Lista państw świata według najwyższego szczytu
Państwa niepodległe
Poniższa tabela przedstawia niepodległe państwa świata uszeregowane według najwyższego szczytu:
Państwa, których niepodległość jest kwestionowana
Lp. | Państwo | Najwyższy punkt | Wysokość | Uwagi |
1 | ![]() | Dombaj-Ulgen | 4046 m | Niepodległość uznawana przez Rosję (od 26.08.2008), Nikaraguę (od 5.09.2008) i Wenezuelę (od 10.09.2009). |
2 | ![]() | Yu Shan | 3952 m | Państwo uznawane przez 14 inne państwa, głównie małe wyspiarskie kraje. W Europie Republikę Chińską uznał tylko Watykan. |
3 | ![]() | Khalatsa | 3938 m | Niepodległość Osetii Południowej uznały: Rosja (od 26.08.2008), Nikaragua (od 5.09.2008), Wenezuela (od 10.09.2009), Autonomia Palestyńska, Abchazja i Naddniestrze. |
4 | ![]() | Djeravica | 2656 m | Kosowo zostało uznane za niepodległe przez 100 państw, w tym Polskę. |
5 | ![]() | Tall Asur | 1016 m | Autonomia Palestyńska jest tymczasową strukturą administracyjną zarządzającą obszarem Strefy Gazy i częścią Zachodniego Brzegu. |
6 | ![]() | nienazwany szczyt | 463 m | Tereny Sahary Zachodniej okupowane są przez Maroko. |
Terytoria zależne
Zobacz też
- ↑ Według niektórych źródeł najwyższym szczytem Bhutanu ma być Kulha-kʽangri. Najnowsze pomiary wykazały jednak, że Kulha-kʽangri jest szczytem niższym, ponadto leżącym w całości na terenie Tybetu.
- ↑ Niektóre starsze źródła podają inną wysokość szczytu – 6995 m. Jest to wysokość szczytu bez jego pokrywy śnieżnej, wraz z którą szczyt osiąga wysokość 7010 m.
- ↑ Niektóre źródła podają wysokość szczytu jako 5671 m. Jest to starszy pomiar, najnowsze wynoszą w przybliżeniu 5610 m.
- ↑ Często wysokość Araratu podawana jest jako 5165 m, jednak pomiary z 2007 r. wykazały, że szczyt jest niższy i ma w rzeczywistości około 5137 m.
- ↑ Wysokość często błędnie podawana jako 5007 m.
- ↑ Starsze pomiary, wciąż czasem przytaczane, podawały wysokość Jaya w granicach około 5030 m.
- ↑ Przed uzyskaniem niepodległości przez Uzbekistan szczyt ten nosił nazwę Szczyt XXII Kongresu Partii komunistycznej. Czasem jako najwyższy szczyt kraju podawany jest Basztor, który jest zdecydowanie niższy (4299 m).
- ↑ Starsze pomiary wskazywały wysokość wynoszącą pierwsze 4620 m, później 4533 m, w 2005 r. dokonano kolejnego pomiaru i ustalono wysokość szczytu na 4550 m.
- ↑ Czasem wysokość błędnie podawana jako 4040 m lub 4070 m.
- ↑ Starsze pomiary wskazywały na wysokość 3760 m.
- ↑ Pomiary cyfrowe wskazują, że wysokość szczytu wynosi około 2985 m oraz że nie jest to najwyższy punkt Arabii Saudyjskiej
- ↑ Podawane są też wysokości 3175 m (pomiar z lat 90. XX wieku) i 3140 m (pomiar z 1851 r.). Rząd Dominikany podaje oficjalnie wysokość 3087 m, jednakże pomiary z 2005 r. dały wynik 3098 m.
- ↑ Według niektórych źródeł szczyt ma 2918 m. Brak jednoznacznych informacji.
- ↑ Wysokość 2994 m to wynik pomiarów z 2004 r. Wcześniejsze pomiary wskazywały na 3014 m.
- ↑ Wysokość szczytu w zależności od źródeł waha się od 2980 m do 3075 m.
- ↑ Wysokość czasem podawana jako 2670 m.
- ↑ Starsze pomiary wskazywały 2606 m.
- ↑ Starsze pomiary wskazywały 2416 m.
- ↑ Czasem wysokość podawana jest jako 2447 m, jednak według najnowszych pomiarów jest ona zawyżona.
- ↑ Niektóre źródła podają 1945 m.
- ↑ Najwyższy punkt państwa znajduje się na zachód od Dżabal al-Dżajs w Omanie.
