National Book Award
Nagroda za | twórczość literacką |
Przyznawana przez | National Book Foundation |
Lokalizacja | |
Pierwsze rozdanie | 1936 |
Strona internetowa |
National Book Award (Narodowa Nagroda Książkowa) – jedna z najbardziej prestiżowych nagród literackich w Stanach Zjednoczonych, ustanowiona w 1936 przez Amerykańskie Stowarzyszenie Księgarzy (American Booksellers Association). Od 1950 otrzymują je autorzy amerykańscy za wydaną w danym roku publikację. Od 1988 nagrodami zajmuje się National Book Foundation.
Nagrody są przyznawane obecnie w 4 kategoriach: literatura piękna, literatura faktu, poezja i literatura młodzieżowa.
Laureaci są wybierani w każdej kategorii przez 5 osobowe, niezależne, eksperckie jury. Zwycięzcy i zdobywcy drugiego miejsca są ogłaszani w listopadzie na specjalnych The National Book Awards Ceremony and Dinner (ceremonia i obiad). Zwycięzca otrzymuje 10 tys. dolarów, następny nagrodzony (runner-up) 1 tys.
Zwycięzcy National Book Awards
Bieżące kategorie
Literatura piękna
1950 | Nelson Algren | The Man with the Golden Arm |
1951 | William Faulkner | The Collected Stories of William Faulkner |
1952 | James Jones | Stąd do wieczności (From Here to Eternity) |
1953 | Ralph Ellison | Niewidzialny człowiek (Invisible Man) |
1954 | Saul Bellow | Przypadki Augiego Marcha (The Adventures of Augie March) |
1955 | William Faulkner | Przypowieść (A Fable) |
1956 | John O’Hara | Ten North Frederick |
1957 | Wright Morris | The Field of Vision |
1958 | John Cheever | Kronika Wapshotów (The Wapshot Chronicle) |
1959 | Bernard Malamud | Żydoptak (The Magic Barrel) |
1960 | Philip Roth | Goodbye, Columbus |
1961 | Conrad Richter | The Waters of Kronos |
1962 | Walker Percy | Kinoman (The Moviegoer) |
1963 | J.F. Powers | Morte D'Urban |
1964 | John Updike | Centaur (The Centaur) |
1965 | Saul Bellow | Herzog (Herzog) |
1966 | Katherine Anne Porter | The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter |
1967 | Bernard Malamud | Fachman (The Fixer) |
1968 | Thornton Wilder | The Eighth Day |
1969 | Jerzy Kosiński | Kroki (Steps) |
1970 | Joyce Carol Oates | Oni (Them) |
1971 | Saul Bellow | Planeta pana Sammlera (Mr. Sammler’s Planet) |
1972 | Flannery O’Connor | The Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor |
1973 | John Barth | Chimera |
1973 | John Edward Williams | Augustus |
1974 | Thomas Pynchon | Tęcza grawitacji (Gravity’s Rainbow) |
1974 | Isaac Bashevis Singer | Korona z piór (A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories) |
1975 | Robert Stone | Dog Soldiers |
1975 | Thomas Williams | The Hair of Harold Roux |
1976 | William Gaddis | J R |
1977 | Wallace Stegner | The Spectator Bird |
1978 | Mary Lee Settle | Blood Ties |
1979 | Tim O’Brien | W pogoni za Cacciatem (Going After Cacciato) |
1980 Hardcover | William Styron | Wybór Zofii (Spohie’s Choice) |
1980 Paperback | John Irving | Świat według Garpa (The World According to Garp) |
1981 Hardcover | Wright Morris | Plains Song |
1981 Paperback | John Cheever | The Stories of John Cheever |
1982 Hardcover | John Updike | Jesteś bogaty, Króliku (Rabbit is Rich) |
1982 Paperback | William Maxwell | So Long, See You Tomorrow |
1983 Hardcover | Alice Walker | Kolor purpury (The Color Purple) |
1983 Paperback | Eudora Welty | Collected Stories of Eudora Welty |
1984 | Ellen Gilchrist | Victory Over Japan: A Book of Stories |
1985 | Don DeLillo | Biały szum (White Noise) |
1986 | E.L. Doctorow | Wystawa światowa (World’s Fair) |
1987 | Larry Heinemann | Paco's Story |
1988 | Pete Dexter | Paris Trout |
1989 | John Casey | Spartina |
1990 | Charles Johnson | Middle Passage |
1991 | Norman Rush | Mating |
1992 | Cormac McCarthy | Rącze konie (All the Pretty Horses) |
1993 | Annie Proulx | Kroniki portowe (The Shipping News) |
1994 | William Gaddis | A Frolic of His Own |
1995 | Philip Roth | Teatr Sabata (Sabbath’s Theater) |
1996 | Andrea Barrett | Ship Fever and Other Stories |
1997 | Charles Frazier | Zimna Góra (Cold Mountain) |
