Wybory parlamentarne na Jamajce w 2016 roku
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Państwo | ![]() | |
Rodzaj | wybory parlamentarne | |
Data przeprowadzenia | 25 lutego 2016 | |
poprzednie: 2011 | następne: 2020 |
Wybory parlamentarne na Jamajce w 2016 roku – miały miejsce 25 lutego. Ze względu na system dwupartyjny głównymi konkurentami były rządząca Ludowa Partia Narodowa i opozycyjna Jamajska Partia Pracy. Zakończyły się zwycięstwem Jamajskiej Partii Pracy, jednak przewagą tylko jednego miejsca. Jest to najmniejsza przewaga partii rządzącej nad opozycyjną w historii tego państwa[1].
System wyborczy
Wybrano 63 członków Izby Reprezentantów w jednomandatowych okręgach wyborczych i według zasad ordynacji większościowej[2]. Zgodnie z ustawą The Representation of The People Act, kandydatem w wyborach mógł zostać każdy wyborca, który ukończył 21 lat, a łosować mógł każdy obywatel powyżej 18 roku życia[3]. Aby znaleźć się na liście wyborczej, kandydat na kandydata musiał uzyskać 10 podpisów różnych osób uprawnionych do głosowania i należących do tego samego okręgu wyborczego[4].
Zarejestrowano 152 kandydatów. Partia rządząca - Ludowa Partia Narodowa - i parlamentarna partia opozycyjna - Jamajska Partia Pracy - wystawiły kandydatów we wszystkich 63 okręgach. Narodowy Ruch Demokratyczny wystawił kandydatów w 8 okręgach, Ludowa Partia Postępowa Marcusa Garvey'a w 7, a Ludowa Partia Postępowa w 2. Kandydowało też 9 kandydatów niezależnych[5].
Komisja wyborcza ogłosiła oficjalne wyniki 2 marca. Uprawnionych do głosowania było 1 824 410 osób, a oddano 870 663 głosów ważnych[5]. Oznacza to, że frekwencja wyborcza wynosiła 47,72% i była najniższa w historii kraju[6].
Wyniki według partii politycznych
Nazwa partii | Liczba głosów | % | Zdobyte miejsca |
Jamajska Partia Pracy | 43 6459 | 50,13 | 32 |
Ludowa Partia Narodowa | 43 2353 | 49,66 | 31 |
Kandydaci niezależni | 1 149 | 0,13 | 0 |
Ludowa Partia Postępowa Marcusa Garvey'a | 285 | 0,03 | 0 |
Narodowy Ruch Demokratyczny | 243 | 0,03 | 0 |
Ludowa Partia Postępowa | 92 | 0,01 | 0 |
Razem | 870 663 | 100 | 63 |
Źródło: Jamaica Elections |
Wyniki według okręgów wyborczych
Nazwa okręgu | Frekwencja | Kandydat | Wynik | ||
Imię i nazwisko | Partia | Głosy | % | ||
Kingston Western | 50.18% | Desmond McKenzie | JLP | 9329 | 83.79% |
Joseph Witter | PNP | 1593 | 14.31% | ||
Deborah Golding | Niezrzeszony | 183 | 1.64% | ||
Arlington Seaton | MGPPP | 29 | 0.26% | ||
Kingston Central | 43.30% | Ronald Thwaites | PNP | 5182 | 56.30% |
Robert Chin | JLP | 3960 | 43.02% | ||
Ansel Lee | MGPPP | 62 | 0.67% | ||
Kingston East and Port Royal | 38.48% | Phillip Paulwell | PNP | 7843 | 82.50% |
Headley Wilson | JLP | 1664 | 17.50% | ||
St. Andrew west rural | 46.81% | Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn | JLP | 9742 | 56.45% |
Paul Buchanan | PNP | 7517 | 43.55% | ||
St. Andrew western | 40.09% | George Hylton | PNP | 8745 | 63.04% |
