Lista baretek odznaczeń (Afryka)

Lista baretek odznaczeń – spis baretek odznaczeń cywilnych oraz wojskowych używanych w Afryce.


National Order of Merit - Athir v.1 (Algeria) - ribbon bar.gifNarodowy Order Zasługi (Athir) – wzór I
National Order of Merit - Athir v.2 (Algeria) - ribbon bar.gifNarodowy Order Zasługi (Athir) – wzór II
National Order of Merit - Achir (Algeria) - ribbon bar.gifNarodowy Order Zasługi (Achir)


Ordem Agostinho Neto.svgOrder Agostinha Neto


Ordre de l'Etoile Noire GC ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Czarnej – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire GO ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Czarnej – Wielki Oficer (Grand officier)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire Commandeur ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Czarnej – Komandor (Commandeur)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire Officier ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Czarnej – Oficer (Officier)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire Chevalier ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Czarnej – Kawaler (Chevalier)
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Grand Cross BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Dahomeju – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Grand Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Dahomeju – Wielki Oficer (Grand officer)
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Commander BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Dahomeju – Komandor (Commandeur)
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Dahomeju – Oficer (Officier)
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Knight BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Dahomeju – Kawaler (Chevalier)
BEN National Order of Merit - Grand Cross BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Zasługi – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
BEN National Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Zasługi – Wielki Oficer (Grand officer)
BEN National Order of Merit - Commander BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Zasługi – Komandor (Commandeur)
BEN National Order of Merit - Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Zasługi – Oficer (Officier)
BEN National Order of Merit - Knight BAR.pngOrder Narodowy Zasługi – Kawaler (Chevalier)


Order of the Grand Star of Djibouti - ribbon bar.gifOrder Wielkiej Gwiazdy Dżibuti
Djibouti - National Order of June 27 - ribbon.pngOrder Narodowy 27 czerwca 1977


EGY Order of the Nile - Grand Cordon BAR.pngWielka Wstęga Orderu Nilu
EGY Order of the Nile - Grand Officer BAR.pngWielki Oficer Orderu Nilu
EGY Order of the Nile - Commander BAR.pngKomandor Orderu Nilu
EGY Order of the Nile - Officer BAR.pngOficer Orderu Nilu
EGY Order of the Nile - Knight BAR.pngKawaler Orderu Nilu
EGY - Order of the Virtues - Supreme and first classes.svgOrder Doskonałości (Egipt) – Dama I Klasy Specjalnej
EGY - Order of the Virtues - Supreme and first classes.svgOrder Doskonałości (Egipt) – Dama I Klasy
EGY - Order of the Virtues - Second class.svgOrder Doskonałości (Egipt) – Dama II Klasy
EGY - Order of the Virtues - Third class.svgOrder Doskonałości (Egipt) – Dama III Klasy
EGY Order of the Republic - Grand Cordon BAR.pngWielka Wstęga Orderu Republiki Egiptu
EGY Order of the Republic - Grand Officer BAR.pngWielki Oficer Orderu Republiki Egiptu
EGY Order of the Republic - Commander BAR.pngKomandor Orderu Republiki Egiptu
EGY Order of the Republic - Officer BAR.pngOficer Orderu Republiki Egiptu
EGY Order of the Republic - Knight BAR.pngKawaler Orderu Republiki Egiptu
EGY Order of Merit - Grand Cross BAR.pngKrzyż Wielki Orderu Zasługi
EGY Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.pngWielki Oficer Orderu Zasługi
EGY Order of Merit - Commander BAR.pngKomandor Orderu Zasługi
EGY Order of Merit - Officer BAR.pngOficer Orderu Zasługi
EGY Order of Merit - Knight BAR.pngKawaler Orderu Zasługi


ETH Order of Solomon BAR.pngOrder Salomona
Order of The Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia) ribbon.gifOrder Królowej Saby
Order of the Holy Trinity (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Trójcy Świętej
ETH Order of Menelik II - Grand Cross BAR.pngKrzyż Wielki Orderu Menelika II
ETH Order of Menelik II - Grand Officer BAR.pngRycerz Komandor Orderu Menelika II
ETH Order of Menelik II - Commander BAR.pngKomandor Orderu Menelika II
ETH Order of Menelik II - Officer BAR.pngOficer Orderu Menelika II
ETH Order of Menelik II - Member BAR.pngCzłonek Orderu Menelika II
ETH Order of Emperor Haile Selassie I BAR.pngOrder Cesarza Hailego Selassie I
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Grand Cross BAR.pngWielka Wstęga Orderu Lwa Etiopii
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Grand Officer BAR.pngWielki Oficer Orderu Lwa Etiopii
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Commander BAR.pngKomandor Orderu Lwa Etiopii
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Officer BAR.pngOficer Orderu Lwa Etiopii
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Member BAR.pngCzłonek Orderu Lwa Etiopii
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Grand Cross BAR.pngKrzyż Wielki Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Grand Officer BAR.pngWielki Oficer Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Commander BAR.pngKomandor Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Officer BAR.pngOficer Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Member BAR.pngCzłonek Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
ETH Order of St Anthony.pngOrder Świętego Antoniego
Military Medal of Merit of the Order of St. George (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.pngWojskowy Medal Zasługi Orderu Świętego Jerzego
Military Medal of Haile Selassie I (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.gifWojskowy Medal Hailego Selassie I
Lalibela Cross (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.gifKrzyż Lalibeli
ETH Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Celebration Medal.pngMedal Pamiątkowy Cesarza Hailego Selassie I i Cesarzowej Menen
ETH Emperor Haile Selassie I Jubilee Medal.pngMedal Jubileuszu Urodzin i Koronacji Cesarza Hailego Selassie I
ETH Centenary of the Victory of Adwa Medal 1896-1996 - royal ribbon.pngMedal Stulecia Bitwy pod Aduą (baretka królewska)
ETH Centenary of the Victory of Adwa Medal 1896-1996 - diplomatic ribbon.pngMedal Stulecia Bitwy pod Aduą (baretka dyplomatyczna)


GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Grand Cross BAR.pngOrder Gwiazdy Równika – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Grand Officer BAR.pngOrder Gwiazdy Równika – Wielki Oficer (Grand officier)
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Commander BAR.pngOrder Gwiazdy Równika – Komandor (Commandeur)
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Officer BAR.pngOrder Gwiazdy Równika – Oficer (Officier)
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Knight BAR.pngOrder Gwiazdy Równika – Kawaler (Chevalier)
GAB National Order of Merit - Grand Cross BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
GAB National Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Wielki Oficer (Grand officier)
GAB National Order of Merit - Commander BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Komandor (Commandeur)
GAB National Order of Merit - Officer BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Oficer (Officier)
GAB National Order of Merit - Knight BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Kawaler (Chevalier)


Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star of Ghana.gifOrder Gwiazdy Ghany
Order of the Volta (Ghana) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Volty – wzór 1960–2008
Order of the Volta (Ghana) - ribbon bar v. 2008.pngOrder Volty – wzór od 2008


National Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Guinea).pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Krzyż Wielki
National Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Guinea).pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Wielki Oficer
National Order of Merit - Commander (Guinea).pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Komandor
National Order of Merit - Officer (Guinea).pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Oficer
National Order of Merit - Knight (Guinea).pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Kawaler

Gwinea Bissau

Ordem Nacional das Colinas do Boé.pngOrder Narodowy Colinas de Boé
Medalha Amílcar Cabral.svgMedal Amílcara Cabrala


Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya.svgOrder Złotego Serca
Order of the Burning Spear.svgOrder Płonącej Włóczni
Distinguished Service Medal (Kenya).svgMedal za Chwalebną Służbę
Silver Star of Kenya.svgSrebrna Gwiazda Kenii
Order of the Grand Warrior (Kenya).svgOrder Wielkiego Wojownika


Sułtanat Anjouanu
Order of the Star of Anjouan - riibbon bar v. 1.pngOrder Gwiazdy Anjouanu
Komory – kolonia francuska
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan GC ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Anjouanu – Krzyż Wielki
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan GO ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Anjouanu – Wielki Oficer
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan Commandeur ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Anjouanu – Komandor
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan Officier ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Anjouanu – Oficer
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan Chevalier ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Anjouanu – Kawaler
Związek Komorów
Order of the Green Crescent of Comoros - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zielonego Półksiężyca Komorów
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli GC ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Mohéli – Krzyż Wielki
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli GO ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Mohéli – Wielki Oficer
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli Commandeur ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Mohéli – Komandor
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli Officier ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Mohéli – Oficer
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli Chevalier ribbon.svgOrder Gwiazdy Mohéli – Kawaler


Republika Konga
Ord.Merit.Congo.pngOrder Zasługi
National Order of Peace (Congo).pngNarodowy Order Pokoju
Order of Congolese Devotion (Congo).pngOrder Poświęcenia
Demokratyczna Republika Konga
National Order of the Leopard (DR Congo) - ribbon bar.pngNarodowy Order Lamparta
Order of National Hero (Congo).gifOrder Bohaterów Narodowych
Zair (1971–1997)
Order of the Companions of the Revolution.pngOrder Towarzyszy Rewolucji
National Order of the Leopard (Zaire) - ribbon bar.pngNarodowy Order Lamparta


Humane Order of African Redemption (Liberia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Wybawienia Afryki
Order of the Pioneers of Liberia - ribbon bar.pngOrder Pionierów Liberii
Order of the Star of Africa (Liberia) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Gwiazdy Afryki


Królestwo Libii
Order of Idris I (Libya) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Idrisa I
Order of Muhammad ibn Ali al Sanussi.gifOrder Muhammada ibn Alego as-Senussiego
Order of Independence (Libya).gifOrder Niepodległości
Państwo Libia
Order of the Republic (Libya) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Republiki
Order of Courage (Libya) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Odwagi
Order of the Grand Conqueror (Libya).gifOrder Wielkiego Zdobywcy


Królestwo Madagaskaru
The Order of the Royal Hawk (before 1823).gifOrder Królewskiego Jastrzębia – wzór ok. 1823
The Order of the Royal Hawk (about 1862).gifOrder Królewskiego Jastrzębia – wzór ok. 1862
The Order of Radama II (1862-1863).gifOrder Radamy II – wzór 1862–1863
The Order of Radama II (1863-1897).gifOrder Radamy II – wzór 1863–1897
The Order of Radama II (1863-1897). Foreigners.gifOrder Radamy II (dla cudzoziemców) – wzór 1863–1897
Order of Merit (Madagascar, 1861).gifOrder Zasługi
The Order of the Kingdom (Madagascar).gifOrder Królestwa
The Order of Ranavalona (1896-1897).gifOrder Ranavalony
King Radama Investiture Medal 1862.gifMedal Wstąpienia na Tron Radamy II
Republika Madagaskaru
MDG National Order - Grand Cordon BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Wielka Wstęga (Grand-Cordon)
MDG National Order - Grand Cross 1st Class BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Krzyż Wielki 1. Klasy (Grand-croix 1 classe)
MDG National Order - Grand Cross 2nd Class BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Krzyż Wielki 2. Klasy (Grand-croix 2 classe)
MDG National Order - Grand Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Wielki Oficer (Grand officier)
MDG National Order - Commander BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Komandor (Commandeur)
MDG National Order - Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Oficer (Officier)
MDG National Order - Knight BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Kawaler (Chevalier)


Ord.LionMalawi.gifOrder Lwa
Malawi independence medal.pngMedal Niepodległości


Mali Medaille d’or de l’Independance ribbon.svgZłoty Medal Niepodległości
MLI National Order - Grand Cross BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
MLI National Order - Grand Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Wielki Oficer (Grand officier)
MLI National Order - Commander BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Komandor (Commandeur)
MLI National Order - Officer BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Oficer (Officier)
MLI National Order - Knight BAR.pngOrder Narodowy – Kawaler (Chevalier)
Mali Ordre du Merite Agricole Commandeur ribbon.svgOrder Zasługi dla Rolnictwa – Komandor (Commandeur)
Mali Ordre du Merite Agricole Officier ribbon.svgOrder Zasługi dla Rolnictwa – Oficer (Officier)
Mali Ordre du Merite Agricole Chevalier ribbon.svgOrder Zasługi dla Rolnictwa – Kawaler (Chevalier)
Mali Medaille de Sauvetage ribbon.svgMedal za Uratowanie Życia
Mali Etoile d’Argent du Merite National ribbon.svgSrebrna Gwiazda Zasługi Narodowej


