
Värmlands län
region administracyjny
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Państwo Szwecja
Data powstania1779
Kod ISO 3166-2SE-S (SE-17)
Powierzchnia17 583 km²
Populacja (2014)
• liczba ludności

274 691
• gęstość15,6 os./km²
Adres urzędu:
Våxnäsgatan 10
Położenie na mapie Szwecji
Położenie na mapie
59°25′N 13°16′E/59,416667 13,266667
Strona internetowa
Portal Szwecja
Rezydencja landshövdinga regionu administracyjnego Värmland

Värmland (szw. Värmlands län) – jeden ze szwedzkich regionów administracyjnych (län). Siedzibą władz regionu (residensstad) jest Karlstad.


Region administracyjny Värmland jest położony w południowo-zachodniej części Svealand i obejmuje prowincję historyczną (landskap) Värmland oraz mniejsze fragmenty Dalsland i Dalarna.

Graniczy z regionami administracyjnymi Dalarna, Örebro i Västra Götaland, a także z terytorium Norwegii (okręgi Østfold, Akershus i Hedmark).


31 grudnia 2014 r. Värmland liczył 274 691 mieszkańców (12. pod względem zaludnienia z 21 regionów administracyjnych Szwecji), gęstość zaludnienia wynosiła 15,6 mieszkańców na km².

    Liczba mieszkańców regionu administracyjnego Värmland w latach 1795–2014[1][2].

Gminy i miejscowości


Region administracyjny Värmland jest podzielony na 16 gmin:

Värmland County.png

Uwagi: W nawiasie liczba mieszkańców; stan na dzień 31 grudnia 2014 r.[2]


10 największych miejscowości (tätort-er) regionu administracyjnego Värmland (2010)[3]:

#MiejscowośćGminaLiczba mieszkańców
1KarlstadKarlstad61 685
2KristinehamnKristinehamn17 839
3ArvikaArvika14 244
4SkoghallHammarö13 265
5SäffleSäffle8 991
6KilKil7 842
7ForshagaForshaga6 229
8FilipstadFilipstad6 022
9SkåreKarlstad5 402
10HagforsHagfors5 146


  1. Statistiska centralbyrån: Folkmängd i län 1749–2010 (szw.). [dostęp 2015-07-18].
  2. a b Statistiska centralbyrån: Folkmängd i riket, län och kommuner 31 december 2014 och befolkningsförändringar 2014 (szw.). [dostęp 2015-07-18].
  3. Statistiska centralbyrån: Befolkning och arealer (szw.). [dostęp 2015-07-18].

Linki zewnętrzne

Media użyte na tej stronie

Värmland vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Arvika vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Filipstad vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Värmland County.png
Autor: Autor nie został podany w rozpoznawalny automatycznie sposób. Założono, że to Fred J (w oparciu o szablon praw autorskich)., Licencja: CC BY 1.0
Storfors vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Residenset Karlstad3.JPG
Autor: Janee, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Residenset i Karlstad. Byggår 1869-71. Arkitekt: Johan Fredrik Åbom. Ombyggt 1921-23, arkitekt Bror Almqvist.
Hammarö vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Sunne vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Karlstad vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Årjäng vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Grums vapen.svg
Autor: Marmelad
, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Tiskaretjärn 1.jpg
Autor: Zejo, Licencja: CC0
Naturreservatet Tiskaretjärn i Sunne kommun.
Autor: Lokal_Profil, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
Map Swedish Counties, Värmland.
Torsby vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Eda vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Forshaga vapen.svg
Autor: Marmelad
, Licencja: CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Munkfors vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Säffle vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Kil municipal arms.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Hagfors vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Autor: EnDumEn, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. The design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.