Homo cepranensis
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Homo cepranensis | |
Mallegni et al, 2003 | |
![]() Fragmenty czaszki Homo cepranensis | |
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Gatunek | Homo cepranensis |
Homo cepranensis – nazwa zaproponowana dla gatunku hominida, którego skamieniałości odkryto w 1994 w pobliżu Ceprano, we Włoszech. Wiek skamieniałości jest szacowany na 800-900 tys. lat.
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Autor: (of code) -xfi-, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Wikispecies logo created by Zephram Stark based on a concept design by Jeremykemp.
(c) Oryctes, CC BY-SA 3.0
Cast of the Sahelanthropus tchadensis holotype cranium TM 266-01-060-1, dubbed Toumaï, in facio-lateral view.
Autor: Autor nie został podany w rozpoznawalny automatycznie sposób. Założono, że to Alberto Salguero (w oparciu o szablon praw autorskich)., Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Pablo Alberto Salguero Quiles
Autor: Thomas Roche from San Francisco, USA, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.0
Homo erectus, Museum of Natural History, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 2007.
Autor: High Contrast, Licencja: CC BY 3.0 de
Anthroplogy - human skull of a boy. The skull is of a boy that was likely about 8 years old. The age of the skull itself is not known. Note the mandibular central incisors breaking through.
Autor: Aurélien Mounier1, Silvana Condemi1, Giorgio Manzi2,3*, Licencja: CC BY 2.5
Holotype of Homo cepranensis. Statistically significant traits that describe the Mid-Pleistocene cluster including Ceprano.
Numbers represent the following morphological features: Features 1 to 4 (black) traits that are more exclusive of Mid-Pleistocene specimens (i.e. 1: incomplete sulcus supraorbitalis, 2: frontal tuber weakly developed medially shifted, 3: supraorbital region medially concave, 4: intermediate position of the external auditory meatus in regard to the processus zygomaticus temporalis); 5 and 6 (blue) = more derived traits (i.e. 5: straight torus occipitalis transversus, 6: medio-lateral concavity of the articular tubercle); 7 to 10 (green) = more primitive traits (i.e. 7: petro-tympanic crest orientated downward, 8: opisthocranion coincident with inion, 9: processus retromastoideus, 10: torus angularis parietalis). Pertinence criterion for statistical significance: T-values>2, p<0.05. Scale bar = 50 mm.