Znaki lotnictwa wojskowego

Znak lotnictwa wojskowego – to graficzny symbol przynależności państwowej statku powietrznego. Jako pierwsza wprowadziła go Francja podczas I wojny światowej.

Polskim znakiem lotnictwa wojskowego od 1918 r. jest „szachownica

Znaki narodowych sił powietrznych

Historyczne oznaczenia wojskowe

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Media użyte na tej stronie

Roundel of France.svg
Roundel of the French Air Force.
Roundel of Germany – Type 1 – Border.svg
Roundel of the German Air Force.
RAF roundel.svg
Royal Air Force Roundel
Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg
Roundel of the Polish Air Force (1921–1993).
Roundel of Poland (1921–1993).svg
Roundel of the Polish Air Force (1921–1993).
Red star.svg
A red star. 1922-1943. Used as a symbol of communism in some occasions. The symbol can also represent socialism. Also seen on Soviet aircraft.
Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg
Roundel of the Soviet Air Forces, Air Defence Forces, and Naval Aviation (1945–1991).
Roundel of the Latvian Air Force until 1940 border.svg
Roundel of the Latvian Air Force as used 1926-1940 (earlier there was used a mirrored image). Thin black border was not a part of roundel, but was drawn for better visibility.
Note, that this sign was adopted long before Nazi swastika and has no connection with Nazis.
Roundel of Cambodia (1970–1975).svg
Aircraft roundel used by Cambodia from 1970 to 1975
Roundel of Togo.svg
Roundel of the Togolese Air Force.
Roundel of Pakistan.svg
Roundel of the Pakistan Air Force.
Honduran Air Force insignia.svg
Honduran Air Force insignia
Roundel of Montenegro (2006-2018).svg
Roundel of the Montenegrin Air Force (2006–2018).
Roundel of Angola.svg
Roundel of the Angolan Air Force.
Roundel of Turkmenistan.svg
Roundel of the Air Force of Turkmenistan.
Roundel of Katanga (1960–1963).svg
Autor: Groteddy, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Identification of Katanga's aircraft.
Roundel of Sri Lanka (1951–2010).svg
Roundel of the Sri Lanka Air Force (1951–2010).
Roundel of the Royal Air Force of Oman.svg
Ta ^specifik^ z W3C grafika wektorowa została stworzona za pomocą Inkscape .
Roundel of Papua New Guinea.svg
Roundel of the Papua New Guinean Air Force.
Roundel of Hungary.svg
Roundel of the Hungarian Air Force (The Hungarian tricolor with a white border).
Roundel of Congo 1970.svg
Aircraft roundel used by the Republic of Congo from 1970 to 1990
Roundel of Poland.svg
Roundel of the Polish Air Force.
Roundel of Russia.svg
Roundel of the Russian Air Force.
Albanian Air Force Roundel Pre-1958.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Albanian Air Force Roundel Pre-1958
Roundel of Saudi Arabia.svg
Roundel of the Royal Saudi Air Force
Manchukuo Air Transport Company Roundel.svg
Manchukuo Air Transport Company Roundel
Roundel of Mali – Type 2.svg
Roundel of the Malian Air Force.
Roundel of Bahrain.svg
Roundel of the Royal Bahraini Air Force.
Fin Flash of Oman.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Oman Air Force Roundel
Roundel of the Maldives.svg
Roundel of the Maldivian Air Force.
Roundel of Israel.svg
Roundel of the Israeli Air Force.
Spanish Civil War nationalist roundel.svg
Spanish Civil War nationalist air force roundel.
Chinese Air Force Roundel 1920-1921.svg
Image made by en:User:R-41 of the Chinese air force roundel from 1920 to 1921. Based off of image at http://www.geocities.com/cwlam2000hk/part1.htm
Egyptian Air Force roundel (1945-1958).svg
roundel of the Royal Egyptian Air Force used from 1945 to 1952, and of the Egyptian Air Force from 1952 to 1958.
Note: dimensions may be inaccurate. I did best job at figuring out positions of objects in the image.
Roundel of Mauritania.svg
Roundel of the Mauritanian Islamic Air Force.
Roundel of Bulgaria.svg
Roundel of the Bulgarian Air Force.
Roundel of Bosnian Serbia.svg
Aircraft roundel used currently by the Republika Srpska
Malte ancienne identification des aéronefs.svg
Autor: Groteddy, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Old identification of Malta's aircraft.
Roundel of Hungary (1942–1945).svg
Roundel of the Royal Hungarian Air Force between March 12, 1942 - 1945.
Roundel of Peru.svg
Roundel of the Peruvian Air Force.
Roundel of Iraq.svg
Roundel of the Iraqi Air Force (1931–2004; 2019–present).
Roundel of Serbia.svg
Roundel of the Serbian Air Force.
Roundel of Kuwait.svg
Roundel of the Kuwaiti Air Force.
Fin Flash of Cambodia (1989–1992).svg
Aircraft fin flash used by Cambodia from 1989 to 1994
Zaire Air Force Roundel.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Zaire Air Force Roundel
Roundel of Guinea-Bissau.svg
Roundel of the Bissau-Guinean Air Force.
Roundel of Algeria.svg
Roundel of the Algerian Air Force.
Roundel of Colombia (1927-1953).svg
Roundel of the Colombian Air Force before 1953
Roundel of Ireland.svg
Irish Air Corps roundel.
Roundel of El Salvador.svg
Roundel of the Salvadoran Air Force.
Roundel of Ethiopia (1946-1974).svg
Roundel of Imperial Ethiopian Air Force (1946-74)
Nationalist air force black roundel with arrows.svg
SVG Version of the Spanish Nationalist Air Force Black Roundel with Arrows by Maurice27
Roundel of Belgium.svg
Roundel of the Belgian Air Force.
Roundel of Rhodesia (1947–1953).svg
Roundel of the Rhodesian Air Force (1947–1953).
Roundel of the Royal Thai Air Force (1941-1945).svg
Roundel of the Royal Thai Air Force (1941-1945)

