Кёнигсбергский Кафедральный собор Калининград.

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The oldest Cathedral Church in königsberg was built by Bishop Siegfried Samland, between the years 1297-1302 in the area between the rivers Pregel and Leba. Already in 20-ies of the XIV century it was small for a Cathedral, through the initiative of Bishop Johann in the North-Eastern corner of the area Kneiphof was the construction of a new Cathedral. As a documentary Foundation date of the Cathedral, was adopted on 13 September 1333, when the Comptroller of Luther agreed to the continuation of construction, but in fact it was started before. The new Cathedral was dedicated, judging by the chronicle of 1335, Vysokoosnaschennoe the body of Jesus Christ and chronicle the year 1421, the virgin Mary, All saints and St. albert. In 1523, the Cathedral hosted the first in königsberg Evangelical preaching Johann Brisman. In 1528, the Cathedral became the property of district of Kneiphof. As the Cathedral of East Prussia, he served as the burial place of the most prominent representatives of the higher secular and spiritual hierarchies, gentle nobility. In the Cathedral there were more than hundred gravestones and epitaphs, placed inside and outside the building. They were made at different times and at different artistic levels. The first burial dates to 1335: the grave of the founder of the Cathedral, Grand master of the Teutonic order of Luther von Braunschweig. The last burial— presumably to 1809 — stillborn son of Prince William and his wife Marianne, Princess of Hesse-Hamburg. Here were buried the great masters of the Teutonic order, the bishops Samland, including prominent dignitaries of the order and the Grand Duchy of königsberg University Professor, members of their families. In 1588, the Northern part of the altar based Professor's burial. At the North-Eastern corner of the Cathedral on 28 February 1804, buried by the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant. In 1924, in connection with the 200th anniversary from the day of his birth, Koenigsberg architect Friedrich Lars on the grave was erected a portico, preserved to the present time. Tombstone and portico made the Konigsberg company Otto Pehta.

Currently on the South side adjacent to the Cathedral site, the so-called "Bishop's square", there is the grave and tombstone of Julius Rupp (1809-1884), the founder of the "Free Catholic-Evangelical community", leader of the democratic movement of 40-ies of the XIX century, member of the Prussian Parliament in 1849-1862., native grandfather of the famous revolutionary artist K. Kollwitz. Many students J. Rupp became active social Democrats. In the North tower of the Cathedral in 1650 Chancellor Martin von Wallenrodt founded vallenrod's library. It consisted of about 10 thousand volumes, and occupied one room. In this library were manuscripts focused on the history of Prussia and of noble families. In 1591 built all the chancel and made a new altar, the decoration of which was done by the artist Lucas Cranach the of Wittenberge. In 1721 the Cathedral was erected a large organ, and in 1888 he was replaced by M. Terletskii. In 1833, in connection with the 500th anniversary, the entire Cathedral was renovated. Over the centuries, the Cathedral burned down several times and rebuilt. During the Second world war in 1941-1945 he had been badly damaged by flying British aircraft, as well as fires. The interior was not preserved, and the stone tombs and slabs with epitaphs have been preserved only partially.

Despite significant damage, the former Cathedral is among the most oldest monuments of religious architecture and has great architectural and historical value. The Cathedral is a building of Basilica type, with three aisles and a nave altar. To the West of the Cathedral culminates in a unique for the North German typical Gothic part of the tower, consisting of multi-faceted South tower, North tower and deck of the porch between the towers. During its long history the Cathedral was repeatedly rebuilt and repaired. In the postwar years, the Cathedral continued to deteriorate and its technical condition has steadily deteriorated. In 1981— 1984 years was made part of the conservation works that helped preserve the ruins of the Cathedral.

Since 1994 the firm "Cathedral" started work on the restoration of the Cathedral.
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