Mare Vaporum
Mare Vaporum (łac. Morze Oparów) – morze księżycowe umiejscowione pomiędzy Mare Serenitatis a Mare Imbrium. Leży wewnątrz starego basenu (prawdopodobnie krateru) Procellarum; jego północno-zachodnią granicę wyznaczają góry Apeniny. Jego średnica równa jest 245 km.
Współrzędne selenograficzne: 13,3° N, 3,6° E.
Media użyte na tej stronie
(c) Luc Viatour, CC-BY-SA-3.0
Nearly Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois).
Mare Vaporum, the "Sea of Vapors", is located between the southwest rim of Mare Serenitatis, and the southeast rim of Mare Imbrium. The lunar material surrounding the mare is from the Lower Imbrian epoch, and the mare material is from the Eratosthenian epoch. The mare lies in an old basin or crater that is within the Procellarum basin. The crater Manilius can be seen as the bright circular object to the right of the mare. You can barely make out some of the rays coming off of the crater. To the south is a light colored thin line. This feature is Rima Hyginus. In the upper left side of the photo is the mountain range Montes Apenninus.