Shot in the Dark

Shot in the Dark
Wideo zespołu Marillion
Gatunekrock neoprogresywny
WydawnictwoRacket Records
Album po albumie
albumy koncertowe

Shot in the Dark – płyta koncertowa Zodiac uwieczniona na filmie. Wydany jako VHS (2000) i DVD (2002).

Dane DVD

  • Video: 4:3 (selected extras 16:9), NTSC Only
  • Audio: Stereo Only
  • Region: 0 (Multi-Region)

Lista utworów/scen

  1. Rich
  2. Uninvited Guest
  3. Goodbye to All That
  4. Afraid of Sunlight
  5. Easter
  6. Deserve
  7. Beyond You (Acoustic)
  8. The Space (Acoustic)
  9. Sugar Mice (Acoustic)
  10. Answering Machine (Acoustic)
  11. Berlin
  12. Waiting to Happen
  13. Cathedral Wall
  14. Garden Party
  15. Abraham, Martin and John


  1. The Bell in the Sea
  2. The Great Escape
  3. Memory of Water
  4. King
  5. 80 Days (Acoustic)
  6. Blackbird (Acoustic)
  7. Cover My Eyes (Acoustic)
  8. Hey Jude (Acoustic)
  9. Rich (Rehearsal)
  10. EPK
  11. On-the-Road Out-Takes