Football League Championship (2020/2021)

Championship 2020/2021
Football League Championship

 Wielka Brytania

Liczba zespołów


Liczba meczów


Liczba stadionów

24 (w 20 miejscowościach)

Football League Championship 2020/2021 jest 17. sezonem drugiej klasy rozgrywek ligowych mężczyzn w Anglii. Z Premier League spadły zespoły Bournemouth, Watford oraz Norwich City. W sezonie jest trzech beniaminków Coventry City, Rotherham United oraz Wycombe Wanderers. Udział wzięły 24 drużyny.


Mapa konturowa Wielkiego Londynu
Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right, CC BY-SA 3.0
Londyńskie kluby w Football League Championship (2020/2021)


Coat of arms of Sheffield City Council.pngSheffieldHillsboroughSheffield Wednesday34 854Hillsborough Stadium interior.jpg
MiddlesbroughRiverside StadiumMiddlesbrough34 742
DerbyiPro StadiumDerby County33 600
Pride Park.jpg
(c) Chris J Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Coat of Arms of Cardiff.jpgCardiffCardiff City StadiumCardiff City33 316Cardiff City Stadium Pitch.jpg
BlackburnEwood ParkBlackburn Rovers31 367Ewood Park 2011.jpg
West BridgfordCity GroundNottingham Forest30 445Nottingham MMB 15 City Ground.jpg
Stoke-on-TrentBet365 StadiumStoke City30 089Britannia Stadium 1.JPG
Birmingham Coat of Arms.JPGBirminghamSt Andrew’s StadiumBirmingham City29 409TiltonRoadEnd01.JPG
Birmingham Coat of Arms.JPGBirminghamSt Andrew’s StadiumCoventry City29 409TiltonRoadEnd01.JPG
Arms of Norwich.svgNorwichCarrow RoadNorwich City27 244Carrow Road - fans holding yellow or green fliers.jpg
Bristol arms cropped.jpgBristolAshton GateBristol City27 000
HuddersfieldKirklees StadiumHuddersfield Town24 500Huddersfield 002.jpg
ReadingMadejski StadiumReading24 161Madejski Stadium aerial, August 2014.jpg
Preston City Council - coat of arms.pngPrestonDeepdalePreston North End23 408
BarnsleyOakwell StadiumPreston North End23 287
East Stand, Oakwell - - 1494052.jpg
(c) Martin Thirkettle, CC BY-SA 2.0
Watford.JPGWatfordVicarage RoadWatford21 577Vicarageroad1.jpg
Escudo Swansea.jpgSwanseaLiberty StadiumSwansea City21 088
New Morfa Stadium - - 32243.jpg
(c) Nigel Davies, CC BY-SA 2.0
Coat of Arms of The City of London.svgLondynThe DenMillwall20 146
The New Den - - 1143517.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
Coat of Arms of The City of London.svgLondynLoftus RoadQueens Park Rangers18 439Loftus Road 3.jpg
Coat of Arms of The City of London.svgLondynBrentford Community StadiumBrentford17 250Brentford Community Stadium 2020.jpg
RotherhamNew York StadiumRotherham United12 021The New York Stadium.JPG
BournemouthDean CourtBournemouth11 364DeanCourtPanorama.jpg
LutonKenilworth RoadLuton Town10 336Kenilworth Road.jpg
Crest of High Wycombe, UK.svgHigh WycombeAdams ParkWycombe Wanderers9 448Adams Park from a northerly direction.JPG

