Hymn państwowy

Hymn państwowy (hymn narodowy) – uroczysta pieśń o charakterze patriotycznym, stanowiąca jeden z symboli państwowych.

Hymny państw świata

Poniższa tabela przedstawia hymny wszystkich istniejących państw, a także niektórych istniejących związków wolnych państw, terytoriów zależnych oraz państw już nieistniejących, przy czym te dwie ostatnie kategorie zaznaczone są kursywą.

KrajTytuł hymnu
 AfganistanDa da batorano kor
 AlbaniaHymni i Flamurit
 AndoraEl Gran Carlemany
 AngliaGod Save the King, Land of Hope and Glory
 AngolaAngola Avante
 AnguillaGod Save the King
 Antigua i BarbudaFair Antigua, We Salute Thee
 Antyle HolenderskieHymn Antyli Holenderskich
 Arabia SaudyjskaAash al-Maleek
 ArgentynaOíd, mortales
 ArmeniaMer Hayrenik
 ArubaAruba Deshi Tera
 AustraliaHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn narodowy – Advance Australia Fair

 AustriaLand der Berge, Land am Strome
 Austro-WęgryGott erhalte, Gott beschütze
 AzerbejdżanAzərbaycan marşı
 BahamyMarch On, Bahamaland
 BangladeszAmar Sonar Bangla
 BarbadosIn Plenty and In Time of Need
 BiałoruśDziarżauny himn Respubliki Biełaruś
 BelgiaLa Brabaçonne
 BelizeHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn państwowy – Land of the Free

 BeninL'Aube Nouvelle
 BermudyGod Save the King
 BhutanDruk tsendhen
Flag of Biafra.svg BiafraLand of the Rising Sun
 BoliwiaCanción Patriótica
 BonaireTera di Solo y suave biento
 Bośnia i HercegowinaDržavna himna Bosne i Hercegovine
 BotswanaFatshe leno la rona
 BrazyliaHino Nacional Brasileiro
Brunei Brunei DarussalamAllah Peliharakan Sultan
 Brytyjskie Wyspy DziewiczeGod Save the King
 BułgariaMiła Rodino
 Burkina FasoLe Ditanye
 BurundiBurundi bwacu
 ChileHimno Nacional de Chile
Chińska Republika LudowaMarsz ochotników
 ChorwacjaLijepa naša domovino
 CuraçaoHimno di Kòrsou
 CyprImnos is tin Eleftherian
 CzarnogóraOj, svijetla majska zoro
 CzadLa Tchadienne
 CzechyKde domov můj?
 DaniaHymn królewski – Kong Kristian

Hymn narodowy – Der er et yndigt land

 Demokratyczna Republika KongaDebout Congolaise
 DominikaIsle of Beauty, Isle of Splendour
 DominikanaQuisqueyanos valientes
 DżibutiHymn Dżibuti
 EgiptBiladi, Biladi, Biladi
 EkwadorSalve, Oh Patria
 ErytreaErtära Ertära Ertära
 EstoniaMu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm
 EtiopiaWodefit Gesgeši Widd Innat Itjopp'ja
 FalklandyGod Save the King
 FidżiGod Bless Fiji
 FilipinyLupang Hinirang
Flag of Flanders.svg FlandriaDe Vlaamse Leeuw
 FrancjaLa Marseillaise
 GabonLa Concorde
 GambiaFor The Gambia Our Homeland
 GhanaGod Bless Our Homeland Ghana
 GibraltarHymn Gibraltaru

