Lista hrabstw w stanie Oklahoma

Lista hrabstw w stanie Oklahomastan Oklahoma podzielony jest na 77 hrabstw (counties). Jest to 20 miejsce pod względem liczebności wśród stanów USA[1].

Oklahoma początkowo, do roku 1890, gdy miała jeszcze status Terytorium Oklahoma (przed połączeniem z Terytorium Indiańskim) składała się z siedmiu hrabstw. Mają one obecnie numerację od 1 do 7. Z tym, że ówczesne siódme położone na rączce stanu (północno-wschodnia część) zostało podzielone na trzy nowe. Kolejne przyłączane miały jako numerację kolejne litery alfabetu i dopiero konstytucja stanowa z 1907 uporządkowała ten stan nadając im nazwy obowiązujące współcześnie[2]

Lista alfabetyczna

Siedziba władzRok
Nazwa oryginalnaPochodzenieLiczba
na mapie stanu
Adair001Stilwell1907Kraj Czirokezów
(Cherokee Land)
Nazwisko Adair ze szczepu Czirokezów210381492Map of Oklahoma highlighting Adair County.svg
Alfalfa003Cherokee1907Woods CountyOd nazwiska Williama Henry Davis "Alfalfa Bill" Murraya55932246Map of Oklahoma highlighting Alfalfa County.svg
Atoka005Atoka1907Kraj Czoktawów
(Choctaw lands)
Nazwisko Kapitana Atoka ze szczepu Czoktawów145122533Map of Oklahoma highlighting Atoka County.svg
Beaver007Beaver1890Siódme hrabstwo (położone na „rączce” stanu)Od rzeki Beaver (Beaver River)53804698Map of Oklahoma highlighting Beaver County.svg
Beckham009Sayre1907Hrabstwo Greer County i Hrabstwo MillsOd nazwiska John Crepps Wickliffe Beckham (były gubernator)197002336Map of Oklahoma highlighting Beckham County.svg
Blaine011Watonga1890Z rezerwatów Szejenów i ArapahoOd nazwiska James G. Blaine (były sekretarz stanu USA)124752406Map of Oklahoma highlighting Blaine County.svg
Bryan013Durant1907Kraj Czoktawów
(Choctaw lands)
Od nazwiska William Bryan (były sekretarz stanu USA)395632354Map of Oklahoma highlighting Bryan County.svg
Caddo015Anadarko1901Terytorium IndiańskieOd indiańskiego słowa "Kaddi" oznaczającego "życie wodza"292963310Map of Oklahoma highlighting Caddo County.svg
Canadian017El Reno1907Z rezerwatów Szejenów i ArapahoOd nazwy rzeki Canadian River1035592354Map of Oklahoma highlighting Canadian County.svg
Carter019Ardmore1907Pickens County, Naród Chickasaw na Terytorium IndiańskimOd nazwiska prominentnej niegdyś rodziny475822134Map of Oklahoma highlighting Carter County.svg
Cherokee021Tahlequah1907Pierwotny Kraj Czirokezów po Szlaku ŁezOd nazwy plemienia Czirokezów453931945Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cherokee County.svg
Choctaw023Hugo1907Pierwotny Kraj ChoctawówOd nazwy plemienia Choctaw150112005Map of Oklahoma highlighting Choctaw County.svg
Cimarron025Boise City1907Siódme hrabstwo (położone na "rączce" stanu)Od nazwy rzeki Cimarron26644753Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cimarron County.svg
Cleveland027Norman1890Od nazwiska Grover Cleveland dwukrotnego prezydenta USA2364521388Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cleveland County.svg
Coal029Coalgate1907Tobucksy County, Szczep ChoctawOd słowa węgiel (ang. Coal) pierwszego produktu w regionie57091342Map of Oklahoma highlighting Coal County.svg
Comanche031Lawton1907Rezerwat szczepów Kiowa, Komanczów i ApaczówOd hiszpańskiego Camino Ancho znaczącego szeroki szlak1138111069Map of Oklahoma highlighting Comanche County.svg
Cotton033Walters1912Rezerwat szczepów Quapaw, Czoktawów, Czikasawów i KomanczówOd nazwy głównego źródła przychodów – bawełny (ang. Cotton)62991650Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cotton County.svg
Craig035Vinita1907Kraj CzirokezówOd nazwiska Granville Craig – prominentnej osoby z plemienia Czirokezów62991650Map of Oklahoma highlighting Craig County.svg
Creek037Sapulpa1907Od nazwy szczepu Indian Krik690732476Map of Oklahoma highlighting Creek County.svg
Custer039Arapaho1891Rezerwat Indian Szejenów-ArapahoOd nazwiska amerykańskiego generała George Armstronga Custera261112556Map of Oklahoma highlighting Custer County.svg
