
Emblemat STS-55
Dane misji



Stany Zjednoczone NASA

Oznaczenie kodowe




Zdjęcie STS-55
Z przodu od lewej: Terence Henricks, Steven Nagel, Charles Precourt. Z tyłu od lewej: Bernard Harris, Hans Schlegel, Jerry Ross, Ulrich Walter

Steven Nagel

Miejsce startu

Stany Zjednoczone, KSC, LC39-A

Początek misji

26 kwietnia 1993, 14:50:00 UTC

Orbita okołoziemska

302 km

Miejsce lądowania

Edwards AFB, Pas startowy 22


6 maja 1993
14:29:59 UTC

Czas trwania misji

9 dni, 23 godz, 39 min, 59 sek[1]

Przebyta odległość

6 701 602 km[2]

Liczba okrążeń Ziemi


Program lotów wahadłowców

STS-55 (ang. Space Transportation System) – czternasta misja wahadłowca kosmicznego Columbia i pięćdziesiąta piąta programu lotów wahadłowców[3].



(liczba w nawiasie oznacza liczbę lotów odbytych przez każdego z astronautów)

Parametry misji


Cel misji

Misja naukowa z laboratorium Spacelab D-2[3].

Zobacz też


  1. NASA: Informacja o wynikach misji STS-55 (ang.). [dostęp 2010-08-31].
  2. a b c Mark Wade: STS-55 (ang.). W: Encyclopedia Astronautica [on-line]. [dostęp 2017-07-25].
  3. a b c Tomáš Přibyl: Dzień, w którym nie wróciła COLUMBIA. Bielsko-Biała: Wydawnictwo >DEBIT<, 2003, s. 167. ISBN 83-7167-224-1.

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Flag of the United States.svg
The flag of Navassa Island is simply the United States flag. It does not have a "local" flag or "unofficial" flag; it is an uninhabited island. The version with a profile view was based on Flags of the World and as a fictional design has no status warranting a place on any Wiki. It was made up by a random person with no connection to the island, it has never flown on the island, and it has never received any sort of recognition or validation by any authority. The person quoted on that page has no authority to bestow a flag, "unofficial" or otherwise, on the island.
Sts-55 crew.jpg
The seven astronauts included in the STS-55 crew portrait are: (front left to right) Terence (Tom) Henricks, pilot; Steven R. Nagel, commander; and Charles J. Precourt, mission specialist. On the back row, from left to right, are Bernard A. Harris, mission specialist; Hans Schlegel, payload specialist; Jerry L. Ross, mission specialist; and Ulrich Walter, payload specialist. The crew launched aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on April 26, 1993 at 10:50:00 am (EDT). The major payload was the German Dedicated Spacelab, D2.

STS-55 Mission Insignia

The official insignia of the STS-55 mission displays the Space Shuttle Columbia over an Earth-sky background. Depicted beneath the orbiter are the American and German flags flying together, representing the partnership of this laboratory mission. The two blue stars in the border bearing the crewmembers' names signify each of the backup (alternate) payload specialists -- Gerhard Thiele and Renate Brummer. The stars in the sky stand for each of the children of the crewmembers in symbolic representation of the space program's legacy to future generations. The rainbow symbolizes the hope for a brighter tomorrow because of the knowledge and technologies gained from this mission's multifaceted experiments. Each crewmember contributed to the design of the insignia.