1998 | Alice McDermott | Charming Billy |
1999 | Ha Jin | Waiting |
2000 | Susan Sontag | W Ameryce (In America) |
2001 | Jonathan Franzen | Korekty (The Corrections) |
2002 | Julia Glass | Three Junes |
2003 | Shirley Hazzard | The Great Fire |
2004 | Lily Tuck | The News from Paraguay |
2005 | William Vollmann | Europe Central |
2006 | Richard Powers | The Echo Maker |
2007 | Denis Johnson | Drzewo dymu (Tree of Smoke) |
2008 | Peter Matthiessen | Shadow Country |
2009 | Collum McCann | Niech zawiruje świat (Let the Great World Spin) |
2010 | Jaimy Gordon | Lord of Misrule |
2011 | Jesmyn Ward | Zbieranie kości (Salvage the Bones) |
2012 | Louise Erdrich | The Round House |
2013 | James McBride | The Good Lord Bird |
2014 | Phil Klay | Redeployment |
2015 | Adam Johnson | Fortune Smiles: Stories |
2016 | Colson Whitehead | Kolej podziemna. Czarna krew Ameryki (The Underground Railroad) |
2017 | Jesmyn Ward | Śpiewajcie, z prochów, śpiewajcie (Sing, Unburied, Sing) |
2018 | Sigrid Nunez | Przyjaciel (Friend) |
2019 | Susan Choi | Trust Exercise[1] |
2020 | Charles Yu | Ucieczka z Chinatown (Interior Chinatown)[2] |
2021 | Jason Mott | Hell of a Book[3] |
2022 | Tess Gunty | The Rabbit Hutch[4] |
Literatura faktu
1950 | Ralph L. Rusk | Ralph Waldo Emerson (artykuł o R.W. Emersonie) |
1951 | Newton Arvin | Herman Melville (artykuł o Hermanie Melville’u) |
1952 | Rachel Carson | The Sea Around Us |
1953 | Bernard A. De Voto | The Course of Empire |
1954 | Bruce Catton | A Stillness at Appomattox |
1955 | Joseph Wood Krutch | The Measure of Man |
1956 | Herbert Kubly | An American in Italy |
1957 | George F. Kennan | Russia Leaves the War |
1958 | Catherine Drinker Bowen | The Lion and the Throne (artykuł o Edwardzie Coke’u) |
1959 | J. Christopher Herold | Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame De Staël (biografia Madame de Staël) |
1960 | Richard Ellmann | James Joyce (artykuł o Jamesie Joyce) |
1961 | William L. Shirer | The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich |
1962 | Lewis Mumford | The City in History: Its Origins, its Transformations and its Prospects |
1963 | Leon Edel | Henry James, Vol. II: The Conquest of London, Henry James, Vol. III: The Middle Years |
1984 | Robert V. Remini | Andrew Jackson & the Course of American Democracy, 1833-1845 (artykuł o Andrew Jacksonie) |
1985 | J. Anthony Lukas | Common Ground: A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families |
1986 | Barry Lopez | Arctic Dreams |
1987 | Richard Rhodes | The Making of the Atom Bomb |
1988 | Neil Sheehan | A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (artykuł o J.P. Vannie) |
1989 | Thomas L. Friedman | From Beirut to Jerusalem |
1990 | Ron Chernow | The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance |
1991 | Orlando Patterson | Freedom |
1992 | Paul Monette | Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story |
1993 | Gore Vidal | United States: Essays 1952-1992 |
1994 | Sherwin B. Nuland | How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter |
1995 | Tina Rosenberg | The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism |
1996 | James P. Carroll | An American Requiem: God, My Father, and the War that Came Between Us |
1997 | Joseph J. Ellis | American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson |
1998 | Edward Ball | Slaves in the Family |
1999 | John W. Dower | Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II |
2000 | Nathaniel Philbrick | In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex |
2001 | Andrew Solomon | The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression |
2002 | Robert A. Caro | Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson |
2003 | Carlos Eire | Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy |
2004 | Kevin Boyle | Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age |
2005 | Joan Didion | The Year of Magical Thinking |
2006 | Timothy Egan | The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl |
2007 | Tim Weiner | Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA |
2008 | Annette Gordon-Reed | The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family |
2009 | T.J. Stiles | The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt |
2010 | Patti Smith | Just Kids |
2011 | Stephen Greenblatt | The Swerve: How the World Became Modern |
2012 | Katherine Boo | Zawsze piękne. Życie, śmierć i nadzieja w slumsach Bombaju (Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity) |
2013 | George Packer | The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America |
2014 | Evan Osnos | Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China |
2015 | Ta-Nehisi Coates | Between the World and Me |
2016 | Ibram X. Kendi | Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America |
2017 | Masha Gessen | The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia |
2018 | Jeffrey C. Stewart | The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke |
2019 | Sarah M. Broom | Żółty dom. Wspomnienia (The Yellow House)[1] |
2020 | Tamara Payne, Les Payne | The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X[2] |
2021 | Tiya Miles | All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake[3] |
2022 | Imani Perry | South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation[4] |
1950 | William Carlos Williams | Paterson: Book III and Selected Poems | |
1951 | Wallace Stevens | The Auroras of Autumn | |
1952 | Marianne Moore | Collected Poems | |
1953 | Archibald MacLeish | Collected Poems, 1917-1952 | |
1954 | Conrad Aiken | Collected Poems | |
1955 | Wallace Stevens | The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens | |
1956 | W.H. Auden | The Shield of Achilles | |
1957 | Richard Wilbur | Things of This World | |
1958 | Robert Penn Warren | Promises: Poems, 1954-1956 | |
1959 | Theodore Roethke | Words for the Wind | |
1960 | Robert Lowell | Life Studies | |
1961 | Randall Jarrell | The Woman at the Washington Zoo | |
1962 | Alan Dugan | Poems | |
1963 | William Stafford | Traveling Through the Dark | |
1964 | John Crowe Ransom | Selected Poems | |
1965 | Theodore Roethke | The Far Field | |
1966 | James Dickey | Buckdancer's Choice: Poems | |
1967 | James Merrill | Nights and Days | |
1968 | Robert Bly | The Light Around the Body | |
1969 | John Berryman | His Toy, His Dream, His Rest | |
1970 | Elizabeth Bishop | The Complete Poems | |
1971 | Mona Van Duyn | To See, To Take | |
1972 | Frank O’Hara | The Collected Works of Frank O’Hara | |
1972 | Howard Moss | Selected Poems | |
1973 | A.R. Ammons | Collected Poems, 1951-1971 | |
1974 | Adrienne Rich | Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972 | |
1974 | Allen Ginsberg | The Fall of America: Poems of these States, 1965-1971 | |
1975 | Marilyn Hacker | Presentation Piece | |
1976 | John Ashbery | Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror | |
1977 | Richard Eberhart | Collected Poems, 1930-1976 | |
1978 | Howard Nemerov | The Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov | |
1979 | James Merrill | Mirabell: Book of Numbers | |
1980 | Philip Levine | Ashes | |
1981 | Lisel Mueller | The Need to Hold Still | |
1982 | William Bronk | Life Supports: New and Collected Poems | |
1983 | Charles Wright | Country Music: Selected Early Poems | |
1984 | Galway Kinnell | Selected Poems | |
1985 | Nagrody nie przyznano | ||
1986 | Nagrody nie przyznano | ||
1987 | Nagrody nie przyznano | ||
1988 | Nagrody nie przyznano | ||
1989 | Nagrody nie przyznano | ||
1990 | Nagrody nie przyznano | ||
1991 | Philip Levine | What Work Is | |
1992 | Mary Oliver | New & Selected Poems | |
1993 | A.R. Ammons | Garbage | |
1994 | James Tate | A Worshipful Company of Fletchers | |
1995 | Stanley Kunitz | Passing Through: The Later Poems | |
1996 | Hayden Carruth | Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey | |
1997 | William Meredith | Effort at Speech: New & Selected Poems | |
1998 | Gerald Stern | This Time: New and Selected Poems | |