MAR Order of the Throne - Special Class BAR.pngOrder Tronu – Klasa Specjalna
MAR Order of the Throne - 1st Class BAR.pngOrder Tronu – I Klasa
MAR Order of the Throne - 2nd Class BAR.pngOrder Tronu – II Klasa
MAR Order of the Throne - 3rd Class BAR.pngOrder Tronu – III Klasa
MAR Order of the Throne - 4th Class BAR.pngOrder Tronu – IV Klasa
MAR Order of the Military - Special Class BAR.pngOrder Wojskowy – Klasa Specjalna
MAR Order of the Military - 1st Class BAR.pngOrder Wojskowy – I Klasa
MAR Order of the Military - 2nd Class BAR.pngOrder Wojskowy – II Klasa
MAR Order of the Military - 3rd Class BAR.pngOrder Wojskowy – III Klasa
MAR Order of the Military - 4th Class BAR.pngOrder Wojskowy – IV Klasa
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Grand Cross (1913-1956) BAR.pngWielka Wstęga Orderu Alawitów (1913–1956)
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Grand Officer (1913-1956) BAR.pngWielki Oficer Orderu Alawitów (1913–1956)
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Commander (1913-1956) BAR.pngKomandor Orderu Alawitów (1913–1956)
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Officer (1913-1956) BAR.pngOficer Orderu Alawitów (1913–1956)
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Knight (1913-1956) BAR.pngKawaler Orderu Alawitów (1913–1956)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite GC ribbon (Maroc).svgWielka Wstęga Orderu Alawitów (od 1956)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite GO ribbon (Maroc).svgWielki Oficer Orderu Alawitów (od 1956)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite Commandeur ribbon (Maroc).svgKomandor Orderu Alawitów (od 1956)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite Officier ribbon (Maroc).svgOficer Orderu Alawitów (od 1956)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite Chevalier ribbon (Maroc).svgKawaler Orderu Alawitów (od 1956)


Order of National Merit (Mauritania) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Zasługi Narodowej


Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean - GCSK, GOSK, CSK (Mauritius) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Gwiazdy i Klucza Oceanu Indyjskiego – Krzyż Wielki, Wielki Oficer, Komandor
Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean - OSK, MSK (Mauritius) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Gwiazdy i Klucza Oceanu Indyjskiego – Oficer, Członek


Order of Friendship and Peace (Mozambique).pngOrder Przyjaźni i Pokoju


Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis (Namibia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Prastarej Welwitschii Mirabilis
The Most Brilliant Order of the Sun (Namibia) - ribbon bar.gifNajjaśniejszy Order Słońca


National Order - Grand Cross (Niger) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Narodowy – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
National Order - Grand Officer (Niger) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Narodowy – Wielki Oficer (Grand officer)
National Order - Commander (Niger) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Narodowy – Komandor (Commandeur)
National Order - Officer (Niger) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Narodowy – Oficer (Officier)
National Order - Knight (Niger) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Narodowy – Kawaler (Chevalier)
Order of Merit (Niger) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Zasługi
Cross of Valour (Niger) - ribbon bar.gifKrzyż Męstwa


Order of the Federal Republic (civil) - Nigeria - ribbon bar.gifOrder Republiki Federalnej – klasa cywilna
Order of the Federal Republic (military) - Nigeria - ribbon bar.gifOrder Republiki Federalnej – klasa wojskowa
Medal of the Order of the Federal Republic (civil) - Nigeria -ribbon bar.gifMedal Orderu Republiki Federalnej – klasa cywilna
Medal of the Order of the Federal Republic (military) - Nigeria - ribbon bar.gifMedal Orderu Republiki Federalnej – klasa wojskowa
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Niger.gifOrder Nigru – klasa cywilna
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Niger (military).gifOrder Nigru – klasa wojskowa
Ribbon bar of the Medal of the Niger.gifMedal Orderu Nigru – klasa cywilna
Ribbon bar of the Medal of the Niger (military).gifMedal Orderu Nigru – klasa wojskowa
Loyal Service and Good Conduct Medal (Nigeria) - ribbon bar.pngLoyal Service and Good Conduct Medal
National Service Medal (Nigeria 1966-1970) - ribbon bar.pngNational Service Medal (1966–1970)
General Service Medal (Nigeria) - ribbon bar.pngGeneral Service Medal (1966–1970)
Defence Service Medal (Nigeria 1967-1970) - ribbon bar.pngDefence Service Medal (1967–1970)
Forces Service Star (Nigeria) - ribbon bar.pngForces Service Star

Południowa Afryka

Order of Mapungubwe (RSA) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Mapungubwe
Order of the Companions of O.R. Tambo (ribbon bar).gifOrder Towarzyszy O. R. Tambo
Order for Meritorious Service (RSA) - ribbon bar.gif
(c) Col André Kritzinger, CC BY-SA 3.0
Order za Chwalebną Służbę*
Ord.GoodHope-ribbon.gifOrder Dobrej Nadziei*
* Odznaczenia zniesione w 2002

Republika Środkowoafrykańska

Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Central African Republic).pngOrder Zasługi – Krzyż Wielki
Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Central African Republic).pngOrder Zasługi – Wielki Oficer
Order of Merit - Commander (Central African Republic).pngOrder Zasługi – Komandor
Order of Merit - Officer (Central African Republic).pngOrder Zasługi – Oficer
Order of Merit - Knight (Central African Republic).pngOrder Zasługi – Kawaler

Republika Zielonego Przylądka

Amílcar Cabral Order - 1st Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Amílcara Cabrala I klasy
Amílcar Cabral Order - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Amílcara Cabrala II klasy
Amílcar Cabral Order - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Amílcara Cabrala III klasy
Order of the Dragon Plant - 1st Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Drzewa Smoczego I klasy
Order of the Dragon Plant - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Drzewa Smoczego II klasy
Order of the Dragon Plant - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Drzewa Smoczego III klasy
Medalha do Vulcão - 1st Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Wulkanu Medal I klasy
Medalha do Vulcão - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Wulkanu Medal II klasy
Medalha do Vulcão - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde).pngOrder Wulkanu Medal III klasy


Królestwo Rwandy
Royal Order of the Drum (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.gifKrólewski Order Bębna
Republika Rwandy
National Order of the Revolution (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngNarodowy Order Rewolucji
National Order of Peace (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngNarodowy Order Pokoju
National Order (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngNarodowy Order Rwandy
National Order of the Thousand Hills (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.gifNarodowy Order Tysiąca Wzgórz
RDF Order of Honour (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Honoru Sił Obronnych Rwandy
National Liberation Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngNarodowy Medal Wyzwolenia
Campaign Medal Against Genocide (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Kampanię Przeciwko Ludobójstwu
Order of Bravery Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngOrder za Odwagę
Exemplary Performance Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Przykładne Dokonania
Defence Superior Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Ministerstwa Obrony za Wzorową Służbę
Joint Command Superior Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Połączonego Dowództwa za Wzorową Służbę
Land Forces Superior Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Sił Lądowych za Wzorową Służbę
Air Force Superior Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Sił Powietrznych za Wzorową Służbę
Foreign Campaign Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Kampanię Zagraniczną
Long Service and Good Conduct Order (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngOrder za Długoletnią i Wzorową Służbę
Distinguished Conduct Order (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngOrder za Wzorową Służbę
Distinguished Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngOrder za Chwalebną Służbę
Presidential Inauguration Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Inauguracji Prezydenckiej


