Lista pozostałości po supernowych
Lista jasnych pozostałości po supernowych
Nazwa | Zdjęcie | Data obserwacji na Ziemi | Magnitudo | Odległość [l.ś.] | Typ | Pozostałość |
Sagittarius A East | ![]() | ? | ? | 26 000 | ? | Sagittarius A East |
Simeis 147 | ~38 000 p.n.e. | ? | 3000 | ? | Simeis 147 lub Sharpless 240 | |
W49B | ![]() | ? | ? | 35 000 | ? | rozbłysk gamma? |
W50 | ![]() | ? | ? | 16 000 | ? | SS 433 |
IC 443 | ![]() | XXVIII-VI tysiąclecie p.n.e. | 5000 | Mgławica Meduza | ||
Kesteven 79 | ~13 000 – 1000 p.n.e. | ? | 23 150 | ? | SNR G033.6+00.1 | |
Supernowa Żagla | ![]() | XI-IX tysiąclecie p.n.e. | ? | 800 | ? | pozostałość po supernowej Żagla |
Pętla Łabędzia | ![]() | VIII-III tysiąclecie p.n.e. | ? | 1440 | ? | Pętla Łabędzia |
SN 185 | ![]() | 7 grudnia 185 | -8? | 3000 | Ia? | prawdopodobnie RCW 86 |
SNR G292.0+1.8 | ![]() | ok. 400 r. n.e. | 20 000 | SNR G292.0+1.8 | ||
G350.1-0.3 | ![]() | 800-1400 r. n.e. | 14 700 | SNR G350.1-0.3 | ||
SN 1006 | ![]() | 1 maja 1006 | -7,5 | 7200 | Ia | SNR 1006 |
SN 1054 | ![]() | 1054 | -6 | 6300 | II | Mgławica Kraba |
SN 1181 | ![]() | 1181 | -1 | ? | ? | prawdopodobnie 3C 58 |
SN 1572 | ![]() | 11 listopada 1572 | -4 | 7500 | Ia | pozostałość po supernowej Tycho |
SN 1604 | ![]() | 8 października 1604 | -2,5 | 20 000 | Ia | pozostałość po supernowej Keplera |
Cassiopeia A | ![]() | XVII wiek | +6 | 10 000 | IIb[1] | pozostałość po Cassiopeia A |
SNR G1.9+0.3 | ![]() | ok. 1868 | ? | około 25 000 | ? | pozostałość SNR G1.9+0.3 |
SN 1885A | 20 sierpnia 1885 | +6 | 2 500 000 | ? | SNR 1885A (S Andromedae) | |
Puppis A | ![]() | 1971 | 7000 | Puppis A | ||
SN 1987A | ![]() | 24 lutego 1987 | +3 | 168 000 | II-P | SNR 1987A |
E0102-72.3 | ![]() | 1999 | 190 000 | SNR B0102-72.3 |
Zobacz też
- ↑ Scientists Hold Séance for Supernova. 2008-05-29. [dostęp 2013-04-29].
Media użyte na tej stronie
This is a mosaic image, one of the largest ever taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, of the Crab Nebula, a six-light-year-wide expanding remnant of a star's supernova explosion. Japanese and Chinese astronomers recorded this violent event in 1054 CE, as did, almost certainly, Native Americans.
The orange filaments are the tattered remains of the star and consist mostly of hydrogen. The rapidly spinning neutron star embedded in the center of the nebula is the dynamo powering the nebula's eerie interior bluish glow. The blue light comes from electrons whirling at nearly the speed of light around magnetic field lines from the neutron star. The neutron star, like a lighthouse, ejects twin beams of radiation that appear to pulse 30 times a second due to the neutron star's rotation. A neutron star is the crushed ultra-dense core of the exploded star.
The Crab Nebula derived its name from its appearance in a drawing made by Irish astronomer Lord Rosse in 1844, using a 36-inch telescope. When viewed by Hubble, as well as by large ground-based telescopes such as the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, the Crab Nebula takes on a more detailed appearance that yields clues into the spectacular demise of a star, 6,500 light-years away.
The newly composed image was assembled from 24 individual Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 exposures taken in October 1999, January 2000, and December 2000. The colors in the image indicate the different elements that were expelled during the explosion. Blue in the filaments in the outer part of the nebula represents neutral oxygen, green is singly-ionized sulfur, and red indicates doubly-ionized oxygen.Using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, scientists have created a stunning new image of one of the youngest supernova remnants in the galaxy. This new view of the debris of an exploded star helps astronomers solve a long-standing mystery, with implications for understanding how a star's life can end catastrophically and for gauging the expansion of the universe.