1999 | Ai | Vice: New & Selected Poems | |
2000 | Lucille Clifton | Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000 | |
2001 | Alan Dugan | Poems Seven: New and Complete Poetry | |
2002 | Ruth Stone | In the Next Galaxy | |
2003 | C.K. Williams | The Singing | |
2004 | Jean Valentine | Door in the Mountain: New and Collected Poems, 1965-2003 | |
2005 | W.S. Merwin | Migration: New & Selected Poems | |
2006 | Nathaniel Mackey | Splay Anthem | |
2007 | Robert Hass | Time and Materials: Poems, 1997-2005 | |
2008 | Mark Doty | Fire to Fire: New and Collected Poems | |
2009 | Keith Waldrop | Transcendental Studies: A Trilogy | |
2010 | Terrance Hayes | Lighthead | |
2011 | Nikky Finney | Head Off & Split | |
2012 | David Ferry | Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations | |
2013 | Mary Szybist | Incarnadine | |
2014 | Louise Glück | Faithful and Virtuous Night | |
2015 | Robin Coste Lewis | Voyage of the Sable Venus | |
2016 | Daniel Borzutzky | The Performance of Becoming Human | |
2017 | Frank Bidart | Half-light: Collected Poems 1965-2016 | |
2018 | Justin Phillip Reed | Indecency | |
2019 | Arthur Sze | Sight Lines[1] | |
2020 | Don Mee Choi | DMZ Colony[2] | |
2021 | Martín Espada | Floaters[3] | |
2022 | John Keene | Punks: New and Selected Poems[4] |
Literatura młodzieżowa
1996 | Victor Martinez | Parrott In the Oven: MiVida |
1997 | Han Nolan | Dancing on the Edge |
1998 | Louis Sachar | Holes |
1999 | Kimberly Willis Holt | When Zachary Beaver Came to Town |
2000 | Gloria Whelan | Homeless Bird |
2001 | Virginia Euwer Wolff | True Believer |
2002 | Nancy Farmer | Dom Skorpiona (The House of the Scorpion) |
2003 | Polly Horvath | The Canning Season |
2004 | Pete Hautman | Godless |
2005 | Jeanne Birdsall | The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy |
2006 | M.T. Anderson | The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Vol. I |
2007 | Sherman Alexie | The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian |
2008 | Judy Blundell | What I Saw and How I Lied |
2009 | Phillip Hoose | Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice |
2010 | Kathryn Erskine | Mockingbird |
2011 | Thanhha Lai | Inside Out and Back Again |
2012 | William Alexander | Goblin Secrets |
2013 | Cynthia Kadohata | The Thing About Luck |
2014 | Jacqueline Woodson | Brown Girl Dreaming |
2015 | Neal Shusterman | Challenger Deep |
2016 | John Lewis, Nate Powell, Andrew Aydin | March: Book Three |
2017 | Robin Benway | Far from the Tree |
2018 | Elizabeth Acevedo | The Poet X |
2019 | Martin W. Sandler | 1919 The Year that Changed America[1] |
2020 | Kacen Callender | King and the Dragonflies[2] |
2021 | Malinda Lo | Last Night at the Telegraph Club[3] |
2022 | Sabaa Tahir | All My Rage[4] |
1967 | Gregory Rabassa | Gra w klasy (Hopscotch) Julio Cortázara |
1967 | Willard Trask | Historia mojego życia (History of My Life) Casanovy |
1968 | Howard & Edna Hong | Journals and Papers Sørena Kierkegaarda |
1969 | William Weaver | Opowieści kosmikomiczne (Cosmicomics) Italo Calvino |
1970 | Ralph Manheim | Z zamku do zamku (Castle to Castle) Celine’a |
1971 | Frank Jones | Saint Joan of the Stockyards Bertolta Brechta |
1971 | Edward G. Seidensticker | Głos góry (The Sound of The Mountain) Yasunari Kawabaty |
1972 | Austryn Wainhouse | Przypadek i konieczność (Chance and Necessity) Jacques’a Monod |
1973 | Allen Mandelbaum | Eneida (The Aeneid) Wirgiliusza |
1974 | Karen Brazell | The Confessions of Lady Nijo Lady Nijo |
1974 | Helen R. Lane | Alternating Current Octavio Paza |
1974 | Jackson Matthews | Wieczór z panem Teste (Monsieur Teste) Paula Valéry’ego |
1975 | Anthony Kerrigan | Agonia chrystianizmu (The Agony of Christianity and Essays on Faith) Miguela de Unamuno |
1977 | Li-Li Ch'en | Master Tung's Western Chamber Romance |
1978 | Howard Nemerov | In the Deserts of This Earth Uwe Georgea |
1979 | Clayton Eshleman & Jose Rubin Barcia | The Complete Posthumous Poetry Césara Vallejo |