Trenerzy, kapitanowie i sponsorzy

ZespółTrenerKapitanSponsor technicznySponsor strategiczny
BarnsleyFrancja Ismaël, ValérienValérien IsmaëlAnglia Mowatt, AlexAlex MowattPumaThe Investment Room
BournemouthAnglia Woodgate, JonathanJonathan WoodgateAnglia Cook, SteveSteve CookUmbroMSP Capital
Birmingham CityAnglia Bowyer, LeeLee BowyerAnglia Dean, HarleeHarlee DeanNikeBoyleSports
Blackburn RoversAnglia Mowbray, TonyTony MowbrayAnglia Benett, EliottEliott BenettUmbroRecoverite Compression
BrentfordDania Frank, ThomasThomas FrankSzwecja Jansson, PontusPontus JanssonUmbroEcoWorld
Bristol CityAnglia Pearson, NigelNigel PearsonCzechy Kalas, TomášTomáš KalasHummelMansionBet
Cardiff CityIrlandia McCarthy, MickMick McCarthyAnglia Morrison, SeanSean MorrisonAdidasTourism Malaysia
Coventry CityAnglia Robins, MarkMark RobinsSzkocja Kelly, LiamLiam KellyHummelBoyleSports
Derby CountyAnglia Rooney, WayneWayne RooneySzkocja Marshall, DavidDavid MarshallUmbro32Red
Huddersfield TownHiszpania Corberán, CarlosCarlos CorberánNiemcy Schindler, ChristopherChristopher SchindlerUmbroPaddy Power
Luton TownWalia Jones, NathanNathan JonesAnglia Bradley, SonnySonny BradleyUmbroJB Developments
MiddlesbroughAnglia Warnock, NeilNeil WarnockDemokratyczna Republika Konga Assombalonga, BrittBritt AssombalongaHummel32Red
MillwallAnglia Rowett, GaryGary RowettIrlandia Pearce, AlexAlex PearceMacronHuski Chocolate
Norwich CityNiemcy Farke, DanielDaniel FarkeSzkocja Hanley, GrantGrant HanleyErreàDafabet
Nottingham ForestIrlandia Hughton, ChrisChris HughtonAnglia Dawson, MichaelMichael DawsonMacronFootball Index
Preston North EndSzkocja McAvoy, FrankieFrankie McAvoyIrlandia Browne, AlanAlan BrowneNike32Red
Queens Park RangersAnglia Warburton, MarkMark WarburtonStany Zjednoczone Cameron, GeoffGeoff CameronErreàFootball Index
ReadingSerbia Paunović, VeljkoVeljko PaunovićJamajka Moore, LiamLiam MooreMacronCasumo
Rotherham UnitedAnglia Warne, PaulPaul WarneAnglia Wood, RichardRichard WoodPumaEmbark Group
Sheffield WednesdayAnglia Thompson, NeilNeil ThompsonSzkocja Bannan, BarryBarry BannanElev8Chansiri
Stoke CityIrlandia Północna O’Neill, MichaelMichael O’NeillMacronBet365
Swansea CityWalia Cooper, SteveSteve CooperAnglia Grimes, MattMatt GrimesJomaSwansea University
WatfordHiszpania Muñoz, XiscoXisco MuñozAnglia Deeney, TroyTroy
Wycombe WanderersAnglia Ainsworth, GarethGareth AinsworthAnglia Bloomfield, MattMatt BloomfieldO’NeillsDreams
  • Jako sponsora technicznego należy rozumieć firmę, która dostarcza danemu klubowi sprzęt niezbędny do gry
  • Jako sponsora strategicznego należy rozumieć firmę, która reklamuje się na klatce piersiowej koszulki meczowej

