1890 Bismarcks Ruecktritt

Punch, 29 marca 1890
540 x 786 Pixel (199412 Bytes)
Dropping the Pilot. Cartoon by Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), first published in the British magazine Punch, 29 March 1890. Showing German Emperor Wilhelm II and former Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who had resigned two weeks earlier. The reference to Bismarck as a "pilot" comes from an earlier cartoon from the Puck magazine from Saint Louis, Missouri. For that magazine, the cartoonist Joseph Keppler made one titled "The Champion Pilot of the age", featuring Bismarck on a ship, having brought it out to the high seas. In the background, the cartoonist depicted the French ship of state in distress. This symbolized Bismarck’s accomplishment of forming the German Kaiserreich by means of the Franco-Prussian War. [source: Satire on Stone: The Political Cartoons of Joseph Keppler].
Public domain

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