SEN Order of the Lion - Grand Cross BAR.pngNarodowy Order Lwa – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
SEN Order of the Lion - Grand Officer BAR.pngNarodowy Order Lwa – Wielki Oficer (Grand officer)
SEN Order of the Lion - Commander BAR.pngNarodowy Order Lwa – Komandor (Commandeur)
SEN Order of the Lion - Officer BAR.pngNarodowy Order Lwa – Oficer (Officier)
SEN Order of the Lion - Knight BAR.pngNarodowy Order Lwa – Kawaler (Chevalier)
Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi – Wielki Oficer (Grand officer)
Order of Merit - Commander (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi – Komandor (Commandeur)
Order of Merit - Officer (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi – Oficer (Officier)
Order of Merit - Knight (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi – Kawaler (Chevalier)
Palmes académiques - Commandeur (Senegal) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Palm Akademickich – Komandor (Commandeur)
Palmes académiques - Officier (Senegal) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Palm Akademickich – Oficer (Officier)
Palmes académiques - Chevalier (Senegal) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Palm Akademickich – Kawaler (Chevalier)
Order of Agricultural Merit - Commander (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi dla Rolnictwa – Komandor (Commandeur)
Order of Agricultural Merit - Officer (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi dla Rolnictwa – Oficer (Officier)
Order of Agricultural Merit - Knight (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zasługi dla Rolnictwa – Kawaler (Chevalier)
Cross of Military Valor (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngKrzyż za Męstwo
Military Medal (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Wojskowy
Wound Medal (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Rany
Army Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Honoru Sił Zbrojnych
Gendarmerie Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Honoru Żandarmerii
Police Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Honoru Policji
Customs Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Honoru Służby Celnej
Firefighters Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Honoru Straży Pożarnej
Medal of Labour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Pracy


Order of the Somali Star (Somalia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Gwiazdy Somali


Order of the Republic (Sudan) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Republiki
Order of the Two Niles (Sudan) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Dwóch Nilów


Order of Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Mwalimu Juliusa Kambarage Nyerere
Order of the Torch of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Pochodni Kilimandżaro lub Order Pochodni Uhuru
Order of the United Republic of Tanzania - ribbon bar.pngOrder Zjednoczonej Republiki Tanzanii
Order of the Declaration of Arusha (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Deklaracji w Aruszy
Medal for Bravery (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Odwagę
Medal for Valour - military (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Męstwo – wojskowy
Medal for Valour - police (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Męstwo – policyjny
Medal for Perseverance and Endurance (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Wytrwałość i Niezłomność
Medal for Exemplary Service - military (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Wzorową Służbę – siły zbrojne
Medal for Exemplary Service - police (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Wzorową Służbę – policja
Medal for Exemplary Service - prisons (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Wzorową Służbę – służba więzienna
War Medal (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Wojenny
Kagera Medal (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Kagery
Zimbabwe Medal (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Zimbabwe
Medal for Arts and Sports (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Sztuki i Sportu


TGO Order of Mono - Grand Cross BAR.pngOrder Mono – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
TGO Order of Mono - Grand Officer BAR.pngOrder Mono – Wielki Oficer (Grand officier)
TGO Order of Mono - Commander BAR.pngOrder Mono – Komandor (Commandeur)
TGO Order of Mono - Officer BAR.pngOrder Mono – Oficer (Officier)
TGO Order of Mono - Knight BAR.pngOrder Mono – Kawaler (Chevalier)
TGO National Order of Merit - Grand Cross BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Krzyż Wielki (Grand-croix)
TGO National Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Wielki Oficer (Grand officier)
TGO National Order of Merit - Commander BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Komandor (Commandeur)
TGO National Order of Merit - Officer BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Oficer (Officier)
TGO National Order of Merit - Knight BAR.pngNarodowy Order Zasługi – Kawaler (Chevalier)


Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar GC ribbon (Tunisia).svgWielka Wstęga Orderu Sławy
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar GO ribbon (Tunisia).svgWielki Oficer Orderu Sławy
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar Commandeur ribbon (Tunisia).svgKomandor Orderu Sławy
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar Officier ribbon (Tunisia).svgOficer Orderu Sławy
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar Chevalier ribbon (Tunisia).svgKawaler I Klasy Orderu Sławy
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar Chevalier ribbon (Tunisia).svgKawaler II Klasy Orderu Sławy
Order of Independence (Tunisia).pngOrder Niepodległości
Order of Independence v. 1959 (Tunisia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Niepodległości – wzór od 1959
Order of the Republic 1959-1967 (Tunisia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Republiki – wzór 1959–1967
Order of the Republic (Tunisia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Republiki – wzór od 1967
Order of 7th November 1987.gifOrder Siódmego Września


Order of the Pearl of Africa (Uganda) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Perły Afryki
Order of the Source of the Nile (Uganda) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Źródła Nilu
Nalubaale Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Nalubaale
Order of Katonga (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Katongi
Kabalega Star (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngGwiazda Kabalegi
Rwenzori Star (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngGwiazda Ruwenzori
Masaba Star (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngGwiazda Masaby
Damu Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Damu
Luwero Triangle Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Trójkąta Luwero
Kagera River Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Rzeki Kagery


ZAM Order of the Eagle of Zambia ribbon.svgOrder Orła Zambii
Order of the Grand Companion of Freedom (Zambia) - ribbon bar.gifOrder Wielkiego Towarzysza Wolności