1980 | William Arrowsmith | Praca męczy (Hard Labor) Cesare Pavese |
1980 | Jane Gary Harris & Constance Link | Complete Critical Prose and Letters Osipa Madelsztama |
1981 | Francis Steegmuller | The Letters of Gustave Flaubert Gustave Flauberta |
1981 | John E. Woods | Evening Edged in Gold Arno Schmidta |
1982 | Robert Lyons Danly | In the Shade of Spring Leaves Higuchi Ichiyo |
1982 | Ian Hideo Levy | The Ten Thousand Leaves: A Translation of The Man'Yoshu, Japan's Premier Anthology of Classical Poetry |
1983 | Richard Howard | Kwiaty zła (Les Fleurs du mal) Charlesa Baudelaire’a |
1984-2017 | nie przyznano nagród | |
2018 | Margaret Mitsutani | The Emissary Yokō Tawady |
2019 | Ottilie Mulzet | Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming László Krasznahorkaia[1] |
2020 | Morgan Giles | Stacja Tokio Ueno (Tokyo Ueno Station) Miri Yu[2] |
2021 | Aneesa Abbas Higgins | Winter in Sokcho, Elisa Shua Dusapin[3] |
2022 | Megan McDowell | Seven Empty Houses, Samanta Schweblin[4] |
Minione kategorie
Powieść debiutancka
1980 | William Wharton | Ptasiek (Birdy) |
1981 | Ann Arensberg | Sister Wolf |
1982 | Robb Forman Dew | Dale Loves Sophie to Death |
1983 | Gloria Naylor | The Women of Brewster Place |
Proza debiutancka
1984 | Harriet Doerr | Stones for Ibarra |
1985 | Bob Shacochis | Easy in the Islands |
Science Fiction
1980 Hardcover | Frederik Pohl | Jem |
1980 Paperback | Walter Wangerin Jr. | The Book of the Dun Cow |
1980 Hardcover | John D. MacDonald | The Green Ripper |
1980 | Louis L’Amour | Bendigo Shafter |
Original Paperback
1983 | Lisa Goldstein | The Red Magician |
Pozostała literatura faktu
1980 Hardcover | Tom Wolfe | Najlepsi. Kowboje, którzy polecieli w kosmos (The Right Stuff) |
1980 Paperback | Peter Matthiessen | Śnieżna pantera (The Snow Leopard) |
1981 Hardcover | Maxine Hong Kingston | China Men |
1981 Paperback | Jane Kramer | The Last Cowboy |
1982 Hardcover | Tracy Kidder | The Soul of a New Machine |
1982 Paperback | Victor S. Navasky | Naming Names |
1983 Hardcover | Fox Butterfield | China: Alive in the Bitter Sea |
1983 Paperback | James Fallows | National Defense |
Literatura i sztuka
1964 | Aileen Ward | John Keats: The Making of a Poet |
1965 | Eleanor Clark | The Oysters of Locmariaquer |
1966 | Janet Flanner | Paris Journal, 1944-1965 |
1967 | Justin Kaplan | Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: A Biography |
1968 | William Troy | Selected Essays |
1969 | Norman Mailer | Armie nocy (The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, The Novel as History) |
1970 | Lillian Hellman | An Unfinished Woman: A Memoir |
1971 | Francis Steegmuller | Cocteau: A Biography |
1972 | Charles Rosen | The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven |
1973 | Arthur M. Wilson | Diderot |
1974 | Pauline Kael | Deeper Into Movies |
1975 | Roger Shattuck | Marcel Proust |
1975 | Lewis Thomas | The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher |
1976 | Paul Fussell | The Great War and Modern Memory |
Historia i biografie
1964 | William H. McNeill | The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community |
1965 | Louis Fischer | The Life of Lenin |
1966 | Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. | A Thousand Days |
1967 | Peter Gay | The Enlightenment, Vol. I: An Interpretation the Rise of Modern Paganism |
1968 | George F. Kennan | Memoirs: 1925-1950 |
1969 | Winthrop D. Jordan | White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812 |
1970 | T. Harry Williams | Huey Long |
1971 | James MacGregor Burns | Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom |
1976 | David Brion Davis | The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1770-1823 |
1972 | Allan Nevins | Ordeal of the Union, Vols. VII & VIII: The Organized War, 1863-1864 and The Organized War to Victory |
1973 | Robert Manson Myers | The Children of Pride Isaiah Trunk |
1973 | Isaiah Trunk | Judenrat |
1974 | John Clive | Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian (zwycięzca również w kategorii Biografia) |
