Linia kolejowa Mediolan – Bolonia

Linia kolejowa
Linia kolejowa Mediolan – Bolonia
Mapa przebiegu linii kolejowej
Dane podstawowe



219 km

Rozstaw szyn

1435 mm

Sieć trakcyjna

3000 V DC

Zdjęcie LK
Portal Transport szynowy

Linia kolejowa Mediolan – Bolonia – linia kolejowa w północnej części Włoch, część korytarza północ-południe włoskiej sieci kolejowej. Linia biegnie po starożytnej rzymskiej drodze Via Aemilia. Linia została otwarta pomiędzy 1859 i 1861 jako linia jednotorowa. Drugi tor został wybudowany między 1866 i 1894. Linia została zelektryfikowana 3000 V prądu stałego w 1938 roku. Od 13 grudnia 2008 istnieje linia KDP Mediolan – Bolonia, która biegnie równolegle do starej linii.

Linki zewnętrzne

Media użyte na tej stronie

BSicon CONTfq.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Unused continuation forward, rotated across
Mappa ferr Milano-Bologna.png
Autor: Arbalete, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Mappa della ferrovia Milano-Bologna
BSicon WBRÜCKE1.svg
bridge over water straight (medium)
BSicon uexpHST.svg
out-of-use local-only minor metro station
BSicon BHF.svg
station straight track
BSicon STR+1u.svg
flying junction, underneath from the left
BSicon KRZo.svg
Crossing overhead
BSicon upHST.svg
Icons for railway description
BSicon exÜST.svg
track change (new design)
BSicon KRZu+r.svg
line crossing under line across with junction from right
Mairago ferr Milano-Bologna.JPG
Autor: Arbalete, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
La ferrovia Milano-Bologna nel territorio comunale di Mairago (località Cascina Codazza).
BSicon vHST-STR.svg
Icon for railway description. Combination of BSicon vSTR.svg and BSicon HST.svg.
BSicon BHFSPLe.svg
Icon for railway descriptions
BSicon ulHST.svg
underground train stop (legend icon)
BSicon uexlBHF.svg
ex underground train station (legend icon)
BSicon vÜSTr.svg
Symbol für Wikipedia:Formatvorlage_Bahnstrecke, Übergangsstelle nach rechts
BSicon uexKMW.svg
mileage change
BSicon extSTR.svg
straight line, modified version (+ex, +t, +ext)
BSicon lBST.svg
non-passenger stop (legend icon)
BSicon utSTR.svg
underground tunnel straight track
BSicon vSTR-HST.svg
Icon for railway description. Combination of BSicon vSTR.svg and BSicon HST.svg.
BSicon uÜST.svg
Track switch, metro/light rail
BSicon exSKRZ-YBUE.svg
Disused railway line level crossing on minor road.
BSicon expHST.svg
local-only minor station
BSicon vSHI1l-STRro.svg
Autor: Wiebevl, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
rail icon
BSicon exKBHFa.svg
ex terminal station, track starting
BSicon hKRZWae.svg
bridge over water straight (big)
BSicon DST.svg
non-passenger station track straight in use
BSicon BUE.svg
level crossing straight
BSicon uexhSTRae.svg
BS template transport icon
BSicon uKMW.svg
A mile-marker for metros/canals
BSicon exlBST.svg
ex non-passenger stop (legend icon)
BSicon uhSTRae.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon ulDST.svg
underground service station (legend icon)
BSicon uexlHST.svg
ex underground train stop (legend icon)
BSicon GRENZE.svg
Autor: Bernina, axpde, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0 de
track with border
BSicon ÜST.svg
Track change (new design)
BSicon exhKRZWae.svg
bridge over water straight (big)
BSicon ulBST.svg
underground service stop (legend icon)
BSicon STR2.svg
flying junction, overhead to the left
BSicon uexlDST.svg
ex underground service station (legend icon)
BSicon STR3u.svg
Flying junction, underneath to the right
BSicon uexENDEe.svg
Railroad BSicon
BSicon STRl.svg
Track to left forward driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon uhSTR.svg
underground high level track
BSicon STRr.svg
track to right forward driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon ABZg+lr.svg
junction straight from the left and right (with exact circles)
BSicon STR+r.svg
track to left against driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon uexSTR.svg
ex underground straight track
BSicon STR+l.svg
track to right against driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon uBUE.svg
underground level crossing straight
BSicon uexhSTR.svg
ex underground high level track
BSicon uextSTR.svg
ex underground tunnel straight track
BSicon exhSTR.svg
ex high level track
BSicon SPLe.svg
railway icon
BSicon KMW.svg
mileage change
BSicon KBHFa.svg
head station, track starting
BSicon BHFSPLa.svg
fork station (Muiderpoort)
BSicon uexÜST.svg
track change, metro/light rail (new design)
BSicon uexlBST.svg
ex underground service stop (legend icon)
BSicon ELCa.svg
Autor: Lekko gazowany, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
electrified line start sign for railways
BSicon vABZgr-STR.svg
Autor: Wiebevl, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
rail icon
BSicon CONTf.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon KRZu.svg
crossing underneath
BSicon uexBUE.svg
Ex underground level crossing straight
BSicon exKMW.svg
ex mileage change
BSicon eHST.svg
Ex flag stop, track straight in use
BSicon KRZWu.svg
(c) I, Lantus, CC-BY-SA-3.0
Line crossing under water across
BSicon hSTR.svg
high level track
BSicon uSTR.svg
Underground straight track
BSicon HST.svg
flag stop track straight in use
BSicon CONTgq.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon STR+4.svg
flying junction, overhead from the right
BSicon hSTRae.svg
Bridge (big)
BSicon exSTRr.svg
ex-track to right forward driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon ELCe.svg
Autor: Lekko gazowany, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
electrified line end sign for railways
BSicon ulBHF.svg
underground train station (legend icon)
BSicon vABZgl-STRo.svg
Autor: Wiebevl, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
rail icon
BSicon uexKRZWu.svg
for BS models. water tunnel, urban(blue), not in use.
BSicon xABZqr.svg
ex junction aqross and to the right