg
Personal Flag of the King of Lau (1869-1871)
Flag of Fiji (1908–1924).svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ta ^specifik^ z W3C grafika wektorowa została stworzona za pomocą Inkscape .
Flag of the President of Fiji.svg
Autor: Prez001, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Standard of the President of Fiji bearing the full Coat of Arms of Fiji and a traditional Knot and Whale's tooth in Golden-Yellow.
Flag of the Confederacy of Independent Kingdoms of Fiji.svg
Autor: Jeromi Mikhael, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of the Confederacy of Independent Kingdoms of Fiji.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 48).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 54).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 57).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Flag of the Kingdom of Bau.svg
Flag of Kingdom of Bau.
Flag of Fiji (1924–1970).svg
Autor: Simitukidia and Lokal Profil, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Fiji from 1924 to 1970
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 35).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Flag of the Governor of Fiji (1883–1908).svg
Autor: Sodacan, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of the Governor of Fiji (1883-1908)
Flag of the Governor-General of Fiji (1970–1987).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
Flag of the Governor-General of the Dominion of Fiji from 10 October 1970 to 6 October 1987.
Flag of Fiji (1877–1883).svg
Autor: FOX 52, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag and government ensign of Fiji (1877–1883).

FIAV 110010.svg
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 43).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Merchant flag of the Kingdom of Fiji (1871-1874).svg
The civil ensign of Fiji, 1871–1874.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 51).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 36).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Customs Ensign of Fiji (1881-1966).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
Customs Ensign of Fiji from 1881 to 1966. The same design was also used in the British Solomon Islands (1907–1960), the Gilbert and Ellice Islands (1912–1976) and its successor states (Kiribati until 1993; Tuvalu until 2015).
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 40).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 53).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 42).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 52).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed Flag of Fiji.svg
Autor: Raymond1922A, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Proposed new flag of Fiji.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 44).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Proposed flag of Fiji (2015; design 47).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
One of the 23 flag proposals selected for consideration by the Fijian National Flag Committee in 2015.
Flag of Fiji (2005 proposal).svg
Autor: Thommy, Licencja: CC0
Proposed flag of Fiji (suggested by the Great Council of Chiefs in 2005).