In December 1941, after the occupation of Thailand by Japan (after Thailand formally joined with the Axis powers), the RTAF changed the roundel again to avoid confusion with the British RAF roundel. The "running Elephant" is a version of the former Flag of Siam before the November 28 1917.

The RTN (Royal Thai Navy), however insisted on still using the 1919 roundel throughout the war.
Roundel of Malawi.svg
Roundel of the Malawian Air Force.
Roundel of Japan.svg
Roundel of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.
Roundels of Republika Srpska.svg
Roundels of the Serbian Republic
Roundel of Venezuela.svg
Roundel of the Venezuelan Air Force.
German Empire air force inisgnia.svg
Autor: FOX 52, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
German Empire air force inisgnia
Autor: Allegheny1453, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Another variation of the Taliban Air Force Roundel
Roundel of Seychelles.svg
Autor: Weegaweek, Licencja: CC0
a roundel reprisenting Seychelles
Roundel of Romania (1947–1985).svg
Autor: Hierakares, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Roundel of the Romanian Air Force during Warsaw Pact times
Roundel of Norway.svg
Royal Norwegian Air Force roundel.
New roundel of Ethiopia.svg
New roundel of the Ethiopian Air Force.
Roundel of the Netherlands.svg
Netherlands Air Force roundel with black border (not part of the roundel!)
Roundel of North Korea.svg
Roundel of the Korean People's Army Air Force (KPAF).
Roundel of the modern Nicaraguan Air Force and the former Sandinista Air Force.
Free French Air Forces Roundel.svg
Free France Air Forces Roundel, during WW2
Seychelles Coast Guard Aviation Insigna.svg
Seychelles Coast Guard Aviation Insigna
Roundel of Albania.svg
Roundel of the Albanian Air Force.
Roundel of Argentina.svg
Roundel of the Argentine Air Force.
Soyombo yellow.svg
Soyombo - tradycyjny ornament mongolski. W kolorze żółtym używany jako znak rozpoznawczy Sił Powietrznych Mongolii.
Roundel of South Sudan.svg
Autor: Skjoldbro, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Roundel of the South Sudanese Air Force
Roundel of the Netherlands WW1.svg
roundel of the Dutch Air Force 1914-1921
Roundel of Canada - Low Visibility.svg
Roundel of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Roundel of Luxembourg.svg
Roundel of Luxembourg
Low-visibility Roundel of the RAF - With information from the RAF website
Roundel of Laos.svg
Roundel of the Lao People's Liberation Army Air Force.
Roundel of Guatemala.svg
Roundel of the Guatemalan Air Force.
National Emblem of the Republic of China.svg
The national emblem of the Republic of China (ROC). Slightly different from Party Emblem of Kuomintang.
Roundel of Kenya.svg
Roundel of the Kenya Air Force.
Roundel of Brazil - Naval Aviation.svg
Brazilian Navy Aviation roundel
Roundel of Madagascar.svg
Roundel of the Malagasy Air Force.
Roundel of Croatia.svg
Roundel of the Croatian Air Force.
Roundel of Botswana.svg
Roundel of the Botswana Defence Force Air Wing.
wing roundel of the Règia Aeronautica (upper right wing/under left wing)
Roundel of the North Yemen Air Force.svg
Autor: Oryginalnym przesyłającym był R-41 z angielskiej Wikipedii, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Cocarde du Yémen du Nord.
Roundel of the North Yemen Air Force based on image at cocardes.monde and the similar pan-Arab roundel of the en:Syrian Air Force for scale of objects in image.
Military aircraft insignia of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.svg
Military aircraft insignia of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
Roundel of Spanish Republican Air force.svg
Roundel of Spanish Republican Air Force for wings and fuselage.
Liberian Air force roundel.svg
Roundel of the Liberian Air Force.
Roundel of Jordan.svg
Roundel of the Royal Jordanian Air Force.