Delaware041Jay1907Dystrykt Delavare w kraju Czirokezów404061919Map of Oklahoma highlighting Delaware County.svg
Dewey043Taloga1892Rezerwat Indian Szejenów-ArapahoOd nazwiska admirała George Deweya43382590Map of Oklahoma highlighting Dewey County.svg
Ellis045Arnett1907Roger Mills i Woodward countiesOd nazwiska wiceprezydenta Albert H. Ellisa39113183Map of Oklahoma highlighting Ellis County.svg
Garfield047Enid1893Cherokee OutletOd nazwiska prezydenta Jamesa Garfielda576572740Map of Oklahoma highlighting Garfield County.svg
Garvin049Pauls Valley1907Naród ChickasawOd nazwiska Samuel Garvin Indianina ze szczepu Chickasawów271412095Map of Oklahoma highlighting Garvin County.svg
Grady051Chickasha1907Od nazwiska Henry W. Grady redaktora i wydawcy Atlanta Constitution506152852Map of Oklahoma highlighting Grady County.svg
Grant053Medford1892Hrabstwo LOd nazwiska Ulysses Grant prezydenta USA271412095Map of Oklahoma highlighting Grant County.svg
Greer055Mangum1896Hrabstwo Greer, TeksasOd nazwiska John Alexander Greer wicegubernatora Teksasu58101655Map of Oklahoma highlighting Greer County.svg
Harmon057Hollis1909Hrabstwo GreerOd nazwiska Judson Harmon prokuratora generalnego Stanów Zjednoczonych32541393Map of Oklahoma highlighting Harmon County.svg
Harper059Buffalo1893Od nazwiska Oscar G. Harper urzędnika w Oklahoma120592691Map of Oklahoma highlighting Harper County.svg
Haskell061Stigler1909Od nazwiska Charles N. Haskell pierwszego gubernatora Oklahomy120591494Map of Oklahoma highlighting Haskell County.svg
Hughes063Holdenville1907Od nazwiska William C. Hughes jednego z twórców konstytucji Oklahomy136802090Map of Oklahoma highlighting Hughes County.svg
Jackson065Altus1909Hrabstwo GreerOd nazwiska Andrew Jackson siódmego prezydenta USA257782080Map of Oklahoma highlighting Jackson County.svg
Jefferson067Waurika1907Rezerwat Indian Komanczów i ChickasawówOd nazwiska Thomas Jefferson trzeciego prezydenta USA62731966Map of Oklahoma highlighting Jefferson County.svg
Johnston069Tishomingo1909Rezerwat Indian Komanczów i ChickasawówOd nazwiska Douglas H. Johnston gubernatora plemienia Chickasaw104021671Map of Oklahoma highlighting Johnston County.svg
Kay071Newkirk1909Pas CzirokezówPoczątkowo nazywane hrabstow K456382380Map of Oklahoma highlighting Kay County.svg
Kingfisher073Kingfisher1907Ziemie niczyjeOd nazwy ptaka Kingfisher (Zimorodek)143202339Map of Oklahoma highlighting Kingfisher County.svg
Kiowa075Hobart1909Rezerwat Indian Kiowa i KomanczówOd nazwiska Kiowa32541393Map of Oklahoma highlighting Kiowa County.svg
Latimer077Wilburton1907Od nazwiska James S. Latimer jednego z twórców konstytucji Oklahomy105081870Map of Oklahoma highlighting Latimer County.svg
Le Flore079Poteau1907Kraj ChoctawówOd nazwiska indiańskiej rodziny Choctawów o pochodzeniu francuskim497154108Map of Oklahoma highlighting Le Flore County.svg
Lincoln081Chandler1891Od nazwiska Abrahama Lincolna prezydenta USA322722484Map of Oklahoma highlighting Lincoln County.svg
Logan083Guthrie1891Od nazwiska John A. Logan generała z wojny secesyjnej364351930Map of Oklahoma highlighting Logan County.svg
Love085Marietta1907Hrabstwo GreerOd nazwiska Overton Love indiańskiego sędziego z plemienia Czikasaw91121334Map of Oklahoma highlighting Love County.svg
Major093Fairview1909Od nazwiska John C. Major jednego z twórców konstytucji Oklahomy71902479Map of Oklahoma highlighting Major County.svg
Marshall095Madill1907Od nazwiska jednej z twórczyń konstytucji Oklahomy14830961Map of Oklahoma highlighting Marshall County.svg
Mayes097Pryor Creek1907Od nazwiska Samuel Houston Mayes jednego z wodzów Czirokezów396371699Map of Oklahoma highlighting Mayes County.svg
McClain087Purcell1907Od nazwiska Charles M. McClain jednego z twórców konstytucji Oklahomy318491476Map of Oklahoma highlighting McClain County.svg