Zmiany trenerów

KlubByły trenerData odejściaPowódNowy trenerData zatrudnienia
Przed sezonem
Birmingham CityAnglia Steve Spooner
Anglia Craig Gardner
22 lipca 2020Koniec umowy opiekunaHiszpania Aitor Karanka31 lipca 2020[1]
Huddersfield TownAnglia Danny Schofield22 lipca 2020Hiszpania Carlos Corberán23 lipca 2020[2]
WatfordAnglia Hayden Mullins26 lipca 2020Serbia Vladimir Ivić15 sierpnia 2020[3]
BournemouthAnglia Eddie Howe1 sierpnia 2020Zwolnienie za porozumieniem stronAnglia Jason Tindall8 sierpnia 2020[4]
ReadingWalia Mark Bowen29 sierpnia 2020Awansowany na dyrektora sportowegoSerbia Veljko Paunović29 sierpnia 2020[5]
W trakcie sezonu
BarnsleyAustria Gerhard Struber6 października 2020Przeszedł do New York Red BullsFrancja Valérien Ismaël23 października[6]
Nottingham ForestFrancja Sabri Lamouchi6 października 2020ZwolnienieIrlandia Chris Hughton6 października 2020[7]
Sheffield WednesdayAnglia Garry Monk9 listopada 2020Walia Tony Pulis13 listopada 2020[8]
Derby CountyHolandia Phillip Cocu14 listopada 2020Zwolnienie za porozumieniem stronAnglia Wayne Rooney (tymczasowo)27 listopada 2020
WatfordSerbia Vladimir Ivić19 grudnia 2020ZwolnienieHiszpania Xisco Muñoz20 grudnia 2020[9]
Sheffield WednesdayWalia Tony Pulis28 grudnia 2020Anglia Neil Thompson (opiekun)28 grudnia 2020
Cardiff CityAnglia Neil Harris21 stycznia 2021Irlandia Mick McCarthy22 stycznia 2021[10]
BournemouthAnglia Jason Tindall3 lutego 2021Anglia Jonathan Woodgate (opiekun)3 lutego 2021[11]
Bristol CityAnglia Dean Holden16 lutego 2021Anglia Nigel Pearson22 lutego 2021[12]
Birmingham CityHiszpania Aitor Karanka16 marca 2021RezygnacjaAnglia Lee Bowyer16 marca 2021[13]
Preston North EndSzkocja Alex Neil21 marca 2021ZwolnienieSzkocja Frankie McAvoy (tymczasowo)16 marca 2021[14]


1Norwich City (A,M)46291077536+3997Awans do Premier League
2Watford (A)46271096330+3391
3Brentford (A)46241577942+3787Kwalifikacja do baraży o awans
4Swansea City462311125639+1780
8Cardiff City461814146649+1768
9Queens Park Rangers461911165755+268
12Luton Town461711184152−1162
13Preston North End46187214956−761
14Stoke City461515165052−260
15Blackburn Rovers461512196554+1157
16Coventry City461413194961−1255
17Nottingham Forest461216183745−852
18Birmingham City461313203761−2452
19Bristol City46156254668−2251
20Huddersfield Town461213215071−2149
21Derby County461111243658−2244
22Wycombe Wanderers (S)461110253969−3043Spadek do League One
23Rotherham United (S)46119264460−1642
24Sheffield Wednesday1 (S)461211234061−2141
Źródło: Football League
Oznaczenia: (M) – tytuł mistrzowski, (A) – awans, (S) – spadek.
Zasady ustalania kolejności: 1. liczba zdobytych punktów; 2. różnica zdobytych bramek; 3. większa liczba zdobytych bramek.

1 Sheffield Wednesday zostało ukarane odjęciem 12 punktów z powodu problemów z rentownością. Kara została jednak zredukowana do 6 punktów[15]

Baraże o awans


17 maja 2021
BrentfordDean Court, Boscombe
Widzów: 2 000
Sędzia: Tim Robinson
17 maja 2021
Swansea City
Gol 39' A.Ayew
Oakwell, Barnsley

Sędzia: Geoff Eltringham

22 maja 2021
Toney Gol 16' (k.)
Janelt Gol 50'
Forss Gol 81'
Brentford Community Stadium, Londyn
Widzów: 4 000
Sędzia: Jarred Gillett
22 maja 2021
Swansea City
Grimes Gol 39'
Gol 71' Woodrow
Liberty Stadium, Swansea

Sędzia: John Brooks


29 maja 2021
Toney Gol 10' (k.)
Marcondes Gol 20'
Swansea CityWembley Stadium, Londyn
Widzów: 12 000
Sędzia: Chris Kavanagh