Roundel of Nigeria.svg
Roundel of the Nigerian Air Force.
Coat of Arms of Slovakia.svg
Coat of arms of Slovakia
Roundel of Bangladesh.svg
Roundel of the Bangladesh Air Force.
Roundel of Yugoslavia 1992-2003.svg
Roundel of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Air Force since 1992 till 2003 and
keeping the same insignia Roundel of Serbia and Montenegro Air Frorce since 2003 till 2006
Roundel of Angola (1975-1980).svg
Roundel of the National Air Force of Angola (1975-1980).
Bophuthatswana Air Force Insignia.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Roundel of Rwanda.svg
Roundel of the Rwandan Air Force.
Afghan National Army emblem.svg
Afghan National Army emblem.
Roundel of Cuba.svg
Roundel of the Cuban Air Force.
Roundel of Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard Roundel
Roundel of Haiti (1942–1964).svg
Roundel of the Haitian Air Force (1942–1964).
ROKAF Roundel 1950s-2000s.svg
Znak rozpoznawczy Sił Powietrznych Korei Południowej. W użyciu od lat 50. XXw. Wycofany w I dekadzie XXIw.
Free Libyan Air Force roundel.svg
Free Libyan Air Force insignia
Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force.svg
Roundel used on military aircraft of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force from 1929 to 1941
Roundel of Nicaragua (1962–1979; fuselage).svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Nicaragua Air Force roundel
Roundel of Italy.svg
Roundel of the Italian Air Force.
Roundel of Lithuania.svg
Lithuanian Air force military aircraft insignia. Introduced 04-06-2013 LR MOD Order Nr. V-600
Roundel of Bulgaria (1946-1992).svg
Bulgarian Air Force roundel (1948 - 1992).
Roundel of Mexico.svg
Autor: Slady, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Mexican Defence Force roundel
vector version of deleted Mexican Air Force roundel.png
NATO OTAN Insignia.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
NATO OTAN Insignia
Roundel of Tunisia.svg
Roundel of the Tunisian Air Force.
South African Air Force trial roundel (1920-1921).svg
Trial roundel of the South African Air Force (circa 1920–1921).
Roundel of Niger.svg
Roundel of the Nigerien Air Force.
Roundel of Kazakhstan.svg
Znak rozpoznawczy Sił Powietrznych Kazachstanu.
Roundel of Indonesia (1946–1949).svg
Roundel of the Indonesian Air Force (1946–1949).
Roundel of the Croatian Air Force 1941.svg
Roundel and fin flash of the Air Force of the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1944).
Roundel of Benin (1975-1990).svg
Roundel of the Beninese Air Force (1975–1990).
Roundel of the Romanian Air Force (1941-1944).svg
Autor: Hierakares, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Roundel of the Romanian Air Force 1941-44, based on the German Balkenkreuz
Roundel of Cameroon.svg
Roundel of the Cameroonian Air Force.
Roundel of Djibouti.svg
Roundel of the Djiboutian Air Force.
Roundel of Iran.svg
Roundel of the Iranian Air Force.
Roundel of Libya (1969–1977).svg
Roundel of the Libyan Air Force (1969–1977).
Roundel of Algeria 1962.svg
Aircraft roundel used by Algeria from 1962 to 1964
Roundel of Libya (1962–1969).svg
Roundel of the Libyan Air Force (1962–1969).
Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana Air Force roundel.svg
Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana: roundel.
Roundel of Uganda - Type 1.svg
Roundel of the Ugandan Air Force
Roundel of Turkey (1923–1972).svg
Roundel of the Turkish Air Force (1923–1972).
Roundel of the Afghan Air Force (1983-1992).svg
Aircraft roundel used by Afghanistan from 1983 to 1992
Tonga Air Force Marking.svg
Tonga Defence Services Air Wing aircraft marking
Roundel of Suriname.svg
Roundel of the Surinamese Air Force.
Roundel of Cuba (1955-1959).svg
Autor: , Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Old roundel identifying aircraft of Cuba: 1955-1959. .[1]
Roundel of Royal Lao Air Force.svg