McCurtain089Idabel1907Od nazwiska indiańskiej rodziny McCurtain335394797Map of Oklahoma highlighting McCurtain County.svg
McIntosh091Eufaula1907Od nazwiska indiańskiej rodziny McIntosh197091606Map of Oklahoma highlighting McIntosh County.svg
Murray099Sulphur1907Od nazwiska William H. Murray gubernatora Oklahomy126951083Map of Oklahoma highlighting Murray County.svg
Muskogee101Muskogee1907Od Indian Muskogee711162108Map of Oklahoma highlighting Muskogee County.svg
Noble103Perry1897Od nazwiska John Willock Noble sekretarza zasobów wewnętrznych Stanów Zjednoczonych111241896Map of Oklahoma highlighting Noble County.svg
Nowata105Nowata1897Prawdopodobnie od zniekształconych przez Indian angielskich słów No water107231463Map of Oklahoma highlighting Nowata County.svg
Okfuskee107Okemah1907Od indiańskiego miasta Okfuskee w Alabamie112481619Map of Oklahoma highlighting Okfuskee County.svg
Oklahoma109Oklahoma City1891Od słów w języku Czoktawów okla i humma znaczących ludzie czerwoni7018071836Map of Oklahoma highlighting Oklahoma County.svg
Okmulgee111Okmulgee1907Od słów w języku Krików znaczących gotująca woda393001805Map of Oklahoma highlighting Okmulgee County.svg
Osage113Pawhuska1907Od nazwy indiańskiego plemienia Osedżów455235830Map of Oklahoma highlighting Osage County.svg
Ottawa115Miami1907Od nazwy indiańskiego plemienia Ottawów324741220Map of Oklahoma highlighting Ottawa County.svg
Pawnee117Pawnee1897Od nazwy indiańskiego plemienia Paunisów166471476Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pawnee County.svg
Payne119Stillwater1890Od nazwiska David L. Payne zwanego Ojcem Oklahomy690381777Map of Oklahoma highlighting Payne County.svg
Pittsburg121McAlester1907Od miasta Pittsburgh w Pennsylwanii447113383Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pittsburg County.svg
Pontotoc123Ada1907W języku Czikasawów Pontotoc znaczy Koci ogon rosnący na prerii365711865Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pontotoc County.svg
Pottawatomie125Shawnee1891Od nazwy plemienie Indian Potawatomi690382041Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pottawatomie County.svg
Pushmataha127Antlers1907Od nazwy plemienie Indian Pushmataha116663618Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pushmataha County.svg
Roger Mills129Cheyenne1895Od nazwiska Roger Q. Mills – senatora USA33082958Map of Oklahoma highlighting Roger Mills County.svg
Rogers131Claremore1907Od nazwiska senatora i sędziego na terytorium indiańskim Clement V. Rogersa831051748Map of Oklahoma highlighting Rogers County.svg
Seminole133Wewoka1907Od nazwy plemienie Indian Seminoli116661637Map of Oklahoma highlighting Seminole County.svg
Sequoyah135Sallisaw1907Od nazwiska indiańskiego wodza Sekwoi116661746Map of Oklahoma highlighting Sequoyah County.svg
Stephens137Duncan1907Od nazwy John Hall Stephens kongresmena i adwokata z Teksasu433222271Map of Oklahoma highlighting Stephens County.svg
Texas139Guymon1907Siódme hrabstwo (położone na "rączce" stanu)Od nazwy sąsiedniego stanu USA200322037Map of Oklahoma highlighting Texas County.svg
Tillman141Frederick1907Od nazwy Benjamin Tillmana senatora USA81482258Map of Oklahoma highlighting Tillman County.svg
Tulsa143Tulsa1907Od nazwy starego miasta Indian Krików na terenie Alabamy5850681476Map of Oklahoma highlighting Tulsa County.svg
Wagoner145Wagoner1907Prawdopodobnie od nazwiska Bailey P. Waggoner672391458Map of Oklahoma highlighting Wagoner County.svg
Washington147Bartlesville1907Od nazwiska George Washingtona pierwszego prezydenta USA498881080Map of Oklahoma highlighting Washington County.svg
Washita149New Cordell1897Od nazwy rzeki Washita River116672600Map of Oklahoma highlighting Washita County.svg
Woods151Alva1893Od nazwy Sama Wooda83193333Map of Oklahoma highlighting Woods County.svg
Woodward153Woodward1907Od nazwiska B.W. Woodwarda dyrektora spółki kolejowej Santa Fe195053618Map of Oklahoma highlighting Woodward County.svg