- ↑ Wysokość szczytu budzi wątpliwości. Niektóre źródła jako najwyższy szczyt podają Otse Hill (1491 m) lub Tsodilo Hills (1489 m)
- ↑ Czasem podawane starsze pomiary wskazywały 1380 m.
- ↑ Niektóre źródła jako za najwyższy szczyt uznają Mont Iboundji, jednak wysokość tego szczytu (1575 m) jest kwestionowana.
- ↑ Wątpliwości budzi zarówno wysokość szczytu (wahająca się od 1052 do 1064 m) jak i fakt przynależności szczytu do Bangladeszu.
- ↑ Wysokość szczytu wynosi 756 m zgodnie z mapą
- ↑ Ecoregion and Topography of The Gambia | West Africa, Earth Resources Observation and Science USGS [dostęp 2021-05-30] (ang.).
Media użyte na tej stronie
Flag of India.svg
The Flag of India. The colours are saffron, white and green. The navy blue wheel in the center of the flag has a diameter approximately the width of the white band and is called Ashoka's Dharma Chakra, with 24 spokes (after Ashoka, the Great). Each spoke depicts one hour of the day, portraying the prevalence of righteousness all 24 hours of it.
The Flag of India. The colours are saffron, white and green. The navy blue wheel in the center of the flag has a diameter approximately the width of the white band and is called Ashoka's Dharma Chakra, with 24 spokes (after Ashoka, the Great). Each spoke depicts one hour of the day, portraying the prevalence of righteousness all 24 hours of it.
Flag of Chile.svg
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Łatwo można dodać ramkę naokoło tej grafiki
Flag of Ecuador.svg
Made by author of Xramp, first uploaded by Denelson83 as Flag of Ecuador.svg, modifications by Husunqu.
Made by author of Xramp, first uploaded by Denelson83 as Flag of Ecuador.svg, modifications by Husunqu.
Flag of the United States.svg
The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg
The national flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Created according to the 2006 constitution : Son emblème est le drapeau bleu ciel, orné d’une étoile jaune dans le coin supérieur gauche et traversé en biais d’une bande rouge finement encadrée de jaune. (Its symbol is a sky blue flag, decorated with a yellow star in the upper left corner and crossed in the diagonal by a red strip with thin yellow borders) It seems to be identical, except for a lighter field hue, to the 1966–1971 flag.
The national flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Created according to the 2006 constitution : Son emblème est le drapeau bleu ciel, orné d’une étoile jaune dans le coin supérieur gauche et traversé en biais d’une bande rouge finement encadrée de jaune. (Its symbol is a sky blue flag, decorated with a yellow star in the upper left corner and crossed in the diagonal by a red strip with thin yellow borders) It seems to be identical, except for a lighter field hue, to the 1966–1971 flag.
Flag of Indonesia.svg
bendera Indonesia
bendera Indonesia
Flag of Ethiopia.svg
Flag of Ethiopia
Flag of Ethiopia
Flag of New Zealand.svg
Flag of New Zealand. Specification: , quoting New Zealand Gazette, 27 June 1902.
Flag of New Zealand. Specification: , quoting New Zealand Gazette, 27 June 1902.
Flag of Spain.svg
Autor: Pedro A. Gracia Fajardo, escudo de Manual de Imagen Institucional de la Administración General del Estado, Licencja: CC0
Flaga Hiszpanii
Autor: Pedro A. Gracia Fajardo, escudo de Manual de Imagen Institucional de la Administración General del Estado, Licencja: CC0
Flaga Hiszpanii
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Flag of Laos.svg
Flag of Laos
Flag of Laos
Flag of Syria.svg
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Łatwo można dodać ramkę naokoło tej grafiki
Flag of Israel.svg
Flag of Israel. Shows a Magen David (“Shield of David”) between two stripes. The Shield of David is a traditional Jewish symbol. The stripes symbolize a Jewish prayer shawl (tallit).
Flag of Israel. Shows a Magen David (“Shield of David”) between two stripes. The Shield of David is a traditional Jewish symbol. The stripes symbolize a Jewish prayer shawl (tallit).
Flag of Albania.svg
Flag of Albania
Flag of Albania
Flag of Haiti.svg
The national and official state flag of Haiti; arms obtained from The civil flag can be found at here.
The national and official state flag of Haiti; arms obtained from The civil flag can be found at here.
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
Flag of Liechtenstein
Flag of Liechtenstein
Flag of Thailand.svg
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand since September 2017; there are total of 3 colours:
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand since September 2017; there are total of 3 colours:
- Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
- White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
- Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts.
