Medal Nowozelandzki Służby Wojennej 1939–1945

Medal Nowozelandzki Służby Wojennej 1939–1945
New Zealand War Service Medal 1939–1945

Medal Nowozelandzki Służby Wojennej 1939–1945 (ang. New Zealand War Service Medal 1939-1945) – jest pierwszym nowozelandzkim medalem wśród medali Wspólnoty Narodów; ustanowionym przez króla Jerzego VI, jako jeden z medali kampanii brytyjskich,

Zasady nadawania

Medal nadawany był za 1 miesiąc pełnowymiarowej lub 6 miesięcy w niepełnym wymiarze godzin służby w dowolnych siłach zbrojnych, rezerwie lub gwardii narodowej między 3 września 1939 i 2 września 1945.

Opis medalu

Awers: lewy profil króla Jerzego VI, na obwodzie napis: GEORGIUS VI:G:BR:OMN:REX ET INDIAE IMP:

Rewers: napis FOR SERVICE TO NEW ZEALAND 1939-1945 oraz motyw liścia paproci.

Kolory wstążki oparte na narodowych barwach: czerni i bieli.

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New Zealand War Service Medal 1939-1945 BAR.svg
Autor: Olek Remesz (wiki-pl: Orem, commons: Orem), Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Ribbon bar: New Zealand War Service Medal 1939-1945 (British)
Coat of arms of New Zealand.svg
Autor: Sodacan, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of New Zealand (1956-Present)
  • The Coat of Arms depict a shield with four quadrants divided by a central "pale". The first quadrant depicts the four stars on the flag of New Zealand; the second quadrant depicts a golden fleece, representing the nation's farming industry; the third depicts a sheaf of wheat for agriculture; and the fourth quadrant depicts crossed hammers for mining. The central pale depicts three galleys, representing New Zealand's maritime nature and also the Cook Strait. The Dexter supporter is a European woman carrying the flag of New Zealand, while the Sinister supporter is a Maori Warrior holding a Taiaha (Fighting weapon) and wearing a Kaitaka (flax cloak). The Shield is topped by the Crown of St. Edward, the Monarch of New Zealand's Crown. Below is a scroll with "New Zealand" on it, behind which (constituting the "heraldic compartment" on which the supporters stand) are two fern branches.
The Order of the White Eagle.png
Autor: Jakubkaja, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Order Orła Białego – szkic
New Zealand War Service Medal obv.gif
New Zealand War Service Medal obverse
Medal, campaign (AM 2001.25.1088.4-2).jpg
(c) Auckland Museum, CC BY 4.0
NZ War Service Medal 1939-45, WW2 awarded to WO1 Arthur Wainwright cupronickel circular medal, 36mm diameter, suspender composed of two fern leaves joined at the stalk end, with ribbon obverse- uncrowned head of King George VI, surrounded by the legend ‘GEORGIUS VI D- G- BR- OMN- REX F-D- IND- IMP-’ Reverse- The inscription ‘FOR SERVICE TO NEW ZEALAND 1939-45, fern frond below Ribbon- 32mm wide grosgrain ribbon, coloured black with white edges
Medal, campaign (AM 2001.25.1088.4-1).jpg
(c) Auckland Museum, CC BY 4.0
NZ War Service Medal 1939-45, WW2 awarded to WO1 Arthur Wainwright cupronickel circular medal, 36mm diameter, suspender composed of two fern leaves joined at the stalk end, with ribbon obverse- uncrowned head of King George VI, surrounded by the legend ‘GEORGIUS VI D- G- BR- OMN- REX F-D- IND- IMP-’ Reverse- The inscription ‘FOR SERVICE TO NEW ZEALAND 1939-45, fern frond below Ribbon- 32mm wide grosgrain ribbon, coloured black with white edges
Coat of Arms of New Zealand.svg
Autor: Sodacan, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of New Zealand (1956-Present)
  • The Coat of Arms depict a shield with four quadrants divided by a central "pale". The first quadrant depicts the four stars on the flag of New Zealand; the second quadrant depicts a golden fleece, representing the nation's farming industry; the third depicts a sheaf of wheat for agriculture; and the fourth quadrant depicts crossed hammers for mining. The central pale depicts three galleys, representing New Zealand's maritime nature and also the Cook Strait. The Dexter supporter is a European woman carrying the flag of New Zealand, while the Sinister supporter is a Maori Warrior holding a Taiaha (Fighting weapon) and wearing a Kaitaka (flax cloak). The Shield is topped by the Crown of St. Edward, the Monarch of New Zealand's Crown. Below is a scroll with "New Zealand" on it, behind which (constituting the "heraldic compartment" on which the supporters stand) are two fern branches.
New Zealand War Service Medal rev.png
New Zealand War Service Medal reverse