Legion of Merit - civil (Rhodesia) - ribbon bar.pngLegia Zasługi – klasa cywilna
Legion of Merit - military (Rhodesia) - ribbon bar.pngLegia Zasługi – klasa wojskowa
Independence Decoration (Rhodesia) - ribbon bar.pngOrder Niepodległości
Republika Zimbabwe
Gold Cross of Zimbabwe - ribbon bar.pngZłoty Krzyż Zimbabwe
Silver Cross of Zimbabwe - ribbon bar.pngSrebrny Krzyż Zimbabwe
Bronze Cross of Zimbabwe - ribbon bar.pngBrązowy Krzyż Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Order of Merit (civil) - ribbon bar.pngZimbabweński Order Zasługi – klasa cywilna
Zimbabwe Order of Merit (military) - ribbon bar.pngZimbabweński Order Zasługi – klasa wojskowa
Liberation Decoration (Zimbabwe) - ribbon bar.pngOdznaka Wyzwolenia
Liberation Medal (Zimbabwe) - ribbon bar.pngMedal Wyzwolenia
Zimbabwe Independence medal.gifMedal Niepodległości
Public Service Long Service Medal (Zimbabwe) - ribbon bar.pngMedal za Długoletnią Służbę w Służbie Publicznej

Linki zewnętrzne

Media użyte na tej stronie

National Order of the Leopard (DR Congo) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of the Leopard (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
The Order of the White Eagle.png
Autor: Jakubkaja, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Order Orła Białego – szkic
Kagera River Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Kagera River Medal (Uganda)
EGY Order of the Nile - Grand Cordon BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiej Wstęgi Orderu Nilu
EGY Order of Merit - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Zasługi
General Service Medal (Nigeria) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the General Service Medal (Nigeria)
Amílcar Cabral Order - 1st Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Amílcar Cabral Order - 1st Class (The Republic of Cabo Verde)
Order of Merit - Knight (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Knight (Senegal)
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar GO ribbon (Tunisia).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du Nicham Iftikar, Grand Officier, Tunisia.
Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Senegal)
National Order - Grand Cross (Niger) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order - Grand Cross (Niger)
MDG National Order - Grand Cordon BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiej Wstęgi Orderu Narodowego Madagaskar
Order of the Grand Star of Djibouti - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Grand Star of Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti)
Order of the Holy Trinity (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Holy Trinity (Ethiopia)
Mali Ordre du Merite Agricole Commandeur ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du mérite Agricole. Commandeur. République du Mali.
TGO National Order of Merit - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Order of Idris I (Libya) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Idris I (The Kingdom of Libya)
Presidential Inauguration Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Presidential Inauguration Medal (Rwanda)
TGO National Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Order of the Somali Star (Somalia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Somali Star (Somalia)
Gendarmerie Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Honour of the Gendarmerie (Senegal)
Zimbabwe Order of Merit (civil) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Zimbabwe Order of Merit (civil division)
Order of Katonga (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Katonga (Uganda)
GAB National Order of Merit - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
MAR Order of the Military - 4th Class BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Wojskowego IV Klasy
Silver Cross of Zimbabwe - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Silver Cross of Zimbabwe
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite Commandeur ribbon (Maroc).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite (since 1956), Commandeur, Maroc.
Order of the Republic (Sudan) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Republic (Sudan)
Ordem Agostinho Neto.svg
Autor: Trevor Goodchild, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ordem Agostinho Neto
EGY Order of the Nile - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Nilu
EGY - Order of the Virtues - Supreme and first classes.svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Supreme and first classes of the Order of the Virtues (Egypt)
Firefighters Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Honour of Firefighters (Senegal)
MLI National Order - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Narodowego Mali
Kabalega Star (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Kabalega Star (Uganda)
MLI National Order - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Narodowego Mali
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
National Order of Merit - Athir v.1 (Algeria) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Athir (Algeria), version 1
Rwenzori Star (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
The ribbon bar of the Rwenzori Star (Uganda)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire Chevalier ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile Noire, Chevalier. France.
MAR Order of the Throne - Special Class BAR.png
Baretka Klasy Specjalnej Orderu Tronu
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite GO ribbon (Maroc).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite (since 1956), Grand Officier, Maroc.
Gold Cross of Zimbabwe - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Gold Cross of Zimbabwe
Medal of the Order of the Federal Republic (civil) - Nigeria -ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Medal of the Order of the Federal Republic (civil) - Nigeria
MAR Order of the Military - 3rd Class BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Wojskowego III Klasy
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Narodowego Orderu Dahomeju
Military Medal of Merit of the Order of St. George (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Military Medal of Merit of the Order of St. George (Ethiopia)
EGY Order of the Republic - Grand Cordon BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiej Wstęgi Orderu Republiki
Zimbabwe Order of Merit (military) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Zimbabwe Order of Merit (military division)
Mali Etoile d’Argent du Merite National ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Etoile d’argent du mérite National. République du Mali.
MAR Order of the Throne - 2nd Class BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Tronu II Klasy
Bronze Cross of Zimbabwe - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Bronze Cross of Zimbabwe
SEN Order of the Lion - Knight BAR.png
Autor: Wiki Romi, Licencja: CC0
Baretka Kawalera Wielkiego Narodowego Orderu Lwa (Senegal)
Distinguished Service Medal (Kenya).svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Distinguished Service Medal (Kenya)
ETH Order of Emperor Haile Selassie I BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Cesarza Haile Selassie I
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Knight (1913-1956) BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Ouissama Alaouite'a (1913-1956)
TGO Order of Mono - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Mono
Order of the Star of Anjouan - riibbon bar v. 1.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star of Anjouan (Sultanate of Anjouan)
Zimbabwe Independence medal.gif
Zimbabwe Independence Medal
BEN National Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
The Order of Radama II (1863-1897). Foreigners.gif
The Order of Radama II (1863-1897) - Foreigners
Army Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon of the Army Medal of Honour (Senegal)
National Order - Knight (Niger) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order - Knight (Niger)
EGY Order of the Nile - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Nilu
MDG National Order - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Narodowego Madagaskaru
National Order - Grand Officer (Niger) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order - Grand Officer (Niger)
MAR Order of the Military - 2nd Class BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Wojskowego II Klasy
EGY Order of Merit - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Zasługi
SEN Order of the Lion - Grand Officer BAR.png
Autor: Wiki Romi, Licencja: CC0
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Narodowego Orderu Lwa (Senegal)
Medal for Bravery (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Bravery (Tanzania)
Luwero Triangle Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Luwero Triangle Medal (Uganda)
The Order of Radama II (1863-1897).gif
The Order of Radama II (1863-1897)
EGY Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Zasługi
Humane Order of African Redemption (Liberia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Humane Order of African Redemption (Liberia)
Medalha do Vulcão - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Medalha do Vulcão - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde) - ribbon bar
GAB National Order of Merit - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Medal of the Order of the Federal Republic (military) - Nigeria - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Medal of the Order of the Federal Republic (military) - Nigeria
