
Data założenia1984
Państwo Wielka Brytania
Liczba samolotów7
Liczba tras5
Strona internetowa

ScotAirwaysszkockie linie lotnicze z siedzibą w Dundee. Obsługują połączenia regionalne po Wielkiej Brytanii. Głównym węzłem jest port lotniczy Dundee.

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Flag of England.svg
Flag of England. Saint George's cross (a red cross on a white background), used as the Flag of England, the Italian city of Genoa and various other places.
Ulster Banner.svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Flag of Northern Ireland (1953–1972).svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Scotairways G-BWIR Dundee airport.jpg
Autor: Oryginalnym przesyłającym był Dotonegroup z angielskiej Wikipedii, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0

This image was taken by Martin J.Galloway. Donated from the British Photo Encyclopedia Dotonegroup : talk.

en:ScotAirways en:Dornier 328 version 110, en:registration number G-BWIR, readies for en:takeoff at en:Dundee Airport, en:Tayside en:Region, en:Scotland.