Lista Swadesha
Lista Swadesha – jeden z kilku wariantów listy podstawowego słownictwa, opracowanej na przełomie lat 40 i 50 przez Morrisa Swadesha, używanej dla celów leksykostatystycznych (ustalania stopnia pokrewieństwa języków) oraz glottochronologicznych (ustalania czasu „rozejścia się” języków). Metody te cieszyły się największą popularnością w latach 60 i 70. Istnieją dwie podstawowe wersje listy Swadesha, jedna obejmująca 100, druga 207 słów.
Opracowano wielojęzyczny słownik składujący dane na sposób listy Swadesha,
Lista Swadesha dla języka angielskiego
- I
- you („ty”)
- he
- we
- you („wy”)
- they
- this
- that
- here
- there
- who
- what
- where
- when
- how
- not
- all
- many
- some
- few
- other
- one
- two
- three
- four
- five
- big
- long
- wide
- thick
- heavy
- small
- short
- narrow
- thin
- woman
- man („mężczyzna”)
- Man („człowiek”)
- child
- wife
- husband
- mother
- father
- animal
- fish
- bird
- dog
- louse
- snake
- worm
- tree
- forest
- stick
- fruit
- seed
- leaf
- root
- bark
- flower
- grass
- rope
- skin
- meat
- blood
- bone
- fat („tłuszcz”)
- egg
- horn
- tail
- feather
- hair
- head
- ear
- eye
- nose
- mouth
- tooth
- tongue
- fingernail
- foot
- leg
- knee
- hand
- wing
- belly
- guts
- neck
- back
- breast
- heart
- liver
- drink
- eat
- bite
- suck
- spit
- vomit
- blow
- breathe
- laugh
- see
- hear
- know
- think
- smell
- fear
- sleep
- live
- die
- kill
- fight
- hunt
- hit
- cut
- split
- stab
- scratch
- dig
- swim
- fly („latać”)
- walk
- come
- lie
- sit
- stand
- turn
- fall
- give
- hold
- squeeze
- rub
- wash
- wipe
- pull
- push
- throw
- tie
- sew
- count
- say
- sing
- play
- float
- flow
- freeze
- swell
- sun
- moon
- star
- water
- rain
- river
- lake
- sea
- salt
- stone
- sand
- dust
- earth
- cloud
- fog
- sky
- wind
- snow
- ice
- smoke
- fire
- ashes
- burn
- road
- mountain
- red
- green
- yellow
- white
- black
- night
- day
- year
- warm
- cold
- full
- new
- old
- good
- bad
- rotten
- dirty
- straight
- round
- sharp
- dull
- smooth
- wet
- dry
- correct
- near
- far
- right
- left
- at
- in
- with
- and
- if
- because
- name
Wersja skrócona listy Swadesha
Opracowana przez Sergeia Starostina; liczby odpowiadają numerom na pierwotnej liście Swadesha.
- 1. I
- 2. you („ty”)
- 7. this
- 11. who
- 12. what
- 22. one
- 23. two
- 45. fish
- 47. dog
- 48. louse
- 64. blood
- 65. bone
- 67. egg
- 68. horn
- 69. tail
- 73. ear
- 74. eye
- 75. nose
- 77. tooth
- 78. tongue
- 83. hand
- 103. know
- 109. die
- 128. give
- 147. sun
- 148. moon
- 150. water
- 155. salt
- 156. stone
- 163. wind
- 167. fire
- 179. year
- 182. full
- 183. new
- 207. name
- 2. you („ty”)
Lista obejmująca 100 słów
- 22 *louse (42.8)
- 12 *two (39.8)
- 75 *water (37.4)
- 39 *ear (37.2)
- 61 *die (36.3)
- 1 *I (35.9)
- 53 *liver (35.7)
- 40 *eye (35.4)
- 48 *hand (34.9)
- 58 *hear (33.8)
- 23 *tree (33.6)
- 19 *fish (33.4)
- 100 *name (32.4)
- 77 *stone (32.1)
- 43 *tooth (30.7)
- 51 *breasts (30.7)
- 2 *you (30.6)
- 85 *path (30.2)
- 31 *bone (30.1)
- 44 *tongue (30.1)
- 28 *skin (29.6)
- 92 *night (29.6)
- 25 *leaf (29.4)
- 76 rain (29.3)
- 62 kill (29.2)
- 30 *blood (29.0)
- 34 *horn (28.8)
- 18 *person (28.7)
- 47 *knee (28.0)
- 11 *one (27.4)
- 41 *nose (27.3)
- 95 *full (26.9)
- 66 *come (26.8)
- 74 *star (26.6)
- 86 *mountain (26.2)
- 82 *fire (25.7)
- 3 *we (25.4)
- 54 *drink (25.0)
- 57 *see (24.7)
- 27 bark (24.5)
- 96 *new (24.3)
- 21 *dog (24.2)
- 72 *sun (24.2)
- 64 fly (24.1)
- 32 grease (23.4)
- 73 moon (23.4)