Mr A1, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Roundel of Royal Lao Air Force
Roundel of Thailand.svg
Roundel of the Royal Thai Air Force.
Roundel of Malaysia.svg
Roundel of the Royal Malaysian Air Force.
Roundel of the Central African Republic.svg
Roundel of the Air Force of the Central African Republic.
Roundel of Côte d'Ivoire.svg
Roundel of the Ivorian Air Force.
Brazilian Air Force WW2 roundel.svg
Brazilian Expeditionary Force in Italy Air force in World War II
Roundel of the Royal Canadian Air Force (1946-1965).svg
Autor: F l a n k e r, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
roundel adopted by Royal Canadian Air Force, from 1946 to 1965.
Lithuanian Air Force Roundel 1920-1921.svg
Lithuanian Air force military aircraft insignia from 17 November 1920 to 12 April 1921
Roundel of Yemen.svg
Roundel of the Yemeni Air Force.
Roundel of South Vietnam (1956–1975).svg
Roundel of the South Vietnamese Air Force (1956–1975).
Portuguese WW1 roundel.svg
Historic roundel of the Portuguese Air Force.
Roundel of Senegal.svg
Roundel of the Senegalese Air Force
Roundel of the Republic of China-Nanjing 1940-1945.svg
Roundel of the Republic of China-Nanjing 1940-1945.
Roundel of Moldova.svg
Ta ^specifik^ z W3C grafika wektorowa została stworzona za pomocą Inkscape .
South Arabian Air Force Roundel.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
South Arabian Air Force Roundel
Roundel of Paraguay.svg
Roundel of the Paraguayan Air Force.
Roundel of Bolivia.svg
Roundel of the Bolivian Air Force.
Roundel of SFR Yugoslavia Air Force.svg
Cocarde de la Yougoslavie.
Roundel of the Air Force of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia created by en:User:R-41.
Dimensions may be incorrect but done as best as possible, anyone can correct these if necessary.
Dubaï. roundel aircraft.svg
Autor: Groteddy, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Identification of Dubaï's aircraft.
Roundel of Syria (1963–1972).svg
Roundel of the Syrian Air Force (1963–1972).
Roundel of Abkhazia - Type 3.svg
Roundel of the Abkhazian Air Force.
Roundel of South Africa.svg
Roundel of the South African Air Force.
Roundel of Somalia.svg
Roundel of the Somali Air Force.
Roundel of Benin.svg
Roundel of the Beninese Air Force (1960–1975; 1990–present).
Roundel of Montenegro.svg
Roundel of the Montegenrin Air Force.

