Wyspa Auckland

Zdjęcie archipelagu z promu kosmicznego Endeavour (misja STS-89), wyspa Auckland w centrum
Państwo Nowa Zelandia
AkwenOcean Spokojny
ArchipelagWyspy Auckland
Powierzchnia510 km²
Najwyższy punktCavern Peak, 650 m n.p.m.
• liczba ludności

Położenie na mapie Oceanu Spokojnego
Mapa konturowa Oceanu Spokojnego, na dole nieco na lewo znajduje się punkt z opisem „Auckland”
Ziemia50°41′24″S 166°04′48″E/-50,690000 166,080000

Wyspa Auckland (ang. Auckland Island, maori Motu Maha) – główna wyspa archipelagu Wysp Auckland leżącego na Pacyfiku, a będącego częścią Nowej Zelandii. Jak wszystkie wyspy tej grupy jest niezamieszkana. Charakteryzuje się górzystą powulkaniczną budową. Jej powierzchnia to 510 km², ma 42 km długości. Najwyższe wzniesienie to Cavern Peak – 650 m.

Krajobraz wyspy; kanał Carnley Harbour oddziela wyspę Auckland od wyspy Adams (po prawej)

Media użyte na tej stronie

Pacific Ocean laea relief location map.jpg
Autor: Uwe Dedering, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Relief location map of Pacific_Ocean.
  • Projection: Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection.
  • Area of interest:
  • N: 60.0° N
  • S: −80.0° N
  • W: −260.0° E
  • E: −70.0° E
  • Projection center:
  • NS: −10.0° N
  • WE: −165.0° E
  • GMT projection: -JA-165.0/-10.0/180/19.998266666666666c
  • GMT region: -R-320.2519138145009/-12.459450078533589/-5.473602099069988/26.40516525873812r
  • GMT region for grdcut: -R-325.0/-90.0/-5.0/74.0r
  • Relief: SRTM30plus.
  • Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @ naturalearthdata.com.
Flag of New Zealand.svg
Flag of New Zealand. Specification: http://www.mch.govt.nz/nzflag/description.html , quoting New Zealand Gazette, 27 June 1902.
Dark Green 004040 pog.svg
Autor: One Salient Oversight, Licencja: CC0
modded File:Blue pog.svg
Auckland Islands - STS089-743-5.jpg

STS089-743-5 Auckland Islands, New Zealand January 1998.

The barren, mountainous landscape of the Auckland Islands can be seen in this spectacular west-looking view. The uninhabited Auckland Islands are 290 miles (461 km) south of South Island, New Zealand in the southern Pacific Ocean. The total area of the islands is 234 square miles (377 square km). Auckland Island is the largest of the group and is 27 miles (44 km) long and 15 miles (24 km) wide. Mountains on the island rise up to over 2000 feet (610 meters) above sea level. The islands have several good harbors especially the one at Port Ross, which is situated at the northern tip of the island and is considered to be one of the best natural harbors in the world. The government of New Zealand maintains a depot on Auckland Island with supplies for shipwrecked sailors. During the STS-89 mission (1/29/98) there was a report of about 700 rare New Zealand seal lion pups found dead on the beaches of Dundas Island in the Auckland Island group. As of this this writing, results of autopsies conducted by biologists of the New Zealand Department of Conservation are not yet known. The animals had not been caught in nets or injured by trawlers; possible causes of death include a virus, bacteria, or a toxic algae bloom.
Auckland Island with Carnley Harbour and Adams Island - Looking East. Auckland Islands, New Zealand