Infrared images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) are combined in this image of RCW 86, the dusty remains of the oldest documented example of an exploding star, or supernova. It shows light from both the remnant itself and unrelated background light from our Milky Way galaxy. The colours in the image allow astronomers to distinguish between the remnant and galactic background, and determine exactly which structures belong to the remnant. Dust associated with the blast wave of the supernova appears red in this image, while dust in the background appears yellow and green. Stars in the field of view appear blue. By determining the temperature of the dust in the red circular shell of the supernova remnant, which marks the extent to which the blast wave from the supernova has travelled since the explosion, astronomers were able to determine the density of the material there, and conclude that RCW 86 must have exploded into a large, wind-blown cavity. The infrared images, when combined with optical and X-ray data, clearly indicate that the source of the mysterious object seen in the sky over 1,800 years ago must have been a Type Ia supernova.
Wispy tendrils of hot dust and gas glow brightly in this ultraviolet image of the Cygnus Loop Nebula, taken by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer. The nebula lies about 1,500 light-years away, and is a supernova remnant, left over from a massive stellar explosion that occurred 5,000-8,000 years ago. The Cygnus Loop extends more than three times the size of the full moon in the night sky, and is tucked next to one of the 'swan’s wings' in the constellation of Cygnus. The filaments of gas and dust visible here in ultraviolet light were heated by the shockwave from the supernova, which is still spreading outward from the original explosion. The original supernova would have been bright enough to be seen clearly from Earth with the naked eye.
Unprecedented X-ray View of Supernova Remains — The destructive results of a powerful supernova explosion reveal themselves in a delicate tapestry of X-ray light, as seen in this image from NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton.
The image shows the remains of a supernova that would have been witnessed on Earth about 3,700 years ago. The remnant is called Puppis A, and is around 7,000 light years away and about 10 light years across. This image provides the most complete and detailed X-ray view of Puppis A ever obtained, made by combining a mosaic of different Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. Low-energy X-rays are shown in red, medium-energy X-rays are in green and high energy X-rays are colored blue.
These observations act as a probe of the gas surrounding Puppis A, known as the interstellar medium. The complex appearance of the remnant shows that Puppis A is expanding into an interstellar medium that probably has a knotty structure.
Supernova explosions forge the heavy elements that can provide the raw material from which future generations of stars and planets will form. Studying how supernova remnants expand into the galaxy and interact with other material provides critical clues into our own origins.
A paper describing these results was published in the July 2013 issue of Astronomy and Astrophysics and is available online. The first author is Gloria Dubner from the Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio in Buenos Aires in Argentina.This multiwavelength composite shows the supernova remnant IC 443, also known as the Jellyfish Nebula. Fermi GeV gamma-ray emission is shown in magenta, optical wavelengths as yellow, and infrared data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission is shown as blue (3.4 microns), cyan (4.6 microns), green (12 microns) and red (22 microns). Cyan loops indicate where the remnant is interacting with a dense cloud of interstellar gas.
Autor: Credit: ESO, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
The Pencil Nebula, a strangely shaped leftover from a vast explosion
The oddly shaped Pencil Nebula (NGC 2736) is pictured in this image from ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. This nebula is a small part of a huge remnant left over after a supernova explosion that took place about 11 000 years ago. The image was produced by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile.
Credit: ESO
About the Image Id: eso1236a Type: Observation Release date: 12 September 2012, 12:00 Related releases: eso1236 Size: 8357 x 8357 px About the Object Name: NGC 2736 Type: • Milky Way : Nebula : Type : Supernova Remnant Distance: 800 light years Coordinates Position (RA): 9h 0m 12.02s Position (Dec): -45° 57' 0.24" Field of view: 33.16 x 33.16 arcminutesOrientation: North is 90.1° left of vertical
Chandra's image of SN 1006 shows X-rays from multimillion degree gas (red/green) and high-energy electrons (blue). In the year 1006 a "new star" appeared in the sky and in just a few days it became brighter than the planet Venus. We now know that the event heralded not the appearance of a new star, but the cataclysmic death of an old one. It was likely a white dwarf star that had been pulling matter off an orbiting companion star. When the white dwarf mass exceeded the stability limit (known as the Chandrasekhar limit), it exploded. Material ejected in the supernova produced tremendous shock waves that heated gas to millions of degrees and accelerated electrons to extremely high energies.
Autor: ESO, Licencja: CC BY 4.0
This photo shows a three colour composite of the well-known Crab Nebula (also known as Messier 1), as observed with the FORS2 instrument in imaging mode in the morning of November 10, 1999. It is the remnant of a supernova explosion at a distance of about 6,000 light-years, observed almost 1,000 years ago, in the year 1054. It contains a neutron star near its center that spins 30 times per second around its axis (see below). In this picture, the green light is predominantly produced by hydrogen emission from material ejected by the star that exploded. The blue light is predominantly emitted by very high-energy ("relativistic") electrons that spiral in a large-scale magnetic field (so-called syncrotron emission). It is believed that these electrons are continuously accelerated and ejected by the rapidly spinning neutron star at the centre of the nebula and which is the remnant core of the exploded star. This pulsar has been identified with the lower/right of the two close stars near the geometric center of the nebula, immediately left of the small arc-like feature, best seen in ESO Press Photo eso9948 .Technical information : ESO Press Photo eso9948 is based on a composite of three images taken through three different optical filters: B (429 nm; FWHM 88 nm; 5 min; here rendered as blue), R (657 nm; FWHM 150 nm; 1 min; green) and S II (673 nm; FWHM 6 nm; 5 min; red) during periods of 0.65 arcsec (R, S II) and 0.80 (B) seeing, respectively. The field shown measures 6.8 x 6.8 arcmin and the images were recorded in frames of 2048 x 2048 pixels, each measuring 0.2 arcsec. The Full Resolution version shows the original pixels. North is up; East is left.