(enacted 30/08/2018)
RAF type A1 roundel.svg
Roundel of the Royal Air Force in type A1 proportions. Was used on aircraft of the United Kingdom and most British Commonwealth allies during the first half of World War Two. Yellow surround is to provide contrast with camouflage finish and was omitted when roundel used over light colours. The white ring was sometimes painted over on aircraft operating at night.
Roundel of Finland.svg
Roundel of the Finnish Air Force.
Roundel otto.JPG
Autor: Snipersnoop, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Roundel of the Ottoman Air Force (1909-1918)
Roundel of Singapore (1968–1973).svg
Roundel of the Republic of Singapore Air Force 1968-1973.
Roundel brunei.svg
The roundel of the airforce of Brunei
USAAF roundel 1943.svg
Roundel used by US armed forces from 28 June 1943 to 31 July 1943 when objections over the use of red in the outline resulted in an official order to change the outline to blue.
Roundel of Burkina Faso.svg
Roundel of the Burkinabé Air Force.
Finnish air force roundel 1934-1945 border.svg
Aircraft insignia of Finnish Air Force from the 20 of March 1934. According to the colour table in the book "Sotamaalaus, Suomen ilmavoimien historia 23" by Kalevi Keskinen and Kari Stenman (ISBN 951-98751-6-6), the right colour for the blue swastika is Federal Standard 595 FS15123. The colour of the swastika was defined by a order IV BA 2 issued by the FAF 20/03/1934. Order defined also the proportions of the insignia.
Royal Yemen roundel (1957).svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Royal Yemen Roundel (1957)
Roundel of Burundi.svg
Roundel of the Burundian Air Force.
Roundel of Nicaragua (1942–1979; wings).svg
Roundel of the former Nicaraguan National Guard.
Roundel of Sweden (1927–1937) – Type 1.svg
Autor: Hierakares, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Roundel of the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet) 1927-37
Roundel of China.svg
Roundel of the People's Liberation Army Air Force.
Roundel of Kyrgyzstan.svg
Roundel of the Kyrgyz Air Force.
Imperial Russian Aviation Roundel.svg
Imperial Russian Aviation Roundel during the World War I
Roundel of Latvia.svg
Roundel of the Latvian Air Force.
Roundel of Nepal.svg
Autor: Luigi Chiesa, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Roundel of the Royal Nepal Army Air Service.
Roundel of Eritrea.svg
Roundel of the Eritrean Air Force.
Roundel of Romania.svg
Roundel of the Romanian Air Force and Romanaian military vehicles.
Roundel of Australia 1942.svg
Aircraft roundel used by Australia from 1942 to 1946
Roundel of Russia (1991–2010).svg
Roundel of the Russian Air Force (1991–2010).
Roundel of Syria (1948–1958; 1961–1963).svg
Roundel of the Syrian Air Force (1948–1958; 1961–1963).
Roundel of Rhodesia (1953–1963).svg
Roundel of the Rhodesian Air Force (1953–1963).
Royal Egyptian Air Force roundel (1939-1945).svg
roundel of the Royal Egyptian Air Force used from 1939 to 1945.
Roundel of Spain.svg
Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.
Roundel of Libya (1977–2011).svg
Roundel of the Libyan Air Force (1977–2011): wings and fuselage.
Roundel of Namibia.svg
(c) User:Hellerick, CC BY-SA 3.0
Знак ВВС Намибии
Roundel of Rhodesia (1964–1970).svg
Roundel of the Rhodesian Air Force (1964–1970).
Roundel of the French Fleet Air Arm.svg
Roundel of the French Naval Aviation.
Coat of arms of Croatia.svg
Coat of arms of the Republic of Croatia
Roundel of Canada.svg
Roundel of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Roundel of Slovenia.svg
Roundel of the Slovenian Air Force.
Roundel of South Vietnam (1951–1956).svg
Roundel of the South Vietnamese Air Force (1951–1956).
Roundel of Guinea.svg
Roundel of the Guinean Air Force.
Roundel of Zambia.svg
Roundel of the Zambian Air Force.
Croatian roundel WW2.svg
Croatian aircraft marking, World War Two
Roundel of Ecuador.svg
Roundel of the Ecuadorian Air Force.
