Mateusz Ghica

Mateusz Ghica
ilustracja herbu
hospodar Wołoszczyzny

od 1752
do 1753


Grzegorz Ghica II


Konstantyn Racoviță

hospodar Mołdawii

od 1753
do 1756


Konstantyn Racoviță


Konstantyn Racoviță

Dane biograficzne
Data śmierci



Grzegorz Ghica II

Mateusz Ghica (rum. Matei Ghica; zm. 1756) – hospodar Wołoszczyzny, w latach 1752–1753, i hospodar Mołdawii, w latach 1753–1756, z rodu Ghica.

Był synem hospodara wołoskiego i mołdawskiego Grzegorza Ghiki II.


  • J. Demel, Historia Rumunii, Wrocław 1970.

Media użyte na tej stronie

Ghica CoA Ion Ghica.jpg
Coat of arms of the en:Ghica family. Motto: LABOR OMNIA VINCIT IMPROBUS
Flag of Wallachia.svg
Flag of Wallachia (cca. 1593 - 1611). This model was composed by Romanian heraldist Dan Cernovodeanu, after two (almost) identical contemporary descriptions of the flag of en:Michael the Brave (1593 - 1601) and en:Radu Şerban (1602 - 1611):

The flag is from white damascus on which is depicted a raven [sic!] with a red double cross and a red star in his berk, standing over a green juniper. (Ciro Spontoni, Historia della Transilvania, Venice, 1638)

The bird is a combination between aquila and raven, as it appears on contemporary seals.
Coat of arms of Moldavia.svg
Coat of arms of Moldavia (reconstruction). Base: Seals of Stephen III of Moldavia
Матeі Гіка Вв în AnȢл 1753.JPG
The Wallachian Prince Matei Ghica. Reproduction of a painting from Pantelimon Monastery, Bucharest, which is in turn a reconstruction of Ghica's likeness from a church fresco, dating back to 1753. The inscription headlining the painting is in a late variant of "transitional" Romanian Cyrillic, mixing Slavonic and Latin lettering. It reads: Матeі Гіка Вв în AnȢл 1753 ("Matei Gika V[oi]v[ode] in the Year 1753").