Barnsley 1:02:10:40:12:22:20:00:02:10:12:02:12:22:02:13:01:11:01:22:00:21:02:1
Birmingham City1:2 0:21:31:00:30:41:10:42:10:11:40:01:31:10:12:12:11:10:12:01:00:11:2
Blackburn Rovers2:15:2 0:20:10:00:01:12:15:21:00:02:11:20:11:23:12:42:11:11:11:12:35:0
Bournemouth2:33:23:2 0:11:01:24:11:15:00:13:11:11:02:02:30:04:21:01:20:23:01:01:0
Brentford0:20:02:22:1 3:21:12:00:03:01:00:00:01:11:12:42:43:11:03:02:11:12:07:2
Bristol City0:10:11:01:21:3 0:22:11:02:12:30:10:21:30:02:00:20:20:22:00:21:10:02:1
Cardiff City3:03:22:21:12:30:1 3:14:03:04:01:11:11:20:14:00:11:21:10:20:00:21:22:1
Coventry City2:00:00:41:32:03:11:0 1:00:00:01:26:10:21:20:13:23:23:12:00:01:10:00:0
Derby County0:21:20:41:02:21:01:11:1 2:02:02:10:10:11:10:10:10:20:13:30:02:00:11:1
Huddersfield Town0:11:12:11:21:11:20:01:11:0 1:13:20:10:11:01:22:01:20:02:01:14:12:02:3
Luton Town1:21:11:10:00:32:10:22:02:11:1 1:11:13:11:13:00:20:00:03:20:20:11:02:0
Middlesbrough2:10:10:11:11:41:31:12:03:02:11:0 3:00:11:02:01:20:00:33:13:02:11:10:3
Millwall1:12:00:21:41:14:11:11:20:10:32:01:0 0:01:12:11:11:11:04:10:00:30:00:0
Norwich City1:01:01:11:31:02:02:01:10:17:03:00:00:0 2:12:21:14:11:02:14:11:00:12:1
Nottingham Forest0:00:01:00:01:31:20:22:11:10:20:11:23:10:2 1:23:11:11:12:01:10:10:02:0
Preston North End2:01:20:31:10:51:00:12:03:03:00:13:00:21:10:1 0:00:01:21:00:10:10:12:2
Queens Park Rangers1:30:01:02:12:11:23:23:00:10:13:11:13:21:32:00:2 0:13:24:10:00:21:11:0
Reading2:01:21:03:11:33:11:13:03:12:22:10:21:21:22:00:31:1 3:03:00:32:21:01:0
Rotherham United1:20:11:12:20:22:01:20:13:01:10:11:20:11:20:12:13:10:1 3:03:31:31:40:3
Sheffield Wednesday1:20:11:01:01:21:15:01:01:01:10:12:10:01:20:01:01:11:11:2 0:00:20:02:0
Stoke City2:21:11:00:13:20:21:22:31:04:33:01:01:22:31:10:00:20:01:01:0 1:21:22:0
Swansea City2:00:02:00:01:11:30:11:02:11:22:02:12:12:01:00:10:10:01:01:12:0 2:12:2
Watford1:03:03:11:11:16:00:13:22:12:01:01:01:01:01:04:11:22:02:01:03:22:0 2:0
Wycombe Wanderers1:30:01:01:00:02:12:11:21:20:01:31:31:20:20:31:01:11:00:11:00:10:21:1

Aktualne na 8 maja 2021. Źródło: BBC Sport
1Drużyna gospodarzy jest wymieniona po lewej stronie tabeli.
Kolory: zielony – zwycięstwo gospodarzy, żółty – remis, różowy – zwycięstwo gości.

Najlepsi strzelcy

31 GolAnglia Ivan ToneyBrentford
28 GolAnglia Adam ArmstrongBlackburn Rovers
26 GolFinlandia Teemu PukkiNorwich City
20 GolWalia Kieffer MooreCardiff City
19 GolPortugalia Lucas JoãoReading
16 GolGhana André AyewSwansea City
15 GolAnglia Dominic SolankeBournemouth
Holandia Arnaut GroeneveldBournemouth
Argentyna Emiliano BuendíaNorwich City

Źródło: strona BBC Sport.