Roundel of Afghanistan (1992-2002).svg
Roundel of Afghan Air Force from 1992 to 2002
Royal Brunei Air Force emblem.svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Royal Brunei Air Force emblem
Roundel of Cambodia.svg
Roundel of the Royal Cambodian Air Force.
Roundel of the Afghan Air Force (1948-1979).svg
Afghan Hawa-e Ourdou (Afghan Air Force) roundel.
Roundel of Australia.svg
Roundel of the Royal Australian Air Force.
US roundel 1942-1943.svg
Roundel used by US armed forces from 6 May 1942 to 28 June 1943 when white bars and a red outline were added as the result of studies which showed that shape was more important than color from a distance.
Roundel of Uzbekistan.svg
Roundel of the Uzbek Air Force.
Roundel of Indonesia.svg
The roundel of the Indonesian Air Force
Roundel of Czechoslovakia 1918-1920.svg
Roundel of the Czechoslovak Air Force (1918–1920).
Roundel of Bulgaria (1937-1941).svg
Bulgarian Royal Air Force roundel (1938 - 1941).
Roundel of Bulgaria (1941–1944).svg
Roundel of the Bulgarian Air Force (1941–1944).
Roundel of Panama.svg
Roundel of the Panamanian Air Force.
Roundel of Azerbaijan.svg
Roundel of the Azerbaijani Air Force.
US roundel 1943-1947.svg
Autor: NiD.29, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Roundel used by all US armed forces from 31 July 1943 to 14 January 1947, replacing roundel having red outline, or no outline, but with white bars, and was replaced some nine months before the USAF was formed, by roundel having a single lengthwise red bar inset in white bars (bisecting them), giving the insignia the trio of red-white-red stripes evocative of the non-canton areas of the Flag of the United States.
Roundel of Georgia.svg
Roundel of the Georgian Air Force.
Roundel of South Africa (1947-1958).svg
Roundel of the South African Air Force used from 1947 through 1957
Roundel of the Congolese Air Force.svg
Roundel of the Congolese Air Force (Republic of the Congo) (1960–1970; 1991–present).
Roundel of Portugal.svg
Roundel of the Portuguese Air Force.
Roundel of the United Arab Emirates.svg
Roundel of the United Arab Emirates Air Force.
Roundel comores.svg
Autor: ZoWhat, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Roundel of the airforce of the Commores
Roundel of Lebanon.svg
Roundel of the Lebanese Air Force.
Roundel of Belarus.svg
Roundel of the Belarusian Air Force.
Roundel of Haiti Air force 1989.svg
Roundel of the Haitian Air Force (1986–1994).
Roundel of Singapore (1973–1990).svg
Roundel of the Republic of Singapore Air Force 1973-1990. The August 2009 versions were created from scratch based on "The Aircraft Encyclopedia" by Roy Braybrook (ISBN 0-671-55337-2).
FOTW webpage
Chinese Roundel 1916-1920.svg
Image made by User:R-41 Roundel of the Chinese air force from 1916 to 1920. Based on image at http://www.geocities.com/cwlam2000hk/part1.htm.
Manchukuo Air Force Roundel.svg
Roundel of the Manchukuo Air Force
Roundel of Malta.svg
Roundel of Malta
Roundel of Egypt.svg
Roundel of the Egyptian Air Force.
Roundel of Chad.svg
Roundel of the Chadian Air Force.
Roundel of Haiti (1964–1986).svg
Roundel of the Haitian Air Force (1964–1986).
Roundel of Ukraine.svg
Roundel of the Ukrainian Air Force.
Roundel of Guyana.svg
Roundel of the Guyanese Air Force
Roundel of South Africa (1927-1947).svg
The roundel of the South African Air Force used from 1927 until 1947.
Slovak roundel WW2.svg
Slovak Axis Aircraft markings 1941-45
Roundel of Slovak Insurgent (1944).svg
From late August to October of 1944, the aircraft of the so-called Kombinovana letka of the insurgents carried this variation of the pre-war roundel. Note the different orientation and distribution of the colours. The outline could sometimes be white.
Tanzania roundel 2010.svg
Roundel of the Tanzanian Air Force.
US Army Air Roundel.svg
Bell, Dana (1995) Air Force Colors Volume 1 1926-1942, Carrollton: Squadron Signal Publications ISBN: 0-89747-316-7.