Trevor Webb | JLP | 5127 | 36.96% | ||
St. Andrew west central | 51.30% | Andrew Holness | JLP | 8625 | 57.47% |
Patrick Roberts | PNP | 6384 | 42.53% | ||
St. Andrew east central | 38.87% | Peter Phillips | PNP | 6941 | 59.25% |
Beverly Prince | JLP | 4774 | 40.75% | ||
St. Andrew south western | 46.58% | Portia Simpson-Miller | PNP | 10822 | 93.92% |
Victor Hyde | JLP | 700 | 6.08% | ||
St. Andrew southern | 47.19% | Omar Davies | PNP | 9431 | 88.51% |
Dennis Messias | JLP | 1224 | 11.49% | ||
St. Andrew south eastern | 46.25% | Julian Robinson | PNP | 5881 | 60.31% |
Charlton Collie | JLP | 3835 | 39.33% | ||
Horace Matthews | MGPPP | 35 | 0.36% | ||
St. Andrew west eastern | 54.23% | Fayval Williams | JLP | 7140 | 50.56% |
Andre Hylton | PNP | 6983 | 49.44% | ||
St. Andrew north eastern | 48.63% | Delroy Chuck | JLP | 5771 | 62.03% |
Lisa-Ann Edwards | PNP | 3476 | 37.36% | ||
Terrence Lindo | NDM | 56 | 0.60% | ||
St. Andrew north central | 47.72% | Karl Samuda | JLP | 6863 | 63.00% |
Jacqueline Taylor-O'Gilvie | PNP | 4030 | 37.00% | ||
St. Andrew north western | 40.33% | Derrick Smith | JLP | 7031 | 60.05% |
Donovan Isaacs | PNP | 4609 | 39.37% | ||
Michael Greenland | PPP | 39 | 0.33% | ||
Rosemarie Higgins-Campbell | NDM | 29 | 0.25% | ||
St. Andrew east rural | 53.62% | Juliet Holness | JLP | 10172 | 51.76% |
Imani Duncan-Price | PNP | 9482 | 48.24% | ||
St. Andrew north western | 39.53% | Robert Pickersgill | PNP | 6928 | 53.17% |
Newton Amos | JLP | 6072 | 46.60% | ||
Gene Guthrie | Niezrzeszony | 31 | 0.24% | ||
St. Andrew south western | 54.57% | Everald Warmington | JLP | 11417 | 56.88% |
Rudyard Mears | PNP | 8601 | 42.85% | ||
Upton Blake | PPP | 53 | 0.26% | ||
St. Catherine southern | 41.83% | Fitz Jackson | PNP | 8748 | 58.32% |
Welton Shettlewood | JLP | 6252 | 41.68% | ||
St. Catherine cenral | 40.39% | Olivia Grange | JLP | 9296 | 80.67% |
Norris Grant | PNP | 2228 | 19.33% | ||
St. Catherine south eastern | 41.21% | Colin Fagan | PNP | 7478 | 51.20% |
Keith Blake | JLP | 7083 | 48.50% | ||
Curtis Campbell | NDM | 44 | 0.30% | ||
St. Catherine north central | 43.48% | Natalie Neita-Headley | PNP | 6829 | 55.22% |
Kerensia Morrison | JLP | 5497 | 44.45% | ||
Garth Barnett | MGPPP | 40 | 0.32% | ||
Lloyd Smith | NDM | 0 | 0.00% | ||
St. Catherine west central | 47.59% | Christopher Tufton | JLP | 8437 | 64.15% |
Clinton Clarke | PNP | 4716 | 35.85% | ||
St. Catherine north eastern | 50.85% | Leslie Campbell | JLP | 5887 | 50.52% |
Phyllis Mitchell | PNP | 5766 | 49.48% | ||
St. Catherine eastern | 43.54% | Denise Daley | PNP | 8001 | 59.85% |
Dwight Peccoo | JLP | 5368 | 40.15% | ||
St. Catherine south central | 42.84% | Andrew Wheatley | JLP | 8247 | 73.60% |
Courtney Spence | PNP | 2958 | 26.40% | ||
St. Catherine east central | 47.68% | Alando Terrelonge | JLP | 6214 | 52.00% |
Arnaldo Brown | PNP | 5735 | 48.00% | ||
