1934 Chrysler Airflow (31629260612)

Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA
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6000 x 4000 Pixel (8159232 Bytes)

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  Or here for my Car Crazy Tumblr site.  

Back on November 4th, Hemming's Blog posted an article about the closing of the Walter P. Chrysler Museum . I had missed a couple other opportunities with the WPC Club and others to get into the museum, after it had closed to the public. I did not want to regret missing this last chance to see all of the vehicles before being spread out to other facilities. I trekked from Western Minnesota to Eastern Michigan during Winter Storm Decima. I missed the worst parts of the storm, but still had to endure the aftermath winds, sub zero temperatures and a lake effect snow storm.

The trip was difficult, but well worth it. I got to see several Chrysler Corporation concept and show cars that I had only seen pictures of before. There were several clever interactive displays demonstrating various innovations over the years.

Since it was the last chance, I duplicated several shots using different camera settings to see what produced better results. I wish I had invested in a strobe light diffuser for all of those indoor pictures. I have not had much experience or success in the past with indoor car images.
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Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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