God Save the King

 Górski KarabachAzat ou Ankakh Artsakh
 GrecjaImnos is tin Eleftherian
 GrenadaHail Grenada
 GrenlandiaNunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit
 GwadelupaLa Marseillaise
 GuamStand Ye Guamanians
 GujanaDear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains
 Gujana FrancuskaLa Marseillaise
 GwatemalaHymn Gwatemali
 Gwinea BissauEsta é a Nossa Pátria Bem Amada
 Gwinea RównikowaCaminemos pisando la senda
 HaitiLa Dessalinienne
 HawajeHawaii Pono'i
 HiszpaniaMarcha Real
 HondurasTu bandera es un lampo de cielo
 IndonezjaIndonesia Raya
 IranSorud-e Melli-ye Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān
 IrlandiaAmhrán na bhFiann
 Irlandia PółnocnaLondonderry Air
 JamajkaJamaica, Land We Love
 JaponiaKimi Ga Yo
 JemenZjednoczona republika
 JordaniaAs-salam al-malaki al-urdoni
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg JugosławiaHej, Sloveni
 KajmanyBeloved Isles Cayman
 KamerunChant de Ralliement
 KanadaHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn państwowy – Oh Canada

 KataloniaEls Segadors
 KatarAl-Salam Al-Amiri
 KazachstanMenyng Kazakstanym
 KeniaEe Mungu Nguvu Yetu
 KirgistanKyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik Gimni
 KiribatiTeirake kaini Kiribati
 KolumbiaOh Gloria inmarcesible
 KomoryUdzima wa ya Masiwa
 KongoLa Congolaise
 KostarykaNoble patria, tu hermosa bandera
 Korea PołudniowaAegukga
 Korea PółnocnaAegukka
 KubaLa Bayamesa
Flag of Kurdistan.svg KurdystanEy Reqîb
 KuwejtAl-Nasheed Al-Watani
 LaosPheng Xat Lao
 LesothoLesotho Fatse La Bontata Rona
 LibanHymn Libanu
 LiberiaAll Hail, Liberia Hail
 LibiaLibia, Libia, Libia
 LiechtensteinOben am jungen Rhein
 LitwaTautiška giesme
 LuksemburgHymn wielkoksiążęcy – Wilhelmus

Hymn narodowy – Ons Hémécht

 ŁotwaDievs, sveti Latviju
 Macedonia PółnocnaДенес над Македонија
 MadagaskarRy Tanindraza nay malala ô
 MajottaLa Marseillaise
 MalawiMlungu dalitsani malawi
 MalediwyGaumee Salaam
 MaliPour l'Afrique et pour toi, Mali
 MaltaL-Innu Malti
 Mariany PółnocneGi Talo Gi Halom Tasi
 MarokoHymne Cherifien
 MartynikaLa Marseillaise
 MauretaniaHymn Mauretanii
 MeksykMexicanos, al grito de guerra
 MikronezjaPatriots of Micronesia
 MjanmaGba Majay Mymar
 MołdawiaLimba Noastra
 MonakoA Marcia de Muneghu
 MongoliaМонгол улсын төрийн дуулал
 MontserratGod Save the King
 MozambikPatria Amada
 NaddniestrzeMy sławu poem, Pridnestrow'ju
 NamibiaNamibia, Land of the Brave
 NauruNauru Bwiema
 NepalSayaun Thunga Phool Ka
 NiemcyDas Lied der Deutschen (tylko trzecia zwrotka)
Niemiecka Republika DemokratycznaAuferstanden aus Ruinen
 NikaraguaSalve a ti, Nicaragua
 NigerLa Nigerienne
 NigeriaArise Oh Compatriots, Nigeria's Call Obey
 NiueKo e Iki he Lagi
 NorwegiaHymn królewski – Kongesangen

Hymn narodowy – Ja, vi elsker dette landet

 Nowa ZelandiaHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn narodowy – God Defend New Zealand

 OmanNashid as-Salaam as-Sultani
 PakistanPak sarzamin shad bad
 PalauBelau rekid
 PanamaHimno Istmeño
 Papua-Nowa GwineaHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn narodowy – O Arise, All You Sons