St. Thomas western | 49.38% | James Robertson | JLP | 9590 | 50.88% |
Marsha Francis | PNP | 9209 | 48.85% | ||
Robert Cover | MGPPP | 51 | 0.27% | ||
St. Thomas eastern | 52.39% | Fenton Ferguson | PNP | 8854 | 55.00% |
Delano Seiveright | JLP | 7243 | 45.00% | ||
Portland eastern | 43.58% | Lynvale Bloomfield | PNP | 8580 | 57.24% |
Derron Wood | JLP | 6345 | 42.33% | ||
Dennis Minott | Niezrzeszony | 64 | 0.43% | ||
Portland western | 59.97% | Daryl Vaz | JLP | 7478 | 55.74% |
Vernon Hemmings | PNP | 5937 | 44.26% | ||
St. Mary south eastern | 59.12% | Norman Dunn | JLP | 7311 | 50.44% |
Winston Green | PNP | 7184 | 49.56% | ||
St. Mary central | 54.47% | Morais Guy | PNP | 7995 | 56.38% |
Jason James | JLP | 6185 | 43.62% | ||
St. Mary western | 55.86% | Robert Montague | JLP | 11663 | 58.86% |
Jolyan Silvera | PNP | 8120 | 40.98% | ||
Paul Ward | Niezrzeszony | 33 | 0.17% | ||
St. Ann south eastern | 47.64% | Lisa Hanna | PNP | 8056 | 62.09% |
Ivan Anderson | JLP | 4919 | 37.91% | ||
St. Ann north eastern | 47.71% | Shahine Robinson | JLP | 10669 | 57.77% |
Desmond Gilmore | PNP | 7799 | 42.23% | ||
St. Ann north western | 47.69% | Dayton Campbell | PNP | 8449 | 51.06% |
Othneil Lawrence | JLP | 8084 | 48.86% | ||
Graham McDonnough,Jr | NDM | 13 | 0.08% | ||
St. Ann south western | 55.27% | Zavia Mayne | JLP | 6992 | 50.43% |
Keith Walford | PNP | 6872 | 49.57% | ||
Trelawny northern | 51.74% | Victor Wright | PNP | 9635 | 51.45% |
Dennis Meadows | JLP | 9091 | 48.55% | ||
Trelawny southern | 57.86% | Marisa Dalrymple-Philibert | JLP | 6632 | 59.43% |
Lloyd Gillings | PNP | 4528 | 40.57% | ||
St. James east central | 38.58% | Edmund Bartlett | JLP | 7421 | 58.16% |
Noel Donaldson | PNP | 5339 | 41.84% | ||
St. James north western | 38.58% | Horace Chang | JLP | 6868 | 65.02% |
Anthony Henry | PNP | 3695 | 34.98% | ||
St. James central | 42.25% | Heroy Clarke | JLP | 6884 | 58.17% |
Ashley-Ann Foster | PNP | 4951 | 41.83% | ||
St. James west central | 44.26% | Marlene Malahoo-Forte | JLP | 6589 | 55.19% |
Sharon Ffolkes-Abrahams | PNP | 5310 | 44.48% | ||
Clifford Barnett | MGPPP | 39 | 0.33% | ||
St. James southern | 47.96% | Derrick Kellier | PNP | 6236 | 50.01% |
Homer Davis | JLP | 6164 | 49.43% | ||
Ras-Astor Black | NDM | 40 | 0.32% | ||
Joseph Hilton | MGPPP | 29 | 0.23% | ||
Hanover eastern | 52.55% | Dave Hume-Brown | JLP | 6388 | 51.47% |
Wynter McIntosh | PNP | 6023 | 48.53% | ||
Hanover western | 39.94% | Ian Hayles | PNP | 6813 | 55.87% |
Brian Wallace | JLP | 5355 | 43.92% | ||
Leonard Sharpe | NDM | 26 | 0.21% | ||
Clarendon north western | 58.43% | Richard Azan | PNP | 8072 | 52.22% |
Michael Stern | JLP | 7387 | 47.78% | ||
Clarendon northern | 58.58% | Horace Dalley | PNP | 7029 | 52.63% |
Caswell Pinnock | JLP | 6292 | 47.11% | ||
Eton Williams | NDM | 35 | 0.26% | ||
Clarendon north central | 54.05% | Pearnel Charles | JLP | 6256 | 52.21% |