1.Anglia Adam ArmstrongBlackburn RoversWycombe Wanderers5:0[16]2.19 września 2020
2.Irlandia James CollinsLuton TownPreston North End3:0[17]18.12 grudnia 2020
3.Hiszpania Sergi CanósBrentfordCardiff City2:3[18]21.26 grudnia 2020
4.Anglia Ivan ToneyBrentfordWycombe Wanderers7:2[19]27.30 stycznia 2021
5.Finlandia Teemu PukkiNorwich CityHuddersfield Town7:0[20]40.7 kwietnia 2021
6.Anglia Adam ArmstrongBlackburn RoversHuddersfield Town5:2[21]44.24 kwietnia 2021
7.Walia Harry WilsonCardiff CityBirmingham City0:4[22]45.1 maja 2021
8.Anglia Adam ArmstrongBlackburn RoversBirmingham City5:2[23]46.8 maja 2021

4 Zawodnik zdobył 4 bramki


Media użyte na tej stronie

Greater London UK location map 2.svg
Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right, CC BY-SA 3.0

Map of Greater London, UK with the following information shown:

  • Administrative borders
  • Coastline, lakes and rivers
  • Roads and railways
  • Urban areas

The data includes both primary routes and railway lines.

Equirectangular map projection on WGS 84 datum, with N/S stretched 160%

Geographic limits:

  • West: 0.57W
  • East: 0.37E
  • North: 51.72N
  • South: 51.25N
Football pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Football. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Aiga downarrow inv.svg
This image is from a collection commissioned by the United States Department of Transportation and designed by AIGA. It is copyright-free, and is available here
Coat of arms of Sheffield City Council.png
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Coat of arms of Sheffield City Council, the local government authority for the City of Sheffield, in South Yorkshire, England. The blazon is:
ARMS: Per fesse Azure and Vert in chief eight Arrows interlaced saltirewise banded Argent and in base three Garbs fessewise Or.
CREST: On a Wreath of the Colours a Lion rampant Argent gorged with a Collar and holding between the paws an Antique Shield Azure charged with eight Arrows as in the Arms.
SUPPORTERS: On the dexter side a figure habited as Thor resting his exterior hand on a Hammer all proper and on the sinister side a figure habited as Vulcan standing in front of an Anvil and in the dexter hand a pair of Pincers all also proper.
Hillsborough Stadium interior.jpg
Autor: Niallzi, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Hillsborough Stadium interior
MFC Riverside Stadium.jpg
(c) User:Anthony Winward, CC BY-SA 3.0
The home ground for Middlesbrough Football Club, the Riverside Stadium.
Pride Park.jpg
(c) Chris J Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
Pride Park Stadium.
Coat of Arms of Cardiff.jpg
Autor: Ashley0690, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
The coat of arms of Cardiff.
Cardiff City Stadium Pitch.jpg
Autor: Jon Candy from Cardiff, Wales, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.0
09/01/10 Cardiff V Blackpool, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff, Wales
Ewood Park 2011.jpg
Autor: Ronnie Macdonald from Chelmsford, United Kingdom, Licencja: CC BY 2.0
Ewood Park from Blackburn vs Arsenal
Nottingham MMB 15 City Ground.jpg
Autor: mattbuck (category), Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
The City Ground from the bridge.
Britannia Stadium 1.JPG
Autor: State22, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Britannia Stadium.
Birmingham Coat of Arms.JPG
Autor: Avatarthugee, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Birmingham Coat of Arms as found in a stain glass window in Birmingham Museum
Autor: Bruker:TuborgLight, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
St Andrews, the home ground of Birmingham City.
Bristol arms cropped.jpg
Autor: Rob Brewer from Bristol, England, cropped by Gasheadsteve, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.0
Coat of arms of the Bristol City Council on Bath Bridge, near Temple Meads station.
Ashton Gate Stadium (daytime).jpg
(c) SGGH z angielskiej Wikipedii, CC BY-SA 3.0
Bristol City F.C.'s ground at Ashton Gate during the daytime, and empty
Huddersfield 002.jpg
Autor: Peanut4, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Players warming up at half-time during the Huddersfield Town versus Bradford City fixture in the Football League Cup at the Galpharm Stadium on 12 August 2008.
Madejski Stadium aerial, August 2014.jpg
Autor: John Fielding from Norwich, UK, Licencja: CC BY 2.0
Reading Football Club, Madejski Stadium, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0FL. Aerial
Preston City Council - coat of arms.png
Autor: NieznanyUnknown author, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
The coat of arms of Preston City Council, the local authority for the City of Preston, in Lancashire, England.
(c) ​English Wikipedia user Hudson6dogs, CC-BY-SA-3.0
Deepdale Stadium, Preston, England. Home of Preston North End F.C. and England's National Football Museum
East Stand, Oakwell - - 1494052.jpg
(c) Martin Thirkettle, CC BY-SA 2.0
East Stand, Oakwell
Escudo Swansea.jpg
Autor: unknown, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
New Morfa Stadium - - 32243.jpg
(c) Nigel Davies, CC BY-SA 2.0
New Morfa Stadium. Swansea's new Football & Rugby 'Liberty Stadium' next to the River Tawe, near the Morfa retail park.
Coat of Arms of The City of London.svg
Autor: Sodacan, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of The City of London. Blazon according to Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, The Book of Public Arms: “Argent, a cross gules, in the first quarter, a sword in pale, point upwards, of the last. Crest–A dragon's sinister wing argent, charged with cross gules. Supporters–On either side, a dragon with wings elevated and endorsed argent, and charged on the wing with a cross gules. Motto–‘Domine dirige nos.’(Lord, guide us)”
The New Den - - 1143517.jpg
(c) Richard Croft, CC BY-SA 2.0
The New Den, near to Deptford, Lewisham, Great Britain. After a dull first half, this picture was taken mid-way through the second half when Millwall led Scunthorpe United 1-0 from a Gary Alexander goal. Then United striker Gary Hooper struck twice in the last 17 minutes as the Iron clinched all 3 points to go third in League 1.
Loftus Road 3.jpg
Autor: Matt Churchill, Licencja: CC BY 2.0
Loftus Road Stadium
Flag of England.svg
Flag of England. Saint George's cross (a red cross on a white background), used as the Flag of England, the Italian city of Genoa and various other places.
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg
The national flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Created according to the 2006 constitution : Son emblème est le drapeau bleu ciel, orné d’une étoile jaune dans le coin supérieur gauche et traversé en biais d’une bande rouge finement encadrée de jaune. (Its symbol is a sky blue flag, decorated with a yellow star in the upper left corner and crossed in the diagonal by a red strip with thin yellow borders) It seems to be identical, except for a lighter field hue, to the 1966–1971 flag.
Flag of the United States.svg
The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
Flag of Jamaica.svg
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Ulster Banner.svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Flag of Northern Ireland (1953–1972).svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Soccerball shade.svg
Autor: Derived from image:soccer ball.svg, this version made by User:Ed g2s., Licencja: CC0
A soccer ball with shade.
Flag of Finland.svg
Flaga Finlandii
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857-1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Autor: unknown, Licencja: CC BY 2.0
Brentford Community Stadium 2020.jpg
Autor: AndyScott, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Brentford Community Stadium in May 2020
The New York Stadium.JPG
Autor: Rotherhamlad1983, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
The New York Stadium, Rotherham, taken pre-match against Barnsley
Arms of Norwich.svg

Coat of arms of Norwich.

Blazon: Gules, a Castle triple-towered and domed Argent, in base a Lion passant guardant Or.
Arms of the Borough of Watford in Hertfordshire, England. Blazon: Gules on a Pale wavy Argent between two Escallops Or a Pallet wavy Azure charged with a Fasces erect of the second on a Chief of the third a Hurt charged with a Saltire also of the third between two Harts statant of the first.

Original uploader was Pommes104 at en.wikipedia

(Original text : Bernd Jatzwauk Pommes104), Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Fitness First Stadium at Dean Court
Crest of High Wycombe, UK.svg
Autor: Remdabest, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Crest of High Wycombe, UK. Used also by the Mayor of the town.
Adams Park from a northerly direction.JPG
Autor: DipsyDave, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Adams Park from an elevated position north of the ground