according to Section Color of MIL-STD-2161A (AS), the colors of this insignia are established as FED-STD-595 red 11136 white 17925 blue 15044. The visualization of the colors comes from http://www.colorserver.net/showcolor.asp?fs=11136+17925+)

Elliot, John M. (1989) The Official Monogram US Navy & Marine Corps Aircraft Color Guide Vol 2 1940-1949, Sturbridge, MA: Monogram Aviation Publications ISBN: 0-914144-32-4.
Roundel of India.svg
Roundel of the Indian Air Force.
Roundel of Transnistria.svg
Roundel of the Transnistrian Air Force.
Roundel of the Royal Moroccan Air Force.svg
Roundel of the Royal Moroccan Air Force.
Roundel of Burkina Faso (1964–1984).svg
Roundel of the Burkinabé Air Force (1964–1984). During this time period the country was named Upper Volta.
Ouganda ancienne identification des aéronefs.svg
Autor: Groteddy, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Old identification of Uganda's aircraft.
Roundel of Angola (1980-2011).svg
Roundel of the National Air Force of Angola (1980-2011).
Insignia of the German Armed Forces in WWII.
Roundel of Mongolia (1949-1992).svg
Znak rozpoznawczy Sił Powietrznych Mongolskiej Republiki Ludowej. Prawdopodobnie nadal w użyciu.
Roundel of Afghanistan (1937–1947).svg
Roundel of the Afghan Air Force (1937–1947).
Roundel of Afghanistan (1978–1980).svg
Autor: Jetijones, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Afghanistan Air Force Roundel
Roundel of Ghana.svg
Roundel of the Ghanaian Air Force (1957–1964; 1966–present).
Roundel of Turkey.svg
Roundel of the Turkish Air Force.
Netherlands roundel WW2.svg
Aircraft Roundel of the Dutch Air Force used in World War II beside the modern roundel used until today (see below).
Roundel of Sudan (1956–1970).svg
Roundel of the Sudanese Air Force (1956–1970).
Roundel of Jamaica.svg
Roundel of the Jamaican Air Force.
United Arab Emirates roundel Pre 1970.svg
Autor: FOX 52, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
United Arab Emirates roundel Pre 1970
Roundel of Chile.svg
Roundel of the Chilean Air Force.
Roundel of Colombia.svg
Roundel of the Colombian Air Force.
Lithuanian Air Force Roundel 1919-1920.svg
Lithuanian Air force military aircraft insignia from 1 March 1919 to 17 November 1920
Roundel of Brazil.svg
Roundel of the Brazilian Air Force.
Venda Defence Force roundel.svg
Autor: FOX 52, Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0
Venda Defence Force roundel
Roundel of Syria.svg
Roundel of the Syrian Air Force (1958–1961; 1980–present).
Roundel of Mozambique.svg
Roundel of the Mozambique Air Force. Introduction date unclear, most likely 2019.
Roundel of Sri Lanka.svg
Roundel of the Sri Lanka Air Force.
Roundel of Afghanistan Air Force (1924-1929).svg
Ta ^specifik^ z W3C grafika wektorowa została stworzona za pomocą Inkscape.
Roundel of Armenia.svg
Roundel of the Armenian Air Force.
Roundel of Rhodesia (1970–1980).svg
Roundel of the Rhodesian Air Force (1970–1979).
Roundel of Sudan.svg
Roundel of the Sudanese Air Force.
RAF Far East Command roundel.svg
Roundel of the Royal Air Force in type B proportions and SEAC colours. Was used in India where red was replaced to avoid being misidentified as Japanese Hinomaru.
Roundel of Estonia.svg
Roundel of the Estonian Air Force.
Roundel of the USAF.svg
Roundel of the United States Air Force and aircraft operated by the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps
Roundel of Uruguay.svg
Roundel of the Uruguayan Air Force.
Roundel of Australia - Low Visibility.svg
Roundel of the Royal Australian Air Force.
RNZAF roundel 1943-46.svg
Autor: Emt147, Licencja: CC BY 2.5
RNZAF roundel 1943-1946
Roundel of Zimbabwe.svg
Roundel of the Zimbabwean Air Force.
Roundel of the Bahamas.svg
Roundel of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Air Wing.
Roundel of Tanzania.svg
Roundel of the Tanzanian Air Force
USAAC Roundel 1919-1941.svg
Roundel used by the United States armed forces from 19 August 1919 to 6 May 1942 until red dot removed to avoid confusion with Japanese insignia. Superseded very similar roundel whose colors and proportions differed slightly - the original version having the colors from the US flag, and a center dot 1/3 of the outer radius. This version has a center dot constrained by the inner vertices of the star, a size that does not translate into an even fraction.
Roundel of the Air Section of the Costa Rica Ministry of Public Security.svg
roundel of the Air Section of the Costa Rica Ministry of Public Security, Sección Aérea del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública.
Autor: Groteddy, Licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0
Identification of Barbados's aircraft
Roundel of Mauritius.svg
Roundel of the Mauritian Coast Guard.
Roundel of Bhutan.svg
Roundel of the Royal Bhutan Army Air Wing
RAF type C1 roundel.svg
Roundel of the Royal Air Force in type C1 proportions. Was used on the fuselage of aircraft with camouflaged finishes, and also on upper surface of the wings.
Roundel of Denmark.svg
Roundel of the Royal Danish Air Force.