 ParagwajParaguayos, Républica o muerte
 PeruMarcha Nacional
 PitcairnGod Save the King
 Polinezja FrancuskaLa Marseillaise
 PolskaMazurek Dąbrowskiego
 PortugaliaA Portuguesa
 PortorykoLa Borinquena
Południowa Afryka Południowa AfrykaHymn Południowej Afryki
 Republika ŚrodkowoafrykańskaLa Renaissance
 Republika Zielonego PrzylądkaCântico da Liberdade
 ReunionLa Marseillaise
 RodezjaRise O Voices of Rhodesia
 RosjaGosudarstwiennyj gimn Rossijskoj Fiedieracyi
 RumuniaDeşteaptă-te, române!
 RwandaRwanda nziza
 SabaSaba you rise from the ocean
 Sahara ZachodniaYā Banīy As-Saharā
 Saint Kitts i NevisHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn narodowy – O Land of Beauty!

 Saint LuciaHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn narodowy – Sons and Daughters of St. Lucia

 Saint-Pierre i MiquelonLa Marseillaise
 Saint Vincent i GrenadynyHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn narodowy – St Vincent Land So Beautiful

 SalwadorSaludemos la Patria orgullosos
 SamoaThe Banner of Freedom
 Samoa AmerykańskieAmerika Samoa
 SenegalPincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les Balafons
 SerbiaBože pravde
 Serbia i CzarnogóraHej, Sloveni
 SeszeleKoste Seselwa
 Sierra LeoneHigh We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free
 SingapurMajulah Singapura
 Sint MaartenO Sweet Saint Martin’s Land
Flag of the Confederate States of America (1865).svg Skonfederowane Stany AmerykiGod Save the South
 SłowacjaNad Tatrou sa blýska
 SomaliaSoomaaliyeey toosoo
 SomalilandSamo ku waar
 Sri LankaSri Lanka Matha
 Stany ZjednoczoneThe Star-Spangled Banner
 EswatiniOh God, Bestower of the Blessings of the Swazi
 SudanNahnu Djundulla Djundulwatan
 Sudan PołudniowySouth Sudan Oyee!
 SurinamGod zij met ons Suriname
 SyriaHomat el Diyar
 SzkocjaHymn królewski – God Save the King

Nieoficjalny hymn narodowy – Flower of Scotland

 SzwajcariaCantique Suisse/Psalm Svizzer/Salmo Svizzero/Schweizer Psalm
 SzwecjaHymn królewski – Ur svenska hjärtans djup en gång

Hymn narodowy – Du gamla, du fria

 Republika ChińskaSanmin Zhuyi
 TadżykistanSurudi milli
 TajlandiaHymn narodowy – Phleng Chat

Hymn królewski – Phleng Sansasoen Phra Barami

 TanzaniaMungu ibariki Afrika
 Timor WschodniPatria, Patria
 TogoSalut à toi, pays de nos aïeux
 TongaKoe Fasi Oe Tui Oe Otu Tonga
 Trynidad i TobagoForged From The Love of Liberty
 TunezjaHimat Al Hima
 TurcjaIstiklâl Marsi
 TurkmenistanGaraşsyz, Bitarap,Türkmenistanyň Döwlet Gimni
 Turks i CaicosGod Save the King
 TuvaluHymn narodowy – Tuvalu mo te Atua

Hymn królewski – God Save the King

Flag of Tibet.svg TybetGyallu
 UgandaOh Uganda, Land of Beauty
 UkrainaSzcze ne wmerła Ukraini
Ukraińska Socjalistyczna Republika RadzieckaДержавний гімн Української Радянської Соціалістичної Республіки
 UrugwajOrientales, la Patria o la tumba
 UzbekistanOʻzbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi
 VanuatuYumi, Yumi, Yumi
 WaliaHen Wlad Fy Nhadau
 Wallis i FutunaLa Marseillaise
 WatykanInno Pontificio
 WenezuelaGloria al bravo pueblo
 WęgryIsten, áldd meg a magyart
 Wielka BrytaniaGod Save the King / Queen
 WietnamTiến Quân Ca
 WłochyIl canto degli Italiani
 Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejL'Abidjanaise
 Wyspa Świętej Heleny, Wyspa Wniebowstąpienia i Tristan da CunhaGod Save the King
 Wyspa ManArrane Ashoonagh dy Vannin
 Wyspy AlandzkieÅlännigens sång
 Wyspy CookaHymn królewski – God Save the King