  1. How Many Counties are in Your State (Ile hrabstw ma twój stan?) (ang.). Click and Learn. [dostęp 2010-09-21].
  2. Origin of county names in Oklahoma (Pochodzenie nazw hrabstw w Oklahomie). „Chronicles of Oklahoma”. 2 (1), s. 75–82, 1924. Oklahoma Historical Society. [dostęp 2010-09-21]. 
  3. EPA County FIPS Code Listing. [dostęp 2010-09-21].

Media użyte na tej stronie

Flag of Oklahoma.svg
Flag of Oklahoma, adopted in November 2006.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Ottawa County.svg
This is a locator map showing Ottawa County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Haskell County.svg
This is a locator map showing Haskell County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting McIntosh County.svg
This is a locator map showing McIntosh County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Kay County.svg
This is a locator map showing Kay County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Grady County.svg
This is a locator map showing Grady County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Tillman County.svg
This is a locator map showing Tillman County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Payne County.svg
This is a locator map showing Payne County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Greer County.svg
This is a locator map showing Greer County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Major County.svg
This is a locator map showing Major County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Adair County.svg
This is a locator map showing Adair County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Tulsa County.svg
This is a locator map showing Tulsa County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Canadian County.svg
This is a locator map showing Canadian County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Nowata County.svg
This is a locator map showing Nowata County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Bryan County.svg
This is a locator map showing Bryan County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Hughes County.svg
This is a locator map showing Hughes County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Osage County.svg
This is a locator map showing Osage County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Seminole County.svg
This is a locator map showing Seminole County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cotton County.svg
This is a locator map showing Cotton County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Lincoln County.svg
This is a locator map showing Lincoln County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Latimer County.svg
This is a locator map showing Latimer County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Harper County.svg
This is a locator map showing Harper County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Logan County.svg
This is a locator map showing Logan County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Woodward County.svg
This is a locator map showing Woodward County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cimarron County.svg
This is a locator map showing Cimarron County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Sequoyah County.svg
This is a locator map showing Sequoyah County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Marshall County.svg
This is a locator map showing Marshall County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Okmulgee County.svg
This is a locator map showing Okmulgee County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Wagoner County.svg
This is a locator map showing Wagoner County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Dewey County.svg
This is a locator map showing Dewey County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Beaver County.svg
This is a locator map showing Beaver County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Delaware County.svg
This is a locator map showing Delaware County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Le Flore County.svg
This is a locator map showing Le Flore County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Comanche County.svg
This is a locator map showing Comanche County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Craig County.svg
This is a locator map showing Craig County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Blaine County.svg
This is a locator map showing Blaine County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Harmon County.svg
This is a locator map showing Harmon County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Washita County.svg
This is a locator map showing Washita County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Stephens County.svg
This is a locator map showing Stephens County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Mayes County.svg
This is a locator map showing Mayes County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Love County.svg
This is a locator map showing Love County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Muskogee County.svg
This is a locator map showing Muskogee County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Atoka County.svg
This is a locator map showing Atoka County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting McClain County.svg
This is a locator map showing McClain County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pontotoc County.svg
This is a locator map showing Pontotoc County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Johnston County.svg
This is a locator map showing Johnston County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Garvin County.svg
This is a locator map showing Garvin County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Woods County.svg
This is a locator map showing Woods County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Jackson County.svg
This is a locator map showing Jackson County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Choctaw County.svg
This is a locator map showing Choctaw County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cherokee County.svg
This is a locator map showing Cherokee County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Alfalfa County.svg
This is a locator map showing Alfalfa County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Creek County.svg
This is a locator map showing Creek County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Oklahoma County.svg
This is a locator map showing Oklahoma County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Noble County.svg
This is a locator map showing Noble County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Garfield County.svg
This is a locator map showing Garfield County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Rogers County.svg
This is a locator map showing Rogers County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Caddo County.svg
This is a locator map showing Caddo County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Cleveland County.svg
This is a locator map showing Cleveland County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Grant County.svg
This is a locator map showing Grant County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Texas County.svg
This is a locator map showing Texas County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pittsburg County.svg
This is a locator map showing Pittsburg County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Custer County.svg
This is a locator map showing Custer County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Murray County.svg
This is a locator map showing Murray County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Kiowa County.svg
This is a locator map showing Kiowa County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Pawnee County.svg
This is a locator map showing Pawnee County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Carter County.svg
This is a locator map showing Carter County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Ellis County.svg
This is a locator map showing Ellis County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting McCurtain County.svg
This is a locator map showing McCurtain County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Jefferson County.svg
This is a locator map showing Jefferson County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Coal County.svg
This is a locator map showing Coal County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.
Map of Oklahoma highlighting Beckham County.svg
This is a locator map showing Beckham County in Oklahoma. For more information, see Commons:United States county locator maps.