G1.9+0.3 is the remains of the most recent supernova, in Earth's time frame, known to have occurred in the Milky Way. If gas and dust had not heavily obscured it, the explosion would have been visible from Earth just over a century ago. A new long Chandra observation - equivalent to over 11 days of time - reveals new details about the explosion.
Fast Facts for G1.9+0.3:
Credit X-ray (NASA/CXC/NCSU/K.Borkowski et al.) Release Date June 26, 2013 Scale Image is 8 arcmin across (About 60 light years) Category Supernovas & Supernova Remnants Coordinates (J2000) RA 17h 48m 45s - Dec -27° 10' 00" Constellation Sagittarius Observation Date 15 pointings between Feb 2007 and Jul 2011 Observation Time 362 hours (15 days 2 hours) Obs. ID 6708, 8521, 10111, 10112, 10928, 10930, 12689-95, 13407, 13509 Instrument ACIS References Borkowski, K, et al, 2013, ApJ Letters (Submitted); arXiv:1305.7399 Color Code X-ray (Red, Green, Blue).
This composite shows the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant across the spectrum: Gamma rays (magenta) from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope; X-rays (blue, green) from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory; visible light (yellow) from the Hubble Space Telescope; infrared (red) from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope; and radio (orange) from the Very Large Array near Socorro, N.M. Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration, CXC/SAO/JPL-Caltech/Steward/O. Krause et al., and NRAO/AUI.
Color composite of the supernova remnant E0102-72: X-ray (blue), optical (green), and radio (red). E0102-72 is the remnant of a star that exploded in a nearby galaxy known as the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Chandra's image of 3C58, the remains of a supernova observed on Earth in 1181 AD, shows a rapidly rotating neutron star embedded in a cloud of high-energy particles. The data revealed that the neutron star, or pulsar, is rotating about 15 times a second, and is slowing down at the rate of about 10 microseconds per year.
This Chandra image of the Tycho supernova remnant contains new evidence for what triggered the original supernova explosion. Tycho was formed by a Type Ia supernova, a category of stellar explosion used in measuring astronomical distances because of their reliable brightness. In the lower left region of Tycho is a blue arc of X-ray emission. Several lines of evidence support the conclusion that this arc is due to a shock wave created when a white dwarf exploded and blew material off the surface of a nearby companion star. This supports one popular scenario for the trigger of a Type Ia supernova. Understanding the origin of Type Ia supernovas is important because they have been used to determine that the Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.
Autor: NRAO/AUI/NSF, K. Golap, M. Goss; NASA’s Wide Field Survey Explorer (WISE), Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Radio image of supernova remnant W50 in green, with infrared background in red.
The remnant, called W49B, is about a thousand years old, as seen from Earth, and is at a distance of about 26,000 light years away. The highly distorted supernova remnant shown in this image may contain the most recent black hole formed in the Milky Way galaxy. The image combines X-rays from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory in blue and green, radio data from the NSF's Very Large Array in pink, and infrared data from Caltech's Palomar Observatory in yellow.
This Chandra image of Sgr A* and the surrounding region is based on data from a series of observations lasting a total of about one million seconds, or almost two weeks. Such a deep observation has given scientists an unprecedented view of the supernova remnant near Sgr A* (known as Sgr A East) and the lobes of hot gas extending for a dozen light years on either side of the black hole. These lobes provide evidence for powerful eruptions occurring several times over the last ten thousand years. The image also contains several mysterious X-ray filaments, some of which may be huge magnetic structures interacting with streams of energetic electrons produced by rapidly spinning neutron stars. Such features are known as pulsar wind nebulas.
Pozostałość po supernowej G292.0+1.8 w promieniach rentgenowskich. Jest to jedne z trzech pozostałości po supernowych w Drodze Mlecznej, które zawierają duże ilości tlenu. Z tego względu supernowa ta jest bardzo interesująca dla astrofizyków, bowiem tego rodzaju eksplozje rozsiewają w ośrodku międzygwiezdnym "metale" (tj. pierwiastki o Z>2) niezbędne dla uformowania bardziej złożonych obiektów, jak planety skaliste czy organizmy żywe. Zdjęcie rentgenowskie ukazuje rozszerzający się bąbel o intrygująco złożonej strukturze, zawierający tlen (tu widoczny w barwach żółtej i pomarańczowej) i inne pierwiastki, w tym magnez (zielony), krzem i siarkę (niebieski), wytworzone we wnętrzu gwiazdy przed jej śmiercią.
Pozostałość po supernowej G350.1-0.3