EGY Order of the Republic - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Republiki
RDF Order of Honour (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Rwanda Defence Force Order of Honour
MAR Order of the Military - Special Class BAR.png
Baretka Klasy Specjalnej Orderu Wojskowego
MDG National Order - Grand Cross 1st Class BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego 1 Klasy Orderu Narodowego Madagaskaru
Lalibela Cross (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of Lalibela Cross (Ethiopia)
Order of Merit - Officer (Central African Republic).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Officer (Central African Republic)
National Order (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order (Rwanda)
Royal Order of the Drum (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Royal Order of the Drum (Kingdom of Rwanda)
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star of Ghana.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star of Ghana
Campaign Medal Against Genocide (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Campaign Medal Against Genocide (Rwanda)
Order of the Republic (Tunisia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Republic (Tunisia)
Air Force Superior Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Air Force Superior Service Medal (Rwanda)
National Order of Merit - Achir (Algeria) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Achir (Algeria)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite GC ribbon (Maroc).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite (since 1956), Grand Cordon, Maroc.
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Niger.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Niger (Nigeria)
TGO Order of Mono - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Mono
ETH Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Celebration Medal.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Celebration Medal (Ethioipia)
National Order of Peace (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Peace (Rwanda)
Order of the Two Niles (Sudan) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Two Niles (Sudan)
SEN Order of the Lion - Grand Cross BAR.png
Autor: Wiki Romi, Licencja: CC0
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Narodowego Orderu Lwa (Senegal)
National Liberation Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Liberation Medal (Rwanda)
Order of Merit - Knight (Central African Republic).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Knight (Central African Republic)
Mali Medaille de Sauvetage ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: La Médaille de Sauvetage. République du Mali.
National Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Guinea).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Guinea)
National Order - Officer (Niger) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order - Officer (Niger)
Liberation Medal (Zimbabwe) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Liberation Medal (Zimbabwe)
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Lwa Etiopii
Order of Agricultural Merit - Knight (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Agricultural Merit - Knight (Senegal)
Customs Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Honour of the Customs Service (Senegal)
Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis (Namibia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis (Namibia)
Djibouti - National Order of June 27 - ribbon.png
Autor: ChryZ MUC, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Ribbon of the National Order of June 27 from Djibouti
National Order of the Revolution (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
National Order of the Revolution (Rwanda)
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Commander (1913-1956) BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Ouissama Alaouite'a (1913-1956)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire GC ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile Noire, Grand Croix. France.
BEN National Order of Merit - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
The Order of the Royal Hawk (about 1862).gif
The Order of the Royal Hawk of the Kingdom of Madagascar (about 1862)
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Grand Cross (1913-1956) BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Orderu Ouissama Alaouite'a (1913-1956)
BEN National Order of Merit - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Palmes académiques - Chevalier (Senegal) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Ordre des Palmes académiques - Chevalier (Senegal)
Order of National Merit (Mauritania) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of National Merit (Mauritania)
Order of the Republic (Libya) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Republic (Libya)
Order of Merit - Commander (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Commander (Senegal)
Order of the Pioneers of Liberia - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Pioneers of Liberia
Land Forces Superior Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Land Forces Superior Service Medal (Rwanda)
Ribbon bar of the Medal of the Niger (military).gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of the Niger (military) - Nigeria
Order of the Dragon Plant - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Dragon Plant - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde)
MLI National Order - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Narodowego Mali
ETH Order of Menelik II - Member BAR.png
Baretka Członka Orderu Menelika II
EGY Order of the Nile - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Nilu
MDG National Order - Grand Cross 2nd Class BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego 2 Klasy Orderu Narodowego Madagaskaru
Order of Independence (Tunisia).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Independence (1957-1959) - Tunisia
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Narodowego Orderu Dahomeju
The Order of Radama II (1862-1863).gif
The Order of Radama II (1862-1863)
Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Central African Republic).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Central African Republic)
Long Service and Good Conduct Order (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Long Service and Good Conduct Order (Rwanda)
Order of the United Republic of Tanzania - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the United Republic of Tanzania
Order of Muhammad ibn Ali al Sanussi.gif
Order of Muhammad ibn Ali al Sanussi
TGO National Order of Merit - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Autor: Skukifish, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Nastrino dell'Ordine del Leone del Malawi
Distinguished Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Distinguished Service Medal (Rwanda)
MDG National Order - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Narodowego Madagaskaru
Medalha do Vulcão - 1st Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Medalha do Vulcão - 1st Class (Cabo Verde) - ribbon bar
Forces Service Star (Nigeria) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Forces Service Star (Nigeria)
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Lwa Etiopii
Order of Merit - Commander (Central African Republic).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Commander (Central African Republic)
Order of the Federal Republic (military) - Nigeria - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Federal Republic (military) - Nigeria
Order of Merit (Madagascar, 1861).gif
Order of Merit (Madagascar, 1861)
Order of the Star of Africa (Liberia) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star of Africa (Liberia)
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan GC ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile d'Anjouan, Grand Croix. 2nd type (1899–1963). France.
ETH Order of Menelik II - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Menelika II
ETH Order of Menelik II - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Menelika II
Cross of Valour (Niger) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Cross of Valour (Niger)
TGO National Order of Merit - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Nalubaale Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Nalubaale Medal (Uganda)
ETH Order of St Anthony.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Saint Anthony (Ethiopia)
TGO Order of Mono - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Mono
The Order of the Kingdom (Madagascar).gif
The Order of the Kingdom (Madagascar)
Order of The Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia) ribbon.gif
Autor: Ekapoj yam, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Most Exalted Order of The Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia)
MDG National Order - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Narodowego Madagaskaru
Order of the Dragon Plant - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Dragon Plant - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde)
Legion of Merit - military (Rhodesia) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Legion of Merit - military division (Rhodesia)
Order of 7th November 1987.gif
Order of 7th November 1987 (Tunisia)
Cross of Military Valor (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Cross of Military Valor (Senegal)
