
Olinowanie – system lin na jachcie lub innym statku żaglowym. Stanowi obok omasztowania i ożaglowania część takielunku.
Olinowanie dzieli się na dwa główne typu:
Olinowanie stałe to system lin służących do utrzymania w pionie i stabilizacji masztu, natomiast liny olinowania ruchomego wykorzystuje się do obsługi takielunku oraz innych elementów ruchomych na jachcie. Kiedyś istniała również kategoria olinowanie półstałe, do którego zaliczane były topenanty oraz baksztagi ze względu na to, że w niektórych przypadkach są one pracującymi linami regulowanymi podczas żeglugi.
- Franciszek Haber: Vademecum żeglarza i sternika jachtowego. Warszawa: WILGA, 2004, s. 22–24. ISBN 83-7375-197-1.
Media użyte na tej stronie
(c) Bastianow, CC BY-SA 4.0
A similar image en:Image:Bark.png by en:User:Halibutt existed on English Wikipedia. Its description follows: Contour of a typical barque Derivative work of a similar graphics from the Polish wiki
- Flying-jib stay
- Outer-jib stay
- Inner-jib stay
- Fore-topmast stay
- Fore-stay 6'.Jib-boom stay, Martingale stay
- Bobstay
- Martingale guys, Martingale back ropes
- Martingale boom, Martingale
- Flying martingale stay, Flying jib boom stay
- Jib foot rope
- Bowsprit shroud
- Flying-jib guy
- Bowsprit
- Outer-jib boom
- Flying-jib boom
- Crane for the anchors
- Capstan
- Lighthouse for the sidelights
- Anchor purchase
- Vangs for the crane
- Hawse holes, Hawse pipes
- Stem
- The bow
- Boat
- Forecastle
- Damper on the brace-booms
- Guys on the brace-booms
- Fore-mast
- Fore-rigging, Fore lower rigging
- Rigging screws
- Top backstay, Backstay for the Masthead
- Futtock shroud
- Fore-top
- Sling-chain for the Fore-yard
- Parral (parrel) on Fore-yard
- Fore-yard
- Horses
- Stirrups
- Yard-arm horses
- Fore-lifts
- Topmast
- Topmast futtock shroud
- Truss-hoop Futtock ring
- Fore-topmast crosstrees
- Outrigger
- Mast Gap
- Topmast shroud
- Fore-topgallant mast
- Fore-topgallant mast rigging
- Head funnel, Stop
- Fore-royal mast
- Fore-royal mast rigging
- Head, Funnel, Stop
- Pole
- Truck
- Fore lower topsail yard
- Fore upper topsail yard
- Fore topsail lifts
- Fore topgallant yard
- Fore topgallant lifts
- Fore-royal yard
- Fore-royal lifts
- Spur or Standard for Fore lower topsail yard
- Fore royal braces
- Fore topgallant brace pendants
- Fore topgallant braces
- Fore runner on Fore upper topsail braces
- Fore upper topsail brace pendants
- Burton on Fore upper topsail braces
- Fore runner on Fore lower topsail braces
- Fore lower topsail brace pendants
- Burtons on Fore lower topsail braces
- Fore brace pendants
- Lower Fore brace pendants
- Fore-braces
- Fore topmast backstays
- Fore topgallant backstays
- Fore royal backstays
- Sheer pole, Sheer batten
- Main-shroud
- Main-mast
- Main-parral (parrel)
- Sling-chain for the Main yard
- Main-futtock shroud
- Main-top
- Rigging screws on the topmast shroud
- Standard for Main lower topsail yard
- Head of the Main-mast
- Main-topmast shroud
- Main lower topsail parral (parrel)
- Main topmast
- Neclace, Trusshoop, Futtockring
- Topmast futtock shroud
- Brace blocks
- Main topmast crosstrees
- Topmast cap
- Main topgallant mast
- Main-topgallant mast rigging and Flead, Funnel, Stop
- Main-royal mast
- Main-royal mast rigging and Head, Funnel, Stop
- Royal mast pole
- Main truck
- Main-royal lifts
- Main-royal yard
- Main-topgallant lifts
- Main-topgallant yard
- Main upper topsail lifts
- Main upper topsail yard
- Main lower topsail yard
- Main-lifts
- Main-yard
- Main-stay
- Main topmast stay
- Main topgallant mast stay
- Main-royal mast stay
- Main-top backstay
- Main-topmast backstays
- Main-topgallant backstays
- Main-royal backstays
- Main-royal braces
- Main-royal brace pendants
- Main topgallant braces
- Fore runner on main upper topsail braces
- Main upper topsail brace pendants
- Main upper topsail braces
- Fore runner on main lower topsail braces
- Main lower topsail brace pendants
- Main lower topsail braces
- Main brace pendants
- Lower Main brace pendants
- Main braces
- Mizzen stay
- Mizzen-topmast stay
- Mizzen topgallant stay
- Mizzen-shroud
- Mizzen-mast
- Necklace, Trusshoop
- Mizzen futtock shroud
- Mizzen top, Mizzen crosstrees
- Mizzen cap
- Mizzen topmast
- Mizzen topmast shroud
- Brace blocks
- Topmast rigging and Head, Funnel
- Mizzen topgallant mast
- Topgallant mast rigging and Head, Funnel
- Mast pole
- Mizzen truck
- Mizzen topgallant backstay
- Mizzen topmast backstays
- Peak halliards
- Crowfoot on peak halyard
- Ensign halyard
- Vang pendants
- Vangs
- Mizzen gaff
- Mizzen throat
- Mizzen-boom lifts, Spanker-boom lifts
- Mizzen-boom; Spanker-boom
- Goose neck on Mizzen-boom
- Mizzen-sheet, Spanker-sheet
- Spanker-boom guys
- Rails
- Boat davits
- Boat cleats
- Life boats
- Boat tackles
- Guy between the davits
- Davit guy (aft)
- Davit guy (fore)