Kom (ostan)

استان قم





11 526 km²[1]

Populacja (2011)
• liczba ludności

1 151 672[1]

Położenie na mapie
Położenie na mapie

Kom – ostan w północnym Iranie. Stolicą jest miasto Kom.

Utworzony z części ostanu Teheran w 1995 roku. Obszar pustynny, klimat suchy. Dwa duże słone jeziora: Howz-e Soltan, częściowo Darjacze-je Namak[2].

Stan liczy 11 526 km² powierzchni. Ludność w 2011 wyniosła 1 151 672[1]. Do większych miast stanu (pod względem populacji w 2011) należą m.in. Ghanawat, Dżafarije, Kahak.


  1. a b c Iran. Administrative units. GeoHive. [dostęp 2014-10-20].
  2. Province of Qom. Iranian Chamber Society. [dostęp 2014-10-20].

Media użyte na tej stronie

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State emblem of the Islamic Republic of Iran. U+262B, stylized version of Arabic script of Allah (الله, with the central lam shaped to look like a sword.) The emblem is also an overlaid rendering of La Ilaha Illa Allah (There is only one God and that is 'Allah'). The exact shape of the emblem and an algorithmic ruler-and-compass construction is described in the national Iranian standard at IRANIAN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC FLAG, ISIRI 1, 1371, 3rd edition, March 1993 in Persian. The emblem was designed by Hamid Nadimi, and was officially approved by Ayatollah Khomeini on May 9, 1980.
Locator map Iran Qom Province.png
Autor: Original work by Uwe Dering. Highlighted by Dr. Blofeld, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Locator map of Iran
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Autor: Antoine Taveneaux, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Fatimah Ma'sumah Shrine in Qom
Emblem of Iran.svg
State emblem of the Islamic Republic of Iran. U+262B, stylized version of Arabic script of Allah (الله, with the central lam shaped to look like a sword.) The emblem is also an overlaid rendering of La Ilaha Illa Allah (There is only one God and that is 'Allah'). The exact shape of the emblem and an algorithmic ruler-and-compass construction is described in the national Iranian standard at IRANIAN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC FLAG, ISIRI 1, 1371, 3rd edition, March 1993 in Persian. The emblem was designed by Hamid Nadimi, and was officially approved by Ayatollah Khomeini on May 9, 1980.