Order of Merit - Officer (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Officer (Senegal)
EGY Order of the Nile - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Nilu
GAB National Order of Merit - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
MLI National Order - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Narodowego Mali
Order of the Pearl of Africa (Uganda) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Pearl of Africa (Uganda)
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
Independence Decoration (Rhodesia) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Independence Decoration (Rhodesia)
Liberation Decoration (Zimbabwe) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Liberation Decoration (Zimbabwe)
MAR Order of the Throne - 3rd Class BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Tronu III Klasy
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan Commandeur ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile d'Anjouan, Commandeur. 2nd type (1899–1963). France.
ETH Order of Menelik II - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Orderu Menelika II
Defence Service Medal (Nigeria 1967-1970) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Defence Service Medal (1967-1970) - Nigeria
The Order of Ranavalona (1896-1897).gif
The Order of Ranavalona (1896-1897). Also known as Royal Order of Madagascar.
Medal for Perseverance and Endurance (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Perseverance and Endurance (Tanzania)
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
National Order of Merit - Knight (Guinea).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Knight (Guinea)
Order of National Hero (Congo).gif
Order of National Hero (Congo)
Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean - GCSK, GOSK, CSK (Mauritius) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean (Mauritius). Classes of the order: Grand Commander, Grand Officer, Commander.
Zimbabwe Medal (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of Zimbabwe Medal (Tanzania)
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Narodowego Orderu Dahomeju
Kagera Medal (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of Kagera Medal (Tanzania)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite Chevalier ribbon (Maroc).svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite (since 1956), Chevalier, Maroc.
Medal for Exemplary Service - prisons (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Exemplary Service - prisons division (Tanzania)
EGY - Order of the Virtues - Third class.svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Third class of the Order of the Virtues (Egypt)
EGY Order of Merit - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Zasługi
ETH Centenary of the Victory of Adwa Medal 1896-1996 - royal ribbon.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Centenary of the Victory of Adwa Medal 1896-1996 - royal ribbon (Ethiopia)
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Member BAR.png
Baretka Członka Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
Defence Superior Service Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Defence Superior Service Medal (Rwanda)
Order of Independence (Libya).gif
Order of Independence (Lybia)
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Narodowego Orderu Dahomeju
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli Officier ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile de Mohéli, Officier. Mohéli (Comores).
Public Service Long Service Medal (Zimbabwe) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Public Service Long Service Medal (Zimbabwe)
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Niger (military).gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Niger (military division), Nigeria
Medalha do Vulcão - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Medalha do Vulcão - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde) - ribbon bar
Order of Mapungubwe (RSA) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Mapungubwe (RSA)
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar Commandeur ribbon (Tunisia).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du Nicham Iftikar, Commandeur, Tunisia.
Order of the Companions of O.R. Tambo (ribbon bar).gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Companions of O.R. Tambo (Republic of South Africa)
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Gwiazdy Równika
EGY Order of the Republic - Knight BAR.png
Baretka Kawalera Orderu Republiki
Mali Ordre du Merite Agricole Chevalier ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du mérite Agricole. Chevalier. République du Mali.
Medal of Labour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Labour (Senegal)
National Order of Merit - Commander (Guinea).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Commander (Guinea)
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Grand Officer (1913-1956) BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Ouissama Alaouite'a (1913-1956)
Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite Officier ribbon (Maroc).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre de l'Ouissam Alaouite (since 1956), Officier, Maroc.
ETH Centenary of the Victory of Adwa Medal 1896-1996 - diplomatic ribbon.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Centenary of the Victory of Adwa Medal 1896-1996 - diplomatic ribbon (Ethiopia)
National Order of Merit - Athir v.2 (Algeria) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Athir (Algeria), version 2
Silver Star of Kenya.svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Silver Star of Kenya
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli Commandeur ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile de Mohéli, Commandeur. Mohéli (Comores).
Palmes académiques - Officier (Senegal) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Ordre des Palmes académiques - Officier (Senegal)
Medal for Arts and Sports (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal for Arts and Sports (Tanzania)
Order of the Companions of the Revolution.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Companions of the Revolution (Zaire)
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli Chevalier ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile de Mohéli, Chevalier. Mohéli (Comores).
National Order of Merit - Officer (Guinea).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Officer (Guinea)
TGO Order of Mono - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Orderu Mono
EGY Order of the Republic - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Republiki
Malawi independence medal.png
Autor: Ericalford, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Malawi Independence Medal Ribbon Bar
National Order of the Leopard (Zaire) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of the Leopard (Zaire)
Order of the Declaration of Arusha (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of the Declaration of Arusha (Tanzania)
Order of the Source of the Nile (Uganda) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Source of the Nile (Uganda)
Order of the Grand Conqueror (Libya).gif
Order of the Grand Conqueror (Libya)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire GO ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile Noire, Grand Officier. France.
Ordem Nacional das Colinas do Boé.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
  • Ordem Nacional das Colinas do Boé
  • Ordem Nacional De Mérito, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento
Order of the Republic 1959-1967 (Tunisia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Republic 1959-1967 (Tunisia)
MAR Order of the Throne - 4th Class BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Tronu IV Klasy
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Gwiazdy Równika
Medal for Valour - police (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Valour - police division (Tanzania)
Masaba Star (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Masaba Star (Uganda)
Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean - OSK, MSK (Mauritius) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean (Mauritius). Classes of the order: Officer, Member.
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan Chevalier ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile d'Anjouan, Chevalier. 2nd type (1899–1963). France.
Police Medal of Honour (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Honour of the Police (Senegal)
Order of the Volta (Ghana) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Volta (1960-2008) - Ghana
MLI National Order - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Orderu Narodowego Mali
National Order of Peace (Congo).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Peace (Congo)
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan Officier ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile d'Anjouan, Officier. 2nd type (1899–1963). France.
Order of the Dragon Plant - 1st Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Dragon Plant - 1st Class (Cabo Verde)
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli GO ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile de Mohéli, Grand Officier. Mohéli (Comores).
Amílcar Cabral Order - 3rd Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Amílcar Cabral Order - 3rd Class (The Republic of Cabo Verde)