Flag of Namibia.svg
Flag of Namibia
Flag of Namibia
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857-1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857-1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Flag of Jamaica.svg
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of Niger.svg
Please do not replace the simplified code by a version created with Inkscape or another vector graphics editor❗
Please do not replace the simplified code by a version created with Inkscape or another vector graphics editor❗
Flag of Croatia.svg
Łatwo można dodać ramkę naokoło tej grafiki
Łatwo można dodać ramkę naokoło tej grafiki
Flag of Côte d'Ivoire.svg
Flag of the Ivory Coast, written by Jon Harald Søby, modified by Zscout370. The colors match to what is reported at
Flag of the Ivory Coast, written by Jon Harald Søby, modified by Zscout370. The colors match to what is reported at
Flag of Dominica.svg
Autor: See File history below for details., Licencja: CC0
The Flag of Dominica.
Autor: See File history below for details., Licencja: CC0
The Flag of Dominica.
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg
The proportions of this flag are 3:2; however, there is no official definition for the correct proportions and also 5:3 is widely used.
The proportions of this flag are 3:2; however, there is no official definition for the correct proportions and also 5:3 is widely used.
Flag of Finland.svg
Flaga Finlandii
Flaga Finlandii
Flag of Senegal.svg
Flag of Senegal
Flag of Senegal
Flag of Nauru.svg
The national flag of Nauru. Official Pantone colours are: PMS 280 blue, PMS 123 yellow.
The national flag of Nauru. Official Pantone colours are: PMS 280 blue, PMS 123 yellow.
Flag of Tuvalu.svg
Autor: Nightstallion (original)
Zscout370 (most recent), Licencja: CC0
Flag of Tuvalu.
Autor: Nightstallion (original)
Zscout370 (most recent), Licencja: CC0
Flag of Tuvalu.

Flag of Maldives.svg
Flag of Maldives. The colours used are Pantone 186 C for red and Pantone 348 C for green.
Flag of Maldives. The colours used are Pantone 186 C for red and Pantone 348 C for green.
Flag of Gibraltar.svg
Flag of Gibraltar
Flag of Gibraltar
Flag of Guam.svg
The flag of Guam, courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap. Modifications by Denelson83.
The flag of Guam, courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap. Modifications by Denelson83.
Flag of Curaçao.svg
The flag of Curaçao is a blue field with a horizontal yellow stripe slightly below the midline and two white, five-pointed stars in the canton. The geometry and colors are according to the description at Flags of the World.
The flag of Curaçao is a blue field with a horizontal yellow stripe slightly below the midline and two white, five-pointed stars in the canton. The geometry and colors are according to the description at Flags of the World.
Flag of the Pitcairn Islands.svg
The flag of the Pitcairn Islands, arms courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap and the Blue Ensign from Image:Government Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg
The flag of the Pitcairn Islands, arms courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap and the Blue Ensign from Image:Government Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg
Flag of Aruba.svg
The flag of Aruba
The flag of Aruba
Flag of Anguilla.svg
Flag of Anguilla (adopted on 30 May 1990) - RGB colours, 1:2 dimensions and construction details based partly on the templates: Flag of Anguilla – A Brief History
Flag of Anguilla (adopted on 30 May 1990) - RGB colours, 1:2 dimensions and construction details based partly on the templates: Flag of Anguilla – A Brief History
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Flag of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.svg
Flago de la Kokosinsuloj, uzo ne oficiala
Flago de la Kokosinsuloj, uzo ne oficiala
Flag of South Ossetia.svg
Flag of South Ossetia
Flag of South Ossetia
Flag of Mauritania.svg
Flag of Mauritania, adopted in 2017. The National Assembly added red stripes to the top and bottom edges to represent “the blood shed by the martyrs of independence”.
Flag of Mauritania, adopted in 2017. The National Assembly added red stripes to the top and bottom edges to represent “the blood shed by the martyrs of independence”.
Flag of South Sudan.svg
Flag of South Sudan (originally of the Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement)
Flag of South Sudan (originally of the Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement)
Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia.svg
Flag of Abkhazia
Flag of Abkhazia
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe.svg
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe
Flag of Rwanda.svg
Flag of Rwanda. The flag ratio is 2:3 with the stripes being 2:1:1. Colors are the following officially: Pantone 299 C 2X (blue), RAL 6029 (green), RAL 1023 (yellow) and RAL 1003 (golden yellow). (As of 03/08/2010, the only color used is the Pantone 299 C, which is from here. The rest of the colors are RAL shades from here.)
Flag of Rwanda. The flag ratio is 2:3 with the stripes being 2:1:1. Colors are the following officially: Pantone 299 C 2X (blue), RAL 6029 (green), RAL 1023 (yellow) and RAL 1003 (golden yellow). (As of 03/08/2010, the only color used is the Pantone 299 C, which is from here. The rest of the colors are RAL shades from here.)