Hymn narodowy –Te Atua Mou E

 Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów ZjednoczonychVirgin Islands March
 Wyspy MarshallaForever Marshall Islands
 Wyspy OwczeTú alfagra land mítt
 Wyspy SalomonaGod Save Our Solomon Islands
 Wyspy Świętego Tomasza i KsiążęcaIndependência total
 ZambiaStand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free
 ZimbabweKalibusiswe Ilizwe le Zimbabwe
 Zjednoczone Emiraty ArabskieĪschī bilādī
Związek Socjalistycznych Republik RadzieckichGimn Sowietskogo Sojuza

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REF new (questionmark).svg
Autor: Sławobóg, Licencja: LGPL
Icon for missing references
Flag of Albania.svg
Flag of Albania
Flag of England.svg
Flag of England. Saint George's cross (a red cross on a white background), used as the Flag of England, the Italian city of Genoa and various other places.
Flag of Chile.svg
Łatwo można dodać ramkę naokoło tej grafiki
Flag of Croatia.svg
Łatwo można dodać ramkę naokoło tej grafiki
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg
The national flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Created according to the 2006 constitution : Son emblème est le drapeau bleu ciel, orné d’une étoile jaune dans le coin supérieur gauche et traversé en biais d’une bande rouge finement encadrée de jaune. (Its symbol is a sky blue flag, decorated with a yellow star in the upper left corner and crossed in the diagonal by a red strip with thin yellow borders) It seems to be identical, except for a lighter field hue, to the 1966–1971 flag.
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Flag of Ecuador.svg
Made by author of Xramp, first uploaded by Denelson83 as Flag of Ecuador.svg, modifications by Husunqu.
Flag of Ethiopia.svg
Flag of Ethiopia
Flag of Fiji.svg
Autor: unknown, Licencja: CC0
Flag of Finland.svg
Flaga Finlandii
Flag of Gibraltar.svg
Flag of Gibraltar
Flag of Guatemala.svg
The flag of Guatemala, official since 1871.
Flag of Haiti.svg
The national and official state flag of Haiti; arms obtained from http://www.webchantier.com/. The civil flag can be found at here.
Flag of India.svg
The Flag of India. The colours are saffron, white and green. The navy blue wheel in the center of the flag has a diameter approximately the width of the white band and is called Ashoka's Dharma Chakra, with 24 spokes (after Ashoka, the Great). Each spoke depicts one hour of the day, portraying the prevalence of righteousness all 24 hours of it.
Flag of Indonesia.svg
bendera Indonesia
Ulster Banner.svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Flag of Northern Ireland (1953–1972).svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Flag of Israel.svg
Flag of Israel. Shows a Magen David (“Shield of David”) between two stripes. The Shield of David is a traditional Jewish symbol. The stripes symbolize a Jewish prayer shawl (tallit).
Flag of Jamaica.svg
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg
Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).
The design (blazon) is defined in Article 4 of the Constitution for the Republic of Yugoslavia (1946). [1]
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg
Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).
The design (blazon) is defined in Article 4 of the Constitution for the Republic of Yugoslavia (1946). [1]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Flag of Catalonia.svg
The senyera, a flag of Catalonia, and also used by several lands and municipalities of the ancient Crown of Aragon
Flag of Laos.svg
Flag of Laos
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
Flag of Liechtenstein
Flag of Malaysia.svg
Flag of Malaysia – Jalur Gemilang (Stripes of Glory)
Flag of Namibia.svg
Flag of Namibia
Flag of Nauru.svg
The national flag of Nauru. Official Pantone colours are: PMS 280 blue, PMS 123 yellow.
Flag of New Zealand.svg
Flag of New Zealand. Specification: http://www.mch.govt.nz/nzflag/description.html , quoting New Zealand Gazette, 27 June 1902.
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857-1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Flag of Rwanda.svg
Flag of Rwanda. The flag ratio is 2:3 with the stripes being 2:1:1. Colors are the following officially: Pantone 299 C 2X (blue), RAL 6029 (green), RAL 1023 (yellow) and RAL 1003 (golden yellow). (As of 03/08/2010, the only color used is the Pantone 299 C, which is from here. The rest of the colors are RAL shades from here.)
Flag of Senegal.svg
Flag of Senegal
Flag of Yugoslavia (1992–2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003–2006).svg
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro, was adopted on 27 April 1992, as flag of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1992-2003).
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992–2006).svg
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro, was adopted on 27 April 1992, as flag of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1992-2003).
Flag of the United States.svg
The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
Flag of Syria.svg
Łatwo można dodać ramkę naokoło tej grafiki
Flag of Thailand.svg
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand since September 2017; there are total of 3 colours:
  • Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
  • White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
  • Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts.
Flag of the Vatican City.svg
Autor: NieznanyUnknown author, Licencja: CC0
Flag of the Vatican City.
Flag of Côte d'Ivoire.svg
Flag of the Ivory Coast, written by Jon Harald Søby, modified by Zscout370. The colors match to what is reported at http://fotw.vexillum.com/flags/ci.html.
Flag of Flanders.svg
Autor: Tom Lemmens, Licencja: CC0
Flag of Flanders (Belgium), the region and community.
Flag of Rhodesia (1968–1979).svg
Flag of Rhodesia (11 November 1968 – 31 May 1979) and of Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1 June 1979 – 1 September 1979).
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Flag of Aruba.svg
The flag of Aruba
Flag of the Confederate States of America (March 4, 1865).svg
Aspect ratio: 2:3
Flag of the Confederate States of America (March 4, 1865). Used from March 4, 1865 until the Confederacy's disbandment.
Flag of Tuvalu.svg
Autor: Nightstallion (original)
Zscout370 (most recent), Licencja: CC0
Flag of Tuvalu.