Order of the Volta (Ghana) - ribbon bar v. 2008.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Volta (Ghana)
National Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Guinea).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Guinea)
EGY Order of the Republic - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Republiki
SEN Order of the Lion - Officer BAR.png
Autor: Wiki Romi, Licencja: CC0
Baretka Oficera Narodowego Orderu Lwa (Senegal)
ETH Order of Menelik II - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Menelika II
Order of Agricultural Merit - Commander (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Agricultural Merit - Commander (Senegal)
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Member BAR.png
Baretka Członka Orderu Lwa Etiopii
MAR Order of the Military - 1st Class BAR.png
Baretka Orderu Wojskowego I Klasy
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Orderu Lwa Etiopii
Military Medal (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Military Medal (Senegal)
BEN National Order of Merit - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Autor: Skukifish, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ordine al Merito del Congo - Cavaliere
EGY Order of Merit - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Orderu Zasługi
TGO National Order of Merit - Grand Cross BAR.png
Baretka Krzyża Wielkiego Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Central African Republic).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Grand Cross (Central African Republic)
Medal for Valour - military (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Valour - military division (Tanzania)
Order of the Green Crescent of Comoros - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Green Crescent of the Comoros
Loyal Service and Good Conduct Medal (Nigeria) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Loyal Service and Good Conduct Medal (Nigeria)
Order of Bravery Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Bravery Medal (Rwanda)
ZAM Order of the Eagle of Zambia ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Order of the Eagle of Zambia ribbon bar. Zambia.
MAR Order of the Ouissam Alaouite - Officer (1913-1956) BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Ouissama Alaouite'a (1913-1956)
Medal for Exemplary Service - military (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Exemplary Service - military division (Tanzania)
Order of Independence v. 1959 (Tunisia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Independence - Wisam-al-Istiqlal, v. 1959 (Tunisia)
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire Commandeur ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile Noire, Commandeur. France.
Order of Friendship and Peace (Mozambique).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Friendship and Peace (Mozambique)
Order of Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Tanzania)
SEN Order of the Lion - Commander BAR.png
Autor: Wiki Romi, Licencja: CC0
Baretka Komandora Narodowego Orderu Lwa (Senegal)
Ordre de l'Etoile de Moheli GC ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile de Mohéli, Grand Croix. Mohéli (Comores).
Order for Meritorious Service (RSA) - ribbon bar.gif
(c) Col André Kritzinger, CC BY-SA 3.0
Order for Meritorious Service ribbon of the Republic of South Africa, 35 millimetres wide with a 6 mm wide dark blue band, a 4 mm wide white band and a 5½ mm wide orange band, repeated in reverse order and separated by a 4 mm wide white band. The ribbon was replaced by one in the new South African colours in 1996.
Order of Agricultural Merit - Officer (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Agricultural Merit - Officer (Senegal)
Joint Command Superior Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Joint Command Superior Medal (Rwanda)
The Order of the Royal Hawk (before 1823).gif
The Order of the Royal Hawk of the Kingdom of Magagascar (before 1823)
MDG National Order - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Narodowego Madagaskaru
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar GC ribbon (Tunisia).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du Nicham Iftikar, Grand'Croix, Tunisia.
Mali Ordre du Merite Agricole Officier ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du mérite Agricole. Officier. République du Mali.
Ordre de l'Etoile Noire Officier ribbon.svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile Noire, Officier. France.
King Radama Investiture Medal 1862.gif
King Radama Investiture Medal 1862 (Madagascar)
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Anjouan GO ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: l'Ordre de l'Étoile d'Anjouan, Grand Officier. 2nd type (1899–1963). France.
National Order - Commander (Niger) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Order - Commander (Niger)
Medal for Exemplary Service - police (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of Exemplary Service - police division (Tanzania)
Order of Merit (Niger) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit (Niger)
Exemplary Performance Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Exemplary Performance Medal (Rwanda)
Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Merit - Grand Officer (Senegal)
Legion of Merit - civil (Rhodesia) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Legion of Merit - civil division (Rhodesia)
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Orderu Gwiazdy Równika
BEN National Order of Merit - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya.svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya
Foreign Campaign Medal (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Foreign Campaign Medal (Rwanda)
The Most Brilliant Order of the Sun (Namibia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Most Brilliant Order of the Sun (Namibia)
Distinguished Conduct Order (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Distinguished Conduct Order (Rwanda)
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar Officier ribbon (Tunisia).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du Nicham Iftikar, Officier, Tunisia.
TGO Order of Mono - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Orderu Mono
Order of the Grand Companion of Freedom (Zambia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Grand Companion of Freedom (Zambia)
Order of the Grand Warrior (Kenya).svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Grand Warrior (Kenya)
Palmes académiques - Commandeur (Senegal) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Ordre des Palmes académiques - Commandeur (Senegal)
Amílcar Cabral Order - 2nd Class (Cabo Verde).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Amílcar Cabral Order - 2nd Class (The Republic of Cabo Verde)
Order of Courage (Libya) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Courage (Libya)
Military Medal of Haile Selassie I (Ethiopia) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Distinguished Military Medal of Haile Selassie I (Ethiopia)
GAB National Order of Merit - Grand Officer BAR.png
Baretka Wielkiego Oficera Narodowego Orderu Zasługi
Wound Medal (Senegal) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Wound in Operations Military Medal (Senegal)
ETH Order of the Star of Ethiopia - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Gwiazdy Etiopii
GAB Order of the Equatorial Star - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Gwiazdy Równika
Ribbon bar of the Medal of the Niger.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Medal of the Niger (Nigeria)
Order of the Burning Spear.svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ribbon of the Order of the Burning Spear (Kenya)
EGY - Order of the Virtues - Second class.svg
Autor: Mimich, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Second class of the Order of the Virtues (Egypt)
Ordre du Nichan Iftikhar Chevalier ribbon (Tunisia).svg
Autor: Boroduntalk, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: L'Ordre du Nicham Iftikar, Chevalier, Tunisia.
National Order of the Thousand Hills (Rwanda) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the National Order of the Thousand Hills (Rwanda)
Order of Congolese Devotion (Congo).png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Order of Congolese Devotion (Republic of the Congo)
Mali Medaille d’or de l’Independance ribbon.svg
Autor: Borodun, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar: La Médaille d’or de l’Indépendance. République du Mali.
Order of the Torch of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.gif
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC0
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Torch of Kilimanjaro/Uhuru Torch (Tanzania)
ETH Emperor Haile Selassie I Jubilee Medal.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
Ribbon bar of the Emperor Haile Selassie I Jubilee Medal (Ethiopia)
ETH Order of the Ethiopian Lion - Officer BAR.png
Baretka Oficera Orderu Lwa Etiopii
BEN National Order of Dahomey - Commander BAR.png
Baretka Komandora Narodowego Orderu Dahomeju
War Medal (Tanzania) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the War Medal (Tanzania)
National Service Medal (Nigeria 1966-1970) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the National Service Medal (1966-1970) - Nigeria
Damu Medal (Uganda) - ribbon bar.png
Autor: McOleo, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Ribbon bar of the Damu Medal (Uganda)