
Norrbottens län
region administracyjny
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Państwo Szwecja
Data powstania1810
Kod ISO 3166-2SE-BD (SE-25)
Powierzchnia98 911 km²
Populacja (2014)
• liczba ludności

249 479[1]
• gęstość2,52 os./km²
Adres urzędu:
Stationsgatan 5
971 86 LULEÅ
Położenie na mapie Szwecji
Położenie na mapie
67°00′N 18°00′E/67,000000 18,000000
Strona internetowa
Portal Szwecja
Rezydencja landshövdinga regionu administracyjnego Norrbotten w Luleå

Norrbotten (szw. Norrbottens län) – jeden ze szwedzkich regionów administracyjnych (län). Siedzibą władz regionu (residensstad) od 1856 r. jest Luleå.


Region administracyjny Norrbotten położony jest w najdalej na północ wysuniętej części Norrland i składa się z krain historycznych (landskap) Norrbotten oraz północnej części Lappland.

Graniczy z regionem administracyjnym Västerbotten oraz Zatoką Botnicką, a także z terytorium Norwegii (okręg Nordland i Troms) oraz z Finlandią (region Laponia).

Norrbotten jest największym regionem administracyjnym Szwecji i zajmuje około jednej czwartej jej terytorium. Największą gminą pod względem powierzchni jest Kiruna, a najmniejszą Haparanda. Najbardziej zaludnioną jest gmina Luleå, a najmniej Arjeplog.

W Norrbotten znajduje się najwyższy szczyt Szwecji, Kebnekaise oraz najgłębsze jezioro, Hornavan, o głębokości 232 metrów[2].


Region administracyjny Norrbotten (Norrbottens län) został utworzony 21 maja 1810 r. po odłączeniu od dotychczasowego regionu Västerbotten (Västerbottens län) jego północnej części. Do końca 1855 r. siedzibą władz Norrbotten było Piteå.

Gminy i miejscowości


Region administracyjny Norrbotten podzielony jest na 14 gmin:

Norrbotten County.png

Uwagi: W nawiasie liczba mieszkańców; stan na dzień 30 czerwca 2014 r.[1]


Lista 15 największych miejscowości (tätort-er) regionu admibistracyjnego Norrbotten (2010)[3]:

#MiejscowośćGminaLiczba mieszkańców
1LuleåLuleå46 607
2PiteåPiteå22 913
3BodenBoden18 277
4KirunaKiruna18 148
5GällivareGällivare8 449
6KalixKalix7 299
7MalmbergetGällivare5 590
8ÄlvsbynÄlvsbyn4 967
9GammelstadenLuleå4 960
10HaparandaHaparanda4 856
11ArvidsjaurArvidsjaur4 635
12BergnäsetLuleå3 648
13SävastBoden3 148
14Södra SunderbynLuleå2 977
15JokkmokkJokkmokk2 786


  1. a b Statistiska centralbyrån: Folkmängd i riket, län och kommuner 30 juni 2014 och befolkningsförändringar 1 april – 30 juni 2014 (szw.). [dostęp 2014-09-20].
  2. Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten: Norrbotten i korthet (szw.). [dostęp 2014-09-20].
  3. Statistiska centralbyrån: Tätorter; arealer, befolkning. Tätorter 2010 (szw.). [dostęp 2014-09-20].

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Media użyte na tej stronie

Norrbotten län vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Kalix vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Arjeplog City Arms.svg
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Älvsbyn vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Autor: Lokal_Profil, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
Map Swedish Counties, Norrbotten.
Jokkmokk vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Boden vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Pajala vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Haparanda vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Norrbotten County.png
Autor: Autor nie został podany w rozpoznawalny automatycznie sposób. Założono, że to Fred J (w oparciu o szablon praw autorskich)., Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
To be used on w:Norrbotten County
Norrbottens län vapenflagga.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Länsresidenset - sunset.jpg
Autor: Mirej, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
in the RAÄ buildings database.
Kiruna vapen.svg
Autor: Marmelad, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Övertorneå vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Piteå vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Suorvajaure in stora sjofallet park.jpg
Autor: Alexandre Buisse (Nattfodd), Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Suorvajaure from Vakkotavare, in Stora Sjöfallet Park, northern Sweden.
Luleå vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Arvidsjaur vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Överkalix vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Gällivare vapen.svg
Autor: Marmelad
, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.