Linia kolejowa nr 897

Linia nr 897
Panewnik – KWK Śląsk T1
Dane podstawowe

Infra Silesia

Numer linii



4,549 km

Rozstaw szyn

1435 mm

Sieć trakcyjna

3000 V DC

Prędkość maksymalna

0[1] (Vk = 40) km/h

Portal Transport szynowy

Linia kolejowa nr 897 – obecnie nieczynna, jednotorowa, częściowo zelektryfikowana linia kolejowa znaczenia miejscowego, łącząca posterunek odgałęźny Panewnik ze stacją techniczną KWK Śląsk[2][3][4].

Linia umożliwiała eksploatację Kopalni Węgla Kamiennego Śląsk („Wujek” Ruch Śląski) przez pociągi towarowe jadące z kierunku Katowic Muchowca oraz Sosnowca Dańdówki.


Media użyte na tej stronie

BSicon ulBHF.svg
underground train station (legend icon)
BSicon uexlBHF.svg
ex underground train station (legend icon)
BSicon ulHST.svg
underground train stop (legend icon)
BSicon uexlHST.svg
ex underground train stop (legend icon)
BSicon ulDST.svg
underground service station (legend icon)
BSicon uexlDST.svg
ex underground service station (legend icon)
BSicon lBST.svg
non-passenger stop (legend icon)
BSicon exlBST.svg
ex non-passenger stop (legend icon)
BSicon ulBST.svg
underground service stop (legend icon)
BSicon uexlBST.svg
ex underground service stop (legend icon)
BSicon expHST.svg
local-only minor station
BSicon upHST.svg
Icons for railway description
BSicon uexpHST.svg
out-of-use local-only minor metro station
BSicon uexENDEe.svg
Railroad BSicon
BSicon uSTR.svg
Underground straight track
BSicon uexSTR.svg
ex underground straight track
BSicon extSTR.svg
straight line, modified version (+ex, +t, +ext)
BSicon utSTR.svg
underground tunnel straight track
BSicon uextSTR.svg
ex underground tunnel straight track
BSicon hSTR.svg
high level track
BSicon exhSTR.svg
ex high level track
BSicon uhSTR.svg
underground high level track
BSicon uexhSTR.svg
ex underground high level track
BSicon hSTRae.svg
Bridge (big)
BSicon uhSTRae.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon uexhSTRae.svg
BS template transport icon
BSicon hKRZWae.svg
bridge over water straight (big)
BSicon exhKRZWae.svg
bridge over water straight (big)
BSicon KRZWu.svg
(c) I, Lantus, CC-BY-SA-3.0
Line crossing under water across
BSicon uexKRZWu.svg
for BS models. water tunnel, urban(blue), not in use.
BSicon KMW.svg
mileage change
BSicon exKMW.svg
ex mileage change
BSicon uKMW.svg
A mile-marker for metros/canals
BSicon uexKMW.svg
mileage change
BSicon GRENZE.svg
Autor: Bernina, axpde, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0 de
track with border
BSicon ÜST.svg
Track change (new design)
BSicon exÜST.svg
track change (new design)
BSicon uÜST.svg
Track switch, metro/light rail
BSicon uexÜST.svg
track change, metro/light rail (new design)
BSicon BUE.svg
level crossing straight
BSicon exSKRZ-YBUE.svg
Disused railway line level crossing on minor road.
BSicon uBUE.svg
underground level crossing straight
BSicon uexBUE.svg
Ex underground level crossing straight
BSicon ELCa.svg
Autor: Lekko gazowany, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
electrified line start sign for railways
BSicon ELCe.svg
Autor: Lekko gazowany, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
electrified line end sign for railways
BSicon MFADEg.svg
Mask for line fading backward
BSicon BST.svg
non-passenger stop track straight in use
BSicon exSTR+r.svg
ex-track to left against driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon MFADEf.svg
Mask for line fading forward
BSicon exDST.svg
ex non-passenger station track straight off use
BSicon lNAT.svg
Autor: YLSS, Licencja: CC0
Large version of BSicon INATRr, representing a square or park on the side of the route.
BSicon eKRWgr.svg
Icon for railway description: heavy rail unused crossover to right, line in use
BSicon xvSTR.svg
Rail pictogram: see Rail Icons for more information
BSicon exlBST-R.svg
Planowane lub zamknięte ładownia, posterunek ruchu itp.
BSicon lvMKRZo.svg
Bridge for Overlays
BSicon lDKBHFe.svg
Embankment for station at end of line
BSicon exSHI3gr.svg
Unused track through with shift by 3/4 to right
BSicon KRWr.svg
BSicon exDSTRa.svg
Embankment, start at middle of icon
BSicon exv-SHI3g+l.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon exMINE.svg
Mine icon, out of use
BSicon exSTRl.svg
ex-track to left forward driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon exSTRq.svg
Straight line aqross (according to naming convention, name + modifier)
BSicon exlBST-L.svg
Planowane lub zamknięte ładownia, posterunek ruchu itp.
BSicon xSPLa.svg
Rail pictogram: see Rail Icons for more information
BSicon KRWg+l.svg
Two quarters shift from left