Krzyż skandynawski
Krzyż skandynawski (Krzyż nordycki) – krzyż, którego ramiona pionowe oraz lewe są równe, a prawe jest dwa razy dłuższe od pozostałych. Symbol używany w weksylologii, reprezentujący chrześcijaństwo. Bardzo częsty motyw flag państw skandynawskich (nordyckich) oraz zależnych od nich terytoriów. Po raz pierwszy użyty na fladze Danii.
Flagi nordyckie
Flagi państw nordyckich
Inne flagi nordyckie
Nieoficjalna flaga Bornholmu Nieoficjalna flaga fińskich Szwedów Zrekonstruowana flaga Unii kalmarskiej Nieoficjalna flaga Skanii Nieoficjalna flaga Olandii Nieoficjalna flaga Gotlandii Była, nieoficjalna flaga Islandii (do 1915) Nieoficjalna flaga szwedzkich Finów Flaga kolaboracyjnego rządu Quislinga w Norwegii Dawna flaga Karelii Flaga Hälsinglandu
Brytyjskie flagi z krzyżem skandynawskim
Flaga Orkadów do 2007 Flaga West Riding of Yorkshire, zlikwidowanego brytyjskiego hrabstwa
Bałtyckie flagi z krzyżem skandynawskim
Odrzucone propozycje flag państwowych z krzyżem skandynawskim
Propozycja flagi Grenlandii Propozycja flagi Estonii Propozycja flagi Białorusi
Flagi państw historycznych z krzyżem skandynawskim
Flaga Wielkiego Księstwa Oldenburga, a obecnie krainy Oldenburg Flaga Królestwa Norwegii Flaga państwa krzyżackiego
Inne flagi z krzyżem skandynawskim
Flagi miast
Flaga Aldtsjerk, miejscowości we Fryzji Flaga Żytomierza, miasta na Ukrainie Flaga Wagharszapatu, miasta w Armenii Flaga Chrestiwki, miasta na Ukrainie Flaga Little Rock, miasta w amerykańskim stanie Arkansas Flaga Stawropola, miasta w Rosji
Flagi ludowe
Flagi regionów administracyjnych
Flaga obwodu wołyńskiego
Flagi polityczne i wojskowe
Flaga Ruchu Normandzkiego Proponowana flaga ruchu oporu w III Rzeszy Sztandar wojenny Związku Północnoniemieckiego
Media użyte na tej stronie
Flaga Finlandii
Flag of Scania. Colors: ▇ red PMS179 (#e23d28), ▇ yellow/gold PMS108 (#f7dd16). Proportion: 14:17
The flag of Ejmiatsin (Vagharshapat) city in Armenia
Прапор міста Хрестівка Донецької області.
Flag of Stavropol Krai
2007 Flag of Orkney
My own vector of the official flag of the Isles of Orkney, Scotland, created using Inkscape. This version is based upon the official version designed by Duncan Tullock of Birsay and voted for by the people of Orkney and approved by the Court of the Lord Lyon in 2007 from a short list of 5 designs. It is a Nordic Cross, in keeping with the flag's unofficial predecesor the Cross of St Magnus, and for which, according to Mr Tullock, "Orkney has always been represented by red, so that was an obvious choice. The yellow symbolizes the royal standards of both Scotland and Norway and blue is for Scotland, and also for the sea that surrounds us".
Autor: andersersej, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Flag of Normandy inspired by the nordic flags, created by Jean Adigard des Gautries in 1937 to remember the history of Normandy. This kind of cross is called Nordic cross or Scandinavian cross. The Nordic cross flag of Normandy is called Cross of Saint Olaf. Olaf II of Norway was baptised in Rouen in 1014 by Robert (II) the danish, archbishop of Rouen and brother of Richard II of Normandy, Duke of Normandy. [1]. The traditional banner of Normandy( French region) is two yellow lions on red.
Karelian National Flag
Hvítbláinn ("the white-blue"), an unofficial flag of Iceland used by the Icelandic independence movement until 1915, when the current flag of Iceland was officially adopted. Based on Image:Flag of Iceland.svg (in the public domain).
Flag of Stavropol, Stavropol Territory, Russia
Autor: User:Gamnacke, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
This is a private flag ascribed the Swedish island province Öland, very seldom or never used. – The ordinary and often used province flag of Öland has the official heraldic motive of the province from 16th century: a golden deer at a blue field.
Autor: Dyfsunctional, Licencja: Copyrighted free use
Flag of Little Rock, Arkansas
Flag of Calais, France
Autor: Roman Poulvas, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Project of the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus (1992)
Flaga miasta Żytomierz, Ukraina
Flag of Aldtsjerk.
Flag of Hälsingland
Flag of Gori Municipality
Proposal for a new German flag in the post-WW2 era made by Josef Wirmer according to FOTW site
flag of Ladonia showing contours
Flag of Volyn Oblast, Ukraine
Flag of Vendsyssel
Unofficial flag of Bornholm (Denmark), flag ratio 28:37
An unofficial flag of the Swedish-speaking minority of Finns.
The swallow-tailed state flag of Finland, also called Naval Ensign of Finland. This flag is used only by the Finnish Defence Forces installations, units, garrisons, and ships. The flag is also the unit Colour of such units that do not have a Colour of their own.
Flaga Zakonu Krzyżackiego
Flag of National Gathering (Nasjonal Samling) 1933-1945
Proposed War ensign of Germany, 1919
The state flag of Norway. (See also the image of the national flag of Norway.)
The proportions of the state flag are 27:16, or 6:1:2:1:6:11 horizontally and 6:1:2:1:6 vertically.Proposal for a new Estonian flag including the Nordic Cross
Autor: User: David Newton, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Swedish war flag and naval ensign

Adoption: Dates back to the mid-1600s. Described in law on November 6, 1663. Current design: June 22, 1906
This is merely a recreation of what the flag is thought to have looked like. There are no surviving flags or pictorial evidence as to its appearance. See article at Flags of the World.
Sven Tito Achen's 1984 Greenland flag proposal. Image created by uploader based on image found here [1]. Image replaces Image:Proposed flag of Greenland - Sven Tito Achen design.png.
Proposed flag of Mizoram
Autor: Samhanin, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814) and Norway (1814 - 1821).
United Baltic Duchy flag
Nordic-celtic flag, designed by user Guðsþegn
(should not be used in encyclopedia articles—this is an original design by a Wikipedian)Flag of Cēsis, Latvia
War Ensign of Germany 1871-1892
the flag of the City of Pula
Flag of one of the 17 paraguayan departments, Amambay
Flag of Veps people