1911 Solvay conference

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Photograph of participants of the first Solvay Conference, in 1911, Brussels, Belgium.
Seated (L-R): Walther Nernst, Marcel Brillouin, Ernest Solvay (he wasn't present when the above group photo was taken; his portrait was crudely pasted on before the picture was released), Hendrik Lorentz, Emil Warburg, Jean Baptiste Perrin, Wilhelm Wien, Marie Skłodowska-Curie, and Henri Poincaré.
Standing (L-R): Robert Goldschmidt, Max Planck, Heinrich Rubens, Arnold Sommerfeld, Frederick Lindemann, Maurice de Broglie, Martin Knudsen, Friedrich Hasenöhrl, Georges Hostelet, Edouard Herzen, James Hopwood Jeans, Ernest Rutherford, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Albert Einstein, and Paul Langevin.
Public domain

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