Linia kolejowa Lublana – Sežana

Linia kolejowa
Linia kolejowa Lublana – Sežana
Dane podstawowe

Slovenske železnice


116,8 km

Rozstaw szyn

1435 mm

Sieć trakcyjna

3000 V DC

Zdjęcie LK
Wiadukt Jelenov ("Dolinski most")
Portal Transport szynowy

Linia kolejowa Lublana – Sežana – jedna z linii kolejowych, które tworzą sieć kolejową w Słowenii.

Linia rozpoczyna się od dworca kolejowego w Lublanie, natomiast kończy się w Sežanie. Trasa przecina kolejowe przejście graniczne Sežana i prowadzi dalej do stacji granicznej Villa Opicina po włoskiej stronie.

Mapa linii kolejowej łączącej Triest i Lublanę (1850)

Media użyte na tej stronie

BSicon ulBHF.svg
underground train station (legend icon)
BSicon uexlBHF.svg
ex underground train station (legend icon)
BSicon ulHST.svg
underground train stop (legend icon)
BSicon uexlHST.svg
ex underground train stop (legend icon)
BSicon ulDST.svg
underground service station (legend icon)
BSicon uexlDST.svg
ex underground service station (legend icon)
BSicon lBST.svg
non-passenger stop (legend icon)
BSicon exlBST.svg
ex non-passenger stop (legend icon)
BSicon ulBST.svg
underground service stop (legend icon)
BSicon uexlBST.svg
ex underground service stop (legend icon)
BSicon expHST.svg
local-only minor station
BSicon upHST.svg
Icons for railway description
BSicon uexpHST.svg
out-of-use local-only minor metro station
BSicon uexENDEe.svg
Railroad BSicon
BSicon uSTR.svg
Underground straight track
BSicon uexSTR.svg
ex underground straight track
BSicon extSTR.svg
straight line, modified version (+ex, +t, +ext)
BSicon utSTR.svg
underground tunnel straight track
BSicon uextSTR.svg
ex underground tunnel straight track
BSicon hSTR.svg
high level track
BSicon exhSTR.svg
ex high level track
BSicon uhSTR.svg
underground high level track
BSicon uexhSTR.svg
ex underground high level track
BSicon hSTRae.svg
Bridge (big)
BSicon uhSTRae.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon uexhSTRae.svg
BS template transport icon
BSicon hKRZWae.svg
bridge over water straight (big)
BSicon exhKRZWae.svg
bridge over water straight (big)
BSicon KRZWu.svg
(c) I, Lantus, CC-BY-SA-3.0
Line crossing under water across
BSicon uexKRZWu.svg
for BS models. water tunnel, urban(blue), not in use.
BSicon KMW.svg
mileage change
BSicon exKMW.svg
ex mileage change
BSicon uKMW.svg
A mile-marker for metros/canals
BSicon uexKMW.svg
mileage change
BSicon GRENZE.svg
Autor: Bernina, axpde, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0 de
track with border
BSicon ÜST.svg
Track change (new design)
BSicon exÜST.svg
track change (new design)
BSicon uÜST.svg
Track switch, metro/light rail
BSicon uexÜST.svg
track change, metro/light rail (new design)
BSicon BUE.svg
level crossing straight
BSicon exSKRZ-YBUE.svg
Disused railway line level crossing on minor road.
BSicon uBUE.svg
underground level crossing straight
BSicon uexBUE.svg
Ex underground level crossing straight
BSicon ELCa.svg
Autor: Lekko gazowany, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
electrified line start sign for railways
BSicon ELCe.svg
Autor: Lekko gazowany, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
electrified line end sign for railways
BSicon BHF.svg
station straight track
BSicon WASSERq.svg
watercourse aqross
BSicon WBRÜCKE1.svg
bridge over water straight (medium)
BSicon eHST.svg
Ex flag stop, track straight in use
BSicon WASSERr.svg
watercourse to the right
BSicon HST.svg
flag stop track straight in use
BSicon WASSER+r.svg
Autor: axpde, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0 de
watercourse from the right
BSicon exSTR+l.svg
ex-track to right against driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon exSTRr.svg
ex-track to right forward driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon WABZgl.svg
Confluence of two non-navigable waterways
BSicon WASSERl.svg
Autor: axpde, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0 de
watercourse to the left
BSicon exSTRq.svg
Straight line aqross (according to naming convention, name + modifier)
BSicon eBHF.svg
ex station straight track
BSicon BST.svg
non-passenger stop track straight in use
BSicon ABZgl+l.svg
junction straight to the left from the left (with exact circles)
BSicon STR+r.svg
track to left against driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon KRWg+l.svg
Two quarters shift from left
BSicon KRWr.svg
BSicon GRZq.svg
border (legend icon)
BSicon ZOLL.svg
BSicon eKRWgr.svg
Icon for railway description: heavy rail unused crossover to right, line in use
BSicon KRZu.svg
crossing underneath
BSicon CONTfq.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon exCONTgq.svg
Unused continuation forward, rotated across
BSicon eKRZ.svg
Ex crossing
BSicon exKRWl.svg
Autor: Maxima m, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Karte der k.k. Staats-Eisenbahn zwischen Laibach und Triest (1850).jpg
Karte der k.k. Staats-Eisenbahn zwischen Laibach und Triest
BSicon exWBRÜCKE1q.svg
bridge over water aqross (medium)
BSicon exhKRZWaq.svg
Left end of elevated line passing over water.
BSicon ABZgr+xr.svg
junction straight to the right from the right (with exact circles)
BSicon KDSTa.svg
non-passenger head station, track starting
BSicon eKRWg+r.svg
BSicon eKRWg+l.svg
BSicon eKRWgl.svg
Crossover half: to forward & left, branch out of use
BSicon CONTg.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon exSTRo.svg
Bridge (medium)
BSicon exSTRl.svg
ex-track to left forward driving direction (with exact circles)
Dolinski most-view from northeast.jpg
Autor: Ajznponar, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
North-eastern side of the railway viaduct, called Dolinski most or Jelenov viadukt or Hirschthaler Viadukt in German (meeaning Deervalley viaduct), near Borovnica, Slovenia. The viaduct was built in 1856 and is still in use today.
BSicon eKRZhr.svg
Right end of elevated disused line passing over current line.
BSicon CONTf.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon CONTgq.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon WABZq+l.svg
Confluence of two non-navigable waterways
BSicon KRZt.svg
crossing with tunnel