
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Państwo Szwecja
RegionDalarna vapen.svg Dalarna
Powierzchnia5,86[1] km²
Populacja (2018)
• liczba ludności
• gęstość

1298[1] os./km²
Położenie na mapie Dalarna
Mapa konturowa Dalarna, na dole po prawej znajduje się punkt z opisem „Hedemora”
Położenie na mapie Szwecji
Mapa konturowa Szwecji, blisko centrum po lewej na dole znajduje się punkt z opisem „Hedemora”
Ziemia60°17′N 15°59′E/60,283333 15,983333
Portal Szwecja

Hedemora − miasto w Szwecji, w regionie Dalarna, siedziba Gminy Hedemora. W 2005 liczyło 7 279 mieszkańców.

Z Hedemory pochodzi Jennie Johansson, szwedzka pływaczka, mistrzyni świata i Europy.


  1. a b c Statistiska tätorter 2018; befolkning, landareal, befolkningstäthet (szw.). Statistikmyndigheten SCB, 2020-03-20. [dostęp 2020-09-08]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2020-03-24)].

Media użyte na tej stronie

Sweden Dalarna location map.svg
Autor: Erik Frohne, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Location map of Dalarna County in Sweden

Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 206 %. Geographic limits of the map:

  • N: 62.30° N
  • S: 59.70° N
  • W: 12.00° E
  • E: 16.90° E
Sweden location map.svg
Autor: NordNordWest, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Sweden
Dalarna vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Hedemora från ovan.JPG
Autor: Calle Eklund/V-wolf, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Northeastern part of the city Hedemora in Dalarna, Sweden. Picure taken from a glider.
Hedemora vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.