Pismo mandżurskie
Pismo mandżurskie (mandż. ᠮᠠᠨ᠋ᠵᡠ
ᡥᡝᡵᡤᡝᠨ Manju hergen) – system pisma oparty na dawnym piśmie mongolskim z dodatkiem znaków diakrytycznych, używany do zapisu (obecnie niemal wymarłego) języka mandżurskiego. Podobny alfabet jest obecnie używany przez lud Xibe, spokrewniony z Mandżurami. Zapisywany jest w pionowych kolumnach biegnących od lewej do prawej strony.
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This image can't have copyright.
The word "Manju" (Manchu) written in Manchu script. Manchu script uses Mongolian alphabets which form a top-to-down, left-to-right script. This image was created by myself using SimSun-18030 font and converted to SVG using Inkscape. The Unicode of this word is x182E x1820 x1828 x1835 x1860 (ᠮ ᠠ ᠨ ᠵ ᡠ, or ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ when character ligatures are used). Note: this is not Mongolian script, but Manchu. Both writing systems are derived from the Uighur script, which has now passed into disuse.
The Chinese character 書, in semi-cursive script. The meaning in English: "book", "writing", "calligraphy".
This file is used as the logo of WikiProject Writing systems on the English Wikipedia.