Godło Libii
Godło Libii – jeden z symboli narodowych Libii, używany w latach 1952–2012.
W latach 2011–2012 jego rolę pełnił symbol Narodowej Rady Tymczasowej. Emblemat ten, miał postać dwóch współśrodkowych okręgów. W środkowym znajdowały się trzy półksiężyce, symbole islamu, w barwach zielonej, czarnej oraz czerwonej, reprezentujących trzy historyczne krainy Libii – Trypolitanię, Fazzan i Cyrenajkę. Są to też barwy flagi Libii i barwy narodowe tego kraju. Obok nich mieściły się trzy czarne fale, symbolizujące pustynne piaski oraz gwiazda na znak bezchmurnego nocnego libijskiego nieba. Pomiędzy okręgami umieszczono na obwodzie napis w języku arabskim i angielskim – „Libia. Narodowa Rada Tymczasowa”. Po rozwiązaniu Narodowej Rady Tymczasowej w sierpniu 2012 roku, znak ten utracił ważność. Od tamtej pory nie uchwalono oficjalnego godła Libii.
W 2013 roku wprowadzono nowe paszporty dla libijskich obywateli. Na okładce pojawił się symbol z flagi kraju: półksiężyc i pięcioramienna gwiazda.
Dawne herby i godła Libii
Herb Libii Włoskiej (1934–1943)
Godło Królestwa Libii (1952–1969)
Godło Libijskiej Dżamahirijji (1977–2011)
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Coat of arms of Libya ca. 1969-1971 -- standard pan-Arab "Eagle of Saladin" with shield of vertical tricolor of the then national flag, holding a scroll with the words الجمهورية العربية الليبية
(al-Jumhuriya al-`Arabiya al-Libiya or "Libyan Arab Republic").Coat of arms of Libya (Gaddafi government from 1977-2011) -- the "Hawk of Qureish" with a green shield representing the national flag, holding a scroll with the words اتحاد الجمهوريات العربية (ittiħād al-jumhūriyyāt al-`arabiyya, "Union of Arab Republics")
Autor: Пакко, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Emblem of the Kingdom of Libya, known as the "Crown of Libya", after a design used during 1952-1969.
The constitution of the Kingdom of Libya of 1952 in article 7 describes the flag, but not the emblem. No official description is available at present (due to the restrictions placed on government archives since the military coup of 1969), and the design is reconstructed from many variants in shape and color schemes. The 24dec1951.com website conducted research into the design as represented in official government sources of 1952-1969, and describes the emblem as follows:
- Top Crown adorned with a white Crescent and five-pointed star at its summit, at which five visible side frames originating from a ring at the base converge. The star studded base and frame contain a velvet black head cover like object.
- The Top Crown is supported at its base by two beautiful plantar designs; in the form of three intertwined C and S scroll shapes.
- Two massive “Shoulder” frames contain the body of the crown from the right and left [...]. Each side is a complex formation of intertwined branches in the shape of an S Curve, which is essentially two back-to-back C scrolls; the larger one of which terminates in a large beautiful spiral at the top. [...]
- The background color of the large interior below the Top Crown can be white or transparent, although this is not evident in the picture of the Libyan pound. The background color of the center region surrounding the large white Crescent and Star is black as in the center stripe of the Libyan flag.
- A white ring with thin black borders, surrounds the center large white Crescent and Star.
- Nine five-pointed white stars surround the center ring.
- Large white crescent.
- Five pointed star located well above the perimeter of the crescent. This differs from the flag, which places the star at the extremities of the crescent.
- A Center Crown, seated above the ring containing the Crescent and Star. Its design is identical to the Top Crown, except for being smaller in size.
- Plantar/ floral ornamentation similar to #2 above, providing variation and connectivity to the base.
- At the base, an elegant design that resembles a document scroll with a ring tie at its center. It is noted that the color scheme of the crown is most likely white for the stars and crescents, black and white (or transparent) for spaces, and gold for the crowns and frames. [...]
Star and crescent gold color placed on Libyan passports
The Hawk of Qureish -- coat of arms of the "Federation of Arab Republics" (اتحاد الجمهوريات العربية, ittiħād al-jumhūriyyāt al-`arabiyya) of Egypt, Libya, and Syria from 1972-1977.