FIAV 111111.svg
Flag of Dominica.svg
Autor: See File history below for details., Licencja: CC0
The Flag of Dominica.
Flag of Transnistria.svg
Flaga Naddniestrzańskiej Republiki Mołdawskiej (rewers), bez sierpa i młota
Flag of Anguilla.svg
Flag of Anguilla (adopted on 30 May 1990) - RGB colours, 1:2 dimensions and construction details based partly on the templates: Flag of Anguilla – A Brief History
Flag of Niger.svg
Please do not replace the simplified code by a version created with Inkscape or another vector graphics editor
Flag of the Pitcairn Islands.svg
The flag of the Pitcairn Islands, arms courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap and the Blue Ensign from Image:Government Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg
Flag of Mauritania.svg
Flag of Mauritania, adopted in 2017. The National Assembly added red stripes to the top and bottom edges to represent “the blood shed by the martyrs of independence”.
Flag of Guam.svg
The flag of Guam, courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap. Modifications by Denelson83.
Flag of Maldives.svg
Flag of Maldives. The colours used are Pantone 186 C for red and Pantone 348 C for green.
Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg
Flag of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1867-1918)
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg
The proportions of this flag are 3:2; however, there is no official definition for the correct proportions and also 5:3 is widely used.
Flag of Curaçao.svg
The flag of Curaçao is a blue field with a horizontal yellow stripe slightly below the midline and two white, five-pointed stars in the canton. The geometry and colors are according to the description at Flags of the World.
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe.svg
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe
Flag of Tonga.svg
Autor: unknown, Licencja: CC0