Also used by Army (until 1 lipca 2003) and Navy (until 1 stycznia 2011).
Roundel of Biafra (1967–1970).svg
Roundel of the Biafran Air Force (1967–1970).
Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg
Roundel of the Air Force of the Dominican Republic.
Sign of Slovenian Army.svg
Autor: MORS, Licencja: CC BY 3.0
Sign of Slovenian Army.
Roundel of the Philippines.svg
Autor: Zscout370, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Roundel of the Philippines Air Force
Mozambique air force roundel.svg
Mozambique Air Force roundel
Roundel of Gabon.svg
Roundel of the Gabonaise Air Force.
Roundel of the Royal Malaysian Air Force 1963-1982.svg
Roundel of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (1963-1982).
Roundel of Myanmar.svg
Roundel of the Myanmar Air Force
Roundel of Abkhazia - Type 1.svg
Roundel of the Abkhazian Air Force.
Roundel of Qatar.svg
Roundel of the Qatar Emiri Air Force.
Roundel of the Czech Republic.svg
Roundel of the Czech Air Force.
Roundel of North Macedonia.svg
Roundel of the North Macedonian Air Force.
South Yemen Roundel.svg
Cocarde du Yémen du Sud.
Roundel of the former air force of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) based on image of roundel found on cocardes.monde.online
Roundel of New Zealand.svg
Autor: Aotearoa, Licencja: Copyrighted free use
Roundel of the Royal New Zealand Air Force
Roundel of Greece.svg
Roundel of the Greek Air Force.
Roundel of South Korea.svg

Roundel of the Republic of Korea Air Force

Sample of use at the Airliners.net
Roundel of Sierra Leone.svg
Roundel of the Sierra Leonean Air Force.
Roundel of Bulgaria (1944–1946).svg
Bulgarian Air Force roundel (1944 - 1946).
Roundel of Switzerland (1914–1946).svg
Roundel of Swiss Air Force 1914-1946
Roundel of Ireland (1939–1954).svg
Roundel of the Irish Air Corps (1939–1954).
Roundel of Portugal – Low Visibility.svg
Roundel of the Portuguese Air Force.
Roundel of Sweden.svg
Autor: slady, Licencja: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Insigna of the Swedish Air Force, Flygvapnet.