Lista hrabstw w stanie Massachusetts

Poniżej przedstawiono listę hrabstw w stanie Massachusetts. Massachusetts podzielony jest na 14 hrabstw. Część hrabstw ma nie jedną, lecz dwie siedziby administracyjne.


Lista alfabetyczna

NazwaKod FIPSSiedzibaPowierzchnia całkowita (km²)Powierzchnia lądowa (km²)Powierzchnia wodna (km²)Populacja (2000)Gęstość zaludnienia (os/km²) (2000)Położenie na mapie
Hrabstwo Barnstable25001Barnstable3381,541024,372357,15222.230217,0Map of Massachusetts highlighting Barnstable County.svg
Hrabstwo Berkshire25003Pittsfield2450,832412,1138,72134.95355,9Map of Massachusetts highlighting Berkshire County.svg
Hrabstwo Bristol25005Taunton1790,171440,03350,14534.678371,3Map of Massachusetts highlighting Bristol County.svg
Hrabstwo Dukes25007Edgartown1271,55268,791002,7914.98755,8Map of Massachusetts highlighting Dukes County.svg
Hrabstwo Essex25009Salem i Lawrence2145,881296,73849,15723.419557,9Map of Massachusetts highlighting Essex County.svg
Hrabstwo Franklin25011Greenfield1877,071818,2558,8271.53539,3Map of Massachusetts highlighting Franklin County.svg
Hrabstwo Hampden25013Springfield1642,361601,6540,69456.228284,9Map of Massachusetts highlighting Hampden County.svg
Hrabstwo Hampshire25015Northampton1412,681370,1842,50152.251111,1Map of Massachusetts highlighting Hampshire County.svg
Hrabstwo Middlesex25017Cambridge i Lowell2195,122132,7562,371.465.396687,1Map of Massachusetts highlighting Middlesex County.svg
Hrabstwo Nantucket25019Nantucket786,42123,83662,609.52076,9Map of Massachusetts highlighting Nantucket County.svg
Hrabstwo Norfolk25021Dedham1149,801034,91114,87650.308628,4Map of Massachusetts highlighting Norfolk County.svg
Hrabstwo Plymouth25023Plymouth i Brockton2831,871711,591120,27472.822276,3Map of Massachusetts highlighting Plymouth County.svg
Hrabstwo Suffolk25025Boston311,29151,57159,75689.8074551,5Map of Massachusetts highlighting Suffolk County.svg
Hrabstwo Worcester25027Worcester4089,643918,81170,81750.963191,6Map of Massachusetts highlighting Worcester County.svg


Media użyte na tej stronie

Map of Massachusetts highlighting Hampden County.svg
This is a locator map showing Hampden County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Middlesex County.svg
This is a locator map showing Middlesex County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Suffolk County.svg
This is a locator map showing Suffolk County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Berkshire County.svg
This is a locator map showing Berkshire County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Nantucket County.svg
This is a locator map showing Nantucket County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Hampshire County.svg
This is a locator map showing Hampshire County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Worcester County.svg
This is a locator map showing Worcester County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Norfolk County.svg
This is a locator map showing Norfolk County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Bristol County.svg
This is a locator map showing Bristol County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Essex County.svg
This is a locator map showing Essex County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Dukes County.svg
This is a locator map showing Dukes County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Barnstable County.svg

Locator map showing Barnstable County — on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.

David Benbennick made this map. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Massachusetts highlighting Franklin County.svg
This is a locator map showing Franklin County in Massachusetts. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.