- 70 give (23.3)
- 52 heart (23.2)
- 36 feather (23.1)
- 90 white (22.7)
- 89 yellow (22.5)
- 20 bird (21.8)
- 38 head (21.7)
- 79 earth (21.7)
- 46 foot (21.6)
- 91 black (21.6)
- 42 mouth (21.5)
- 88 green (21.1)
- 60 sleep (21.0)
- 7 what (20.7)
- 26 root (20.5)
- 45 claw (20.5)
- 56 bite (20.5)
- 83 ash (20.3)
- 87 red (20.2)
- 55 eat (20.0)
- 33 egg (19.8)
- 6 who (19.0)
- 99 dry (18.9)
- 37 hair (18.6)
- 81 smoke (18.5)
- 8 not (18.3)
- 4 this (18.2)
- 24 seed (18.2)
- 16 woman (17.9)
- 98 round (17.9)
- 14 long (17.4)
- 69 stand (17.1)
- 97 good (16.9)
- 17 man (16.7)
- 94 cold (16.6)
- 29 flesh (16.4)
- 50 neck (16.0)
- 71 say (16.0)
- 84 burn (15.5)
- 35 tail (14.9)
- 78 sand (14.9)
- 5 that (14.7)
- 65 walk (14.4)
- 68 sit (14.3)
- 10 many (14.2)
- 9 all (14.1)
- 59 know (14.1)
- 80 cloud (13.9)
- 63 swim (13.6)
- 49 belly (13.5)
- 13 big (13.4)
- 93 hot (11.6)
- 67 lie (11.2)
- 15 small (6.3)
- Campbell, Lyle. (1998). Historical linguistics: An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0-262-53267-0.
- Embleton, Sheila (1995). Review of ‘An Indo-European classification: A lexicostatistical experiment’ by I. Dyen; J.B. Kruskal & P.Black. TAPS Monograph 82-5, Philadelphia. inDiachronica 12-2/1992:263–68.
- Gray, Russell D.; & Atkinson, Quentin D. Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European origin, Nature, 426.
- Gudschinsky, Sarah. (1956). The ABC's of lexicostatistics (glottochronology). Word,12, 175–210.
- Hoijer, Harry. (1956). Lexicostatistics: A critique. Language, 32, 49–60.
- Holm, Hans J. (2007). The new Arboretum of Indo-European "Trees". Can New Algorithms Reveal the Phylogeny and Even Prehistory of Indo-European? Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, vol. 14, 167–214.
- Holman, Wichmann, Brown, Velupillai, Müller, Bakker (2008). "Explorations in automated language classification". Folia Linguistica 42.2: 331–354
- Sankoff, David (1970). "On the Rate of Replacement of Word-Meaning Relationships."Language 46.564–569.
- Starostin (1991). Altajskaja Problema i Proisxozhdenie Japonskogo Jazyka [The Altaic Problem and the Origin of the Japanese Language]. Moscow: Nauka
- Swadesh, Morris. (1950). Salish internal relationships. International Journal of American Linguistics, 16, 157–167.
- Swadesh, Morris. (1952). Lexicostatistic dating of prehistoric ethnic contacts. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 96, 452–463.
- Swadesh, Morris. (1955). Towards greater accuracy in lexicostatistic dating. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21, 121–137.
- Swadesh, Morris. (1971). The origin and diversification of language. Edited post mortem by Joel Sherzer. Chicago: Aldine. ISBN 0-202-01001-5. Contains p 283 final 100-word list!
- Swadesh, Morris, et al. (1972). What is glottochronology? In M. Swadesh, The Origin and Diversification of Language (pp. 271–284). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN 0-202-30841-3.
- Wittmann, Henri (1969). "A lexico-statistic inquiry into the diachrony of Hittite."Indogermanische Forschungen 74.1-10.[1]
- Wittmann, Henri (1973). "The lexicostatistical classification of the French-based Creole languages." Lexicostatistics in genetic linguistics: Proceedings of the Yale conference, April 3–4, 1971, dir. Isidore Dyen, 89–99. La Haye: Mouton.[2]
Linki zewnętrzne
- Wersja obejmująca inne języki
- Rosetta project
- Lista Swadesha dla indiańskich języków w Brazylii. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2007-02-11)].