Desmond Brennan | PNP | 5727 | 47.79% | ||
Clarendon central | 37.54% | Michael Henry | JLP | 7869 | 69.96% |
Norma-Lue Lindsay | PNP | 3379 | 30.04% | ||
Clarendon south western | 48.26% | Noel Arscott | PNP | 7257 | 56.06% |
Kent Gammon | JLP | 5687 | 43.94% | ||
Clarendon south eastern | 48.76% | Rudyard Spencer | JLP | 10045 | 52.54% |
Patricia Sutherland | PNP | 9074 | 47.46% | ||
Manchester southern | 50.15% | Michael Stewart | PNP | 8414 | 53.76% |
Hidran McKulsky | JLP | 7238 | 46.24% | ||
Manchester central | 47.86% | Peter Bunting | PNP | 9407 | 53.13% |
St-Aubyn Bartlett | JLP | 8300 | 46.87% | ||
Manchester north western | 49.99% | Mikael Phillips | PNP | 7682 | 56.95% |
Omar Frith | JLP | 5807 | 43.05% | ||
Manchester north eastern | 57.48% | Audley Shaw | JLP | 8873 | 54.98% |
Valenton Wint | PNP | 7267 | 45.02% | ||
St. Elizabeth north western | 49.68% | William Hutchinson | JLP | 5866 | 54.22% |
Daren Powell | PNP | 4952 | 45.78% | ||
St. Elizabeth north eastern | 46.23% | Evon Redman | PNP | 7726 | 52.53% |
Saphire longmore | JLP | 6206 | 42.19% | ||
Delroy Slowley | Niezrzeszony | 695 | 4.72% | ||
Joseph Patterson | Niezrzeszony | 82 | 0.56% | ||
St. Elizabeth south western | 58.77% | Floyd Green | JLP | 9901 | 55.78% |
Hugh Buchanan | PNP | 7813 | 44.02% | ||
Mervyn Wint | Niezrzeszony | 35 | 0.20% | ||
St. Elizabeth south eastern | 60.73% | Franklyn Witter | JLP | 9211 | 50.80% |
Richard Parchment | PNP | 8920 | 49.20% | ||
Westmoreland western | 35.52% | Wykeham McNeil | PNP | 6625 | 56.08% |
Dixeth Palmer | JLP | 5189 | 43.92% | ||
Westmoreland central | 45.22% | Dwayne Vaz | PNP | 10023 | 53.00% |
George Wright | JLP | 8844 | 46.77% | ||
Toraino Beckford | Niezrzeszony | 43 | 0.23% | ||
Westmoreland eastern | 38.27% | Luther Buchanan | PNP | 6494 | 62.15% |
Andrea Walters | JLP | 3890 | 37.23% | ||
Haile Mika'el | Niezrzeszony | 65 | 0.62% | ||
Źródło: Jamaica Elections |
- ↑ PM, JLP, political ombudsman remind J’cans that recount is normal process - News, Jamaica Observer [dostęp 2016-03-10] .
- ↑ Inter-Parliamentary Union , IPU PARLINE database: JAMAICA (House of Representatives), Electoral system, www.ipu.org [dostęp 2016-03-10] .
- ↑ The Representation of The People Act, 28 lutego 2016 [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2016-10-12] .
- ↑ Nomination Day: How Does It Work?, diGJamaica Blog [dostęp 2016-03-10] (ang.).
- ↑ a b Jamaica Gleaner Jamaica Elections 2016, jamaica-elections.com [dostęp 2016-03-10] .
- ↑ Low voter turnout should concern Jamaicans – Bruce Golding - News, Jamaica Observer [dostęp 2016-03-12] (ang.).
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Autor: Mirrorme22, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Results of the Jamaican general election, 2016 by constituency.
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Portia Simpson Miller Photo from my Shoot