1975 | Bernard Bailyn | The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson (artykuł Thomasie Hutchinsonie) |
1977 | Irving Howe | World of Our Fathers |
1978 | David McCullough | The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870-1914 |
1979 | Richard Beale Davis | Intellectual Life in the Colonial South, 1585-1763 |
1980 Hardcover | Henry Kissinger | The White House Years |
1980 Paperback | Barbara W. Tuchman | A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century |
1981 Hardcover | John Boswell | Chrześcijaństwo, tolerancja społeczna i homoseksualność (Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality) |
1981 Paperback | Leon F. Litwack | Been in the Storm so Long: The Aftermath of Slavery |
1982 Hardcover | Father Peter John Powell | People of the Sacred Mountain: A History of the Northern Cheyenne Chiefs and Warrior Societies, 1830-1879 |
1982 Paperback | Robert Wohl | The Generation of 1914 |
1983 Hardcover | Alan Brinkley | Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin and the Great Depression |
1983 Paperback | Frank E. Manuel & Fritzie P. Manuel | Utopian Thought in the Western World |
1972 | Joseph P. Lash | Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship, Based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers |
1973 | James Thomas Flexner | George Washington, Vol. IV: Anguish and Farewell, 1793-1799 |
1974 | John Clive | Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian (also won History award) |
1974 | Douglas Day | Malcolm Lowry: A Biography |
1975 | Richard B. Sewall | The Life of Emily Dickinson |
1980 Hardcover | Edmund Morris | The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt |
1980 Paperback | A. Scott Berg | Max Perkins: Editor of Genius |
Biografia i autobiografia
1977 | W.A. Swanberg | Norman Thomas: The Last Idealist |
1978 | W. Jackson Bate | Samuel Johnson |
1979 | Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. | Robert Kennedy and His Times |
1980 Hardcover | Lauren Bacall | Lauren Bacall by Myself |
1980 Paperback | Malcolm Cowley | And I Worked at the Writer's Trade: Chapters of Literary History 1918-1978 |
1981 Hardcover | Justin Kaplan | Walt Whitman |
1981 Paperback | Deirdre Bair | Samuel Beckett |
1982 Hardcover | David McCullough | Mornings on Horseback |
1982 Paperback | Ronald Steel | Walter Lippmann and the American Century |
1983 Hardcover | Judith Thurman | Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller |
1983 Paperback | James R. Mellow | Nathaniel Hawthorne in His Time |
Nauka, filozofia i religia
1964 | Christopher Tunnard & Boris Pushkarev | Man-made America |
1965 | Norbert Wiener | God and Golem, Inc: A Comment on Certain Points where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion |
1967 | Oscar Lewis | Nagie życie (La Vida) |
1968 | Jonathan Kozol | Death at an Early Age |
1969 | Robert J. Lifton | Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima |
1971 | Raymond Phineas Sterns | Science in the British Colonies of America |
1972 | George L. Small | The Blue Whale |
1973 | George B. Schaller | The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations |
1974 | S.E. Luria | Life: The Unfinished Experiment |
1975 | Silvano Arieti | Interpretation of Schizophrenia |
1975 | Lewis Thomas | The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher (also won Arts and Letters award) |
1980 Hardcover | Douglas Hofstadter | Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid |
1980 Paperback | Gary Zukav | The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics |
1981 Hardcover | Stephen Jay Gould | The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections on Natural History |
1981 Paperback | Lewis Thomas | The Medusa and the Snail |
1982 Hardcover | Donald C. Johanson & Maitland A. Edey | Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind |
1982 Paperback | Fred Alan Wolf | Taking the Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Nonscientists |
1983 Hardcover | Abraham Pais | „Subtle is the Lord...”: The Science and Life of Albert Einstein |
1983 Paperback | Philip J. Davis & Reuben Hersh | The Mathematical Experience |
1983 Paperback | Joyce Carol Thomas | Marked by Fire |
Filozofia i religia
1970 | Erik H. Erikson | Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence |
1972 | Martin E. Marty | Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America |
1973 | S.E. Ahlstrom | A Religious History of the American People |
1974 | Maurice Natanson | Edmund Husserl: Philosopher of Infinite Tasks |
1975 | Robert Nozick | Anarchia, państwo, utopia (Anarchy, State, and Utopia) |
1980 Hardcover | Elaine Pagels | Ewangelie gnostyckie (The Gnostic Gospels) |
1980 Paperback | Sheldon Vanauken | A Severe Mercy |
Sprawy bieżące
1972 | Stewart Brand (ed.) | The Last Whole Earth Catalogue |
1973 | Frances FitzGerald | Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam |
1974 | Murray Kempton | The Briar Patch |
1975 | Theodore Rosengarten | All God’s Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw |
1976 | Michael J. Arlen | Passage to Ararat |
Myśl współczesna
1977 | Bruno Bettelheim | Cudowne i pożyteczne. O znaczeniach i wartościach baśni (The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales) |
1978 | Gloria Emerson | Winners & Losers |
1979 | Peter Matthiessen | Śnieżna pantera (The Snow Leopard) |
Kwestie bieżące
1980 Hardcover | Julia Child | Julia Child and More Company |
1980 Paperback | Christopher Lasch | The Culture of Narcissism |
Książki służące jako źródła
1980 Hardcover | Elder Witt (ed.) | The Complete Directory |
1980 Paperback | Tim Brooks & Earle Marsh | The Complete Directory of Prime Time Network TV Shows: 1946-Present |
Literatura dla dzieci
1969 | Meindert DeJong | Journey from Peppermint Street |
1976 | Walter D. Edmonds | Bert Breen's Barn |
1977 | Katherine Paterson | The Master Puppeteer |
1978 | Judith & Herbert Kohl | The View From the Oak |
1979 | Katherine Paterson | Wspaniała Gilly (The Great Gilly Hopkins) |
Książki dla dzieci
1970 | Isaac Bashevis Singer | A Day of Pleasure: Stories of a Boy Growing up in Warsaw |
1971 | Lloyd Alexander | The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian |
1972 | Donald Barthelme | The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine or The Hithering Thithering Djinn |
1973 | Ursula K. Le Guin | Najdalszy brzeg (The Farthest Shore) |
1974 | Eleanor Cameron | The Court of the Stone Children |
1975 | Virginia Hamilton | M. C. Higgins the Great |
1980 Hardcover | Joan Blos | A Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's Journal |
1980 Paperback | Madeleine L’Engle | A Swiftly Tilting Planet |
Książki dla dzieci, literatura piękna
1981 Hardcover | Betsy Byars | The Night Swimmers |
1981 Paperback | Beverly Cleary | Ramona and Her Mother |
1982 Hardcover | Lloyd Alexander | Westmark |
1982 Paperback | Ouida Sebestyen | Words by Heart |
1983 Hardcover | Jean Fritz | Homesick: My Own Story |
1983 Paperback | Paula Fox | A Place Apart |
1983 Paperback | Joyce Carol Thomas | Marked by Fire |
Książki dla dzieci, niefikcyjne
1981 Hardcover | Alison Cragin Herzig & Jane Lawrence | Mali -- Oh, Boy! Babies |
1982 | Susan Bonners | A Penguin Year |
1983 | James Cross Giblin | Chimney Sweeps |
Książki dla dzieci, Książki obrazkowe
1982 Hardcover | Maurice Sendak | Outside Over There |
1982 Paperback | Peter Spier | Noah's Ark |
1983 Hardcover | Barbara Cooney | Miss Rumphius |
1983 Hardcover | William Steig | Doctor DeSoto |
1983 Paperback | Mary Ann Hoberman i Betty Fraser (il.) | A House is a House for Me |
Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters (Medal za wybitny wkład w literaturę amerykańską)
„Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters” (DCAL) jest nagroda przyznwaną za życiowe osiągnięcia. Medalowi towarzyszy nagroda w wysokości 10 tys. dolarów. Laureat/ka „wzbogacił/a dorobek literatury amerykańskiej poprzez swoje życie lub poprzez swoje dzieła”[5].
- 1991 – Eudora Welty
- 1992 – James Laughlin
- 1993 – Clifton Fadiman
- 1994 – Gwendolyn Brooks
- 1995 – David McCullough
- 1996 – Toni Morrison
- 1997 – Studs Terkel
- 1998 – John Updike
- 1999 – Oprah Winfrey
- 2000 – Ray Bradbury
- 2001 – Arthur Miller
- 2002 – Philip Roth
- 2003 – Stephen King
- 2004 – Judy Blume
- 2005 – Norman Mailer
- 2006 – Adrienne Rich
- 2007 – Joan Didion
- 2008 – Maxine Hong Kingston
- 2009 – Gore Vidal
- 2010 – Tom Wolfe
- 2011 – John Ashbery
- 2012 – Elmore Leonard
- 2013 – E.L. Doctorow
- 2014 – Ursula K. Le Guin
- 2015 – Don DeLillo
- 2016 – Robert Caro
- 2017 – E. Annie Proulx
- 2018 – Isabel Allende
- 2019 – Edmund White[1]
- 2020 – Walter Mosley
- 2021 – Karen Tei Yamashita[6]
- 2022 – Art Spiegelman[4]
Literarian Award
„Literarian Award” jest nagrodą za dorobek całego życia. Przyznawana jest „jednostce za wybitne zasługi dla amerykańskiej społeczności literackiej, której życie i praca wyrażają cele National Book Foundation, tj. powiększanie rzesz odbiorców literatury i podnoszenie rangi literatury w Ameryce”[7].
- 2005 – Lawrence Ferlinghetti
- 2006 – Robert B. Silvers i Barbara Epstein
- 2007 – Terry Gross
- 2008 – Barney Rosset
- 2009 – Dave Eggers
- 2010 – Joan Ganz Cooney
- 2011 – Mitchell Kaplan
- 2012 – Arthur Sulzberger Jr.
- 2013 – Maya Angelou
- 2014 – Kyle Zimmer
- 2015 – James Patterson
- 2016 – Cave Canem
- 2017 – Richard Robinson
- 2018 – Doron Weber
- 2019 – Oren J. Teicher
- 2020 – Carolyn Reidy
- 2021 – Nancy Pearl[8]
- 2022 – Tracie D. Hall[4]
- ↑ a b c d e f 2019 National Book Awards, National Book Foundation [dostęp 2020-11-20] (ang.).
- ↑ a b c d e National Book Awards 2020, National Book Foundation [dostęp 2020-11-20] (ang.).
- ↑ a b c d e Here are the winners of the 2021 National Book Awards., Literary Hub, 18 listopada 2021 [dostęp 2021-11-18] (ang.).
- ↑ a b c d e f g Elizabeth A. Harris , Imani Perry Wins National Book Award for ‘South to America’, „The New York Times”, 16 listopada 2022 [dostęp 2022-11-17] (ang.).
- ↑ Distinguished Contribution to American Letters - National Book Foundation. (ang.).
- ↑ National Book Foundation - DCAL Medal, National Book Foundation [dostęp 2022-11-17] (ang.).
- ↑ Dick Robinson honored with 2017 Literarian Award. President Bill Clinton to present Lifetime Achievement Award, [dostęp 2017-11-25] (ang.).
- ↑ National Book Foundation to Present Lifetime Achievement Award to Tracie D. Hall, National Book Foundation [dostęp 2022-11-17] (ang.).
Linki zewnętrzne
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The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
Autor: David Shankbone , Licencja: CC BY 2.